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I think I've got it !

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    I think I've got it !

    Very good point Pebbles that moderation is very different for everyone and how they approach it. I think one thing is common for all of us moderators though. That is that we aim to be drunk free.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      I think I've got it !

      Beaches - that's so true - my aims are to be Drunkfree and not to drink on a daily basis. Fairly simple when written down, but a bu88er to follow sometimes though !!!

      Hi Ding Dong - you sound so like me, when I start to think about cutting out/down I immediately start to think about parties/functions/work dos/ etc etc way into the now I don't. I just deal with today. It's just a Tuesday. Nothing is happening and I mean NOTHING, so I don't need a drink. It's a plan.

      Thank you for reading.



        I think I've got it !

        It's funny isn't it? I can lie to my partner and my family, my work colleagues and friends without turning a hair about my drinking...but I can't lie to you guys.

        Yesterday I was all set for an abs evening, then I don't know what happened, I just had to have a drink. I only had one and then didn't even think about another...but I feel half sad that I couldn't stick to my plan and half OK that it was only one and I've been so "good" recently that it was a reward.

        Note to self - find another "reward" for being good!

        More Kuzdu arrived today, so mindful of the boobilcious thread in general...I'm off to take half the pot!



          I think I've got it !

          One drink is good Pebbles because you didn't over do it and you knew to stop. You woke up feeling great without a hangover. Now today you get back on track with your goals. I have learned not to resonate on yesterday and just move forward with today. BTW I feel great today too. I got a lot done last night and actually have been on a good path here for awhile. It's a great feeling.
          Take Care!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            I think I've got it !

            So glad you're in a good place too Beaches.

            Read your post about not taking on too much due to the triggers and have to agree it's important to know yourself and do what's right for you and your family and especially your son not for everyone else - there's only so much you can do in a day!

            I am now sleeping SO well ! From 10.30 through the night to 7.30am. It's helping that our little boy is now also sleeping through too, but I'm not now getting the 4 hour "bounce" i.e 4 hours after going to sleep after drinking, you bounce out of sleep and lie wide awake, anxious, heart racing, guilty, sick and can't go back to sleep for ages. People think it's insomnia but it's like an allergy - to alcohol.

            Conversely, most of us think we can't sleep without a drink, I used to take so many sleep aids before bed in case I couldn't sleep. Now I don't take anything and when I don't drink , I sleep the best I have in years !



              I think I've got it !

              and reelaaaaxxxx.....

              what a week.....

              had a party for our 4 year old plus housewarming for our new house

              Fortunately the weather was OK and everybody stayed outside (apart from the Dads who slunk inside to watch Rugby). The Lightning McQueen bouncy castle was worth every penny and so was the climbing frame from ebay !

              Managed my drinking OK, by being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy !

              Have got an issue though... I love MWO so much, but if I log on in the morning, I don't get anything else done all morning till I go and pick up the, if I don't log on, I don't catch up with everyone! I can't not read everything !

              What does everyone else do ?



                I think I've got it !

                I spend half the day here and half the day running around like a mad woman ...........


                  I think I've got it !

                  I come on very early in the morning for about 20 min to half an hour pop in and out throughout the rest of the day until the kids go to bed. Then I come back and try to catch up again. Somedays I find more time than others. The weekends are tough for me to get on at all until everyone is in bed.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    I think I've got it !

                    Hi pebbles,
                    Glad you are in such a great frame of mind.

                    The time issue is a biggie. I used to be so hooked on MWO that whole days would disappear. I would even set the alarm clock but ignore it to read just that last post and just the next and...

                    But now that I have this new job it swallows up all my time and I can only grab precious moments on here. But then I only have chance for a quick check so I check on the people I know best.

                    The main drawback is that having caught up with some and not others and not read newbie posts it's then difficult to write because I feel that I am not responding " properly" as I used to do.

                    I think that you have hit a happy medium on this thread; it's easy to spot when you post an update on your progress. On a purely selfish note that's great for me cos it's quick and easy to catch up with you.

                    Lots of love Waves:l
                    Enough is enough

