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Tuesday September 11th

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    Tuesday September 11th

    Good morning everyone

    A busy day for me. Taking my son to an appt to see an Autism Specialist. Hopefully to get some good ideas about what to do at school. We are moving full steam ahead with fundraising for our service dog which is turning out to be pretty cool. Working on the AUtism program at work and just got recruited to be in a training session where we learn to be parent advocates for other families (that lasts about 8 weeks). I think I need to slow down because I am feeling a little overwhelmed, everything is just happening all at once...all good things just a lot of things. My house is a disaster...I need a cleaning service. grr

    Take a minute and remember all the people and families impacted by the events of 9/11 today.

    Have a good one
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Tuesday September 11th

    Good morning Beaches & Everyone,
    Good good work Beaches. You are amazing.
    Sunday I went to church & then 2 social gatherings - a brunch & later a cajun shrimp boil that our priest did for som eof us. I t was a wonderful day & Ilearned that I really really need to get out & be with people & not rely on the boards for my pathetic social life & friendship. It felt so normal & healthy.
    Monday had business trip. Did spend a few minutes in subscriber chat last evening. It was fun.
    Have a good day everyone. This may be an af day for me. I have a sore throat, due either to air cond or sinus.
    Oh I have been playing the stream overlay subliminal cd at tnight & relly sleeping well. Also I have a subliminal pc program I will tell you about.


      Tuesday September 11th

      Morning y'all! Beaches and Chrysa, you're up early Beaches, you sound like SuperMom-able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! I'm glad things are going well. Chrysa, getting together with people is great, isn't it-especially in a setting where there is no drinking. Is your pc subliminal program from Think Right Now? I have that one. Interesting stuff.

      I had 2 glasses of wine last night-yeah! I am working towards an AF stretch for the next several weeks, but am going to get there slowly. Hope everyone else has a great day, and feels productive. Sending hugs:l
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        Tuesday September 11th

        LauraLynn, I just read through yesterday's posts, and saw yours. I didn't make it over here yesterday. I just posted the same sort of thing for my Saturday post-I was spending the day cleaning. Yes, it does make me feel like having some wine- I once painted my bedroom while drinking wine all afternoon But it turned out just great! But the suggestions we have received about finding a wine free reward, and getting smaller bits done during the week-babysteps are sound and solid. Have you looked at Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home It is free, and very effective for many people.I have been working her program for a while, and it gererally works. I have to spend a Saturday every now and then when the precceding weeks have been crazy, but overall, it does help. Good luck!:l
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          Tuesday September 11th

          Hi AME,
          That is what I really enjoyed-- there was plenty of corona & white wine (Epsicopaleans always drink at parties) but I sure did not feellkie getting drunk or even high, just relaxed, drank a little & enjoyed.

          my program is simply from Youcan write yourown msgs. I'll check out yours. Thx


            Tuesday September 11th

            Glad everyone is doing well this morning! I did 2 miles this morning and lifted weights last night so I am literally pumped for the day. I have some work to get done here in the office and then I have to take one of my sons to the doctor. I am on the one month countdown until I go on my cruise in Europe so I am getting really excited. It is a luxury cruise and one night is a black tie dinner. We finish the trip with 3 days in Monte Carlo. This is going to be a great boost for my marriage. I may even buy lingere.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              Tuesday September 11th

              WOW everyone sounds so positivetoday!!!!

              PP go buy the lingerie......

              Beaches, make sure that you take care of yourself too ....

              Chrysa and ametgyst, those links look really good.....

              I've had a hectic day at work today, Mum and Dad go away next week (yes, again!!!) So i'm in charge and we are having a VAT assessment by the inland revenue AAAAAggghhhhhh

              Love & Hugs,BB xx


                Tuesday September 11th

                Afternoon ladies, sounds like everyone here is really busy. Has anyone heard from St. Jude yet????



                  Tuesday September 11th

                  Hi all,

                  Just getting a chance to log on. Thank you for all the support and suggestions. I do need to break my housework up. I am a big reader and that is what I like to do in the evenings when most of the daily stuff is done. I will have to be a little more organized and put off the book until a chore or two gets done.

                  PP, a cruise sounds so nice. Monte Carlo, how romantic!

                  Betty, in answer to yesterday's question, my hubby is a drinker, so yes there is always some booze in my house. I have to ignore it, that is the best I can do.

                  Beaches, Super Mom Mode! Get out the cape and tights. I'm right there with you. Soccer practice, School work, My buddies on the PTA keep tricking me into volunteering. My oldest starts guitar lessons at school this week. I think it will be good for his fine motor skills. He is real excited. I now have to get a borrowed guitar restrung and get a case for it, but it will be worth it.

                  Amethyst, I will look into that site. I could use the help.

                  chrysa, I hope you feel better.

                  Sammy and everyone to come, have a good day. It's a AF one for me.

                  Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                    Tuesday September 11th

                    The evolution of faith, usually spanning millions of years, typically looks like this...

                    Not believing in "the Universe."

                    Believing in "the Universe," but secretly doubting it, too.

                    Fearing "the Universe," but secretly loving it, too.

                    Loving "the Universe," but secretly fearing it, too.

                    Realizing that "the Universe" was you, all along.
                    Yours truly,


                    Hey all,

                    YES SUPER MOM's to the rescue!! Enjoy it now even when it overwhelms you b/c it seems to gone in a flash. Learning to say NO is not a bad thing either. . . if you really will hate doing whatever and don't feel like it . . just say no to volunteer jobs. You'll put plenty of time in anyway just not to the point of questioning your sanity!

                    Beaches, you are doing such a great job with your son!!

                    Laura, wow, we have had this discussion a few times. Awfully hard to get your head wrapped around all of this with a husband standing there ready to pull the rug out from under you. I wish I had some really great advice to offer. Possibly taking Friday evening and starting some of the jobs? delegating some more of them? promising yourself, two full drinks Sunday evening after everything is done? Not before dinner on a Sunday could provide a break of that habit? I understand it is not totally a habit either, it is a reward. Any other things you love like chocolate or ice cream, something decadent that you can have midway through the Sunday chores? Has the sugar (sorry) but it has the treat aspect of it but no alcohol to slow you down.
                    I wish it was easier sweetie and I really feel for you.

                    I took my youngest for a few years to guitar lessons. He is pretty darn good and I know he finds it a great way to relax now that he is in graduate school.

                    PP, WOW what a wonderful trip!! Yes, go buy some lovely lingerie . . . does any man ever get tired of garters, stockings and heals that BB owns a ton of ?!!!

                    Chrysa, glad you are getting out some. Feels good huh? Maybe you weren't for awhile until you got super comfortable with your mods program.

                    Amethyst, slowly but surely wins the race!

                    Sammys, great to see you here . . . never did tell us the rest of the wasp story.

                    Off to go celebrate a girlfriend's birthday this evening. Have another one whose birthday is Friday and another on Saturday. I think I better stick to one or none while out with them all.

                    Hope everyone here and all to come have a great day!

                    Hugs and love to all,

