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Spicy Sunday, September 9th

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    Spicy Sunday, September 9th

    Good Morning Mods,

    Hope all of you are doing well today. Thanks so much to all of you who are being so supportive about my health issues. You are so wonderful!!!

    Amethyst, my hubby has been a home based businessman for almost 8 years. He is so messy, I can not even tell you what I felt like some days coming home from work. I thought is was a clean kitchen when I left.

    Congratulations to all of you who feel like shooting your husbands and hold back . . . see you really do have a lot of control!! :H

    Lushy, I hope you had a great time at soccer. I love to watch them so active and involved in sports.

    Chrysa, congrats on your hubby's contract. I do not know about Vioxx, they did take my MIL OFF of one of those kinds of pills. I will check in with her and find out which one.

    Beaches that is such great news on the website and I am sorry he scared you all so much the other day. I know you are very, very strong and I am impressed.

    BB, hope you enjoy your decorator tomorrow.

    It is a cloudy cool day here in NM and since we bought a batch of chiles, I am cooking some green chile chicken stew for dinner. You know the smells of autumn and having a pot of soup/stew on the stove top? Aaah.

    Love to all,

    Spicy Sunday, September 9th

    Good Morning, MKR you take such good care of us, I just love that about you. Giant wasp nest problem now had to call an exterminator yesterday and I still see wasps, they are very aggresive ten stings total between him and my other half yesterday.

    Be back later, Football games and parties today.


      Spicy Sunday, September 9th

      Ahh Sammy, that is awful!!! Have fun at football. Be a good moderator.

      Mary, I want your recipe when you have time please. Or maybe post in the recipe corner.

      My daughter's team won yesterday. She played better than in years past which was nice to see. It is nice fall day here and so like Mary I am going to make some comfort food. Going to make pot roast. Now don't any of you macrobiotic people get on my case about that please.

      Hope all the rest of you are having a nice weekend!!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Spicy Sunday, September 9th

        Hello everyone. What a nice thread today everyone sounds really good. It's just comforting coming here and checking in

        Mary glad you have not given in to beating or killing your hubbie either, ha. Thanks for always making it so nice here.

        Lushy that's so cool your daughter did well yesterday. Enjoy your day today. I love Fall weather.

        Sammy I hate wasps! Glad you are getting to the game! Penn State won yesterday so I am happy.

        Have a wonderful day my friends.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

