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Sunday September 23rd

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    Sunday September 23rd

    Hi all, hope that today finds you all well ......

    I've just moved into the office for a 10 day stint as mum and dad are away again :upset: I have routes to plan for 5 lorries and customers to call tonight and then open the office at 6am ............ It's not fun doing the work of 3 people!!!! but at least I can visit here all the time while i'm at my desk .....

    Love & Hugs to you all ......

    Sunday September 23rd

    Geez, kinda quiet around here today.

    BB- I can relate to doing the job of 3 people... it feels like that for me @ work a lot. Last night torture!:upset:

    Waiting tables while you're bleeding & cramping is SOOO over- rated...
    I'm feeling "homicidal" today. Been saying the Serenity Prayer all day.

    I'm really wracking my brain lately, thinking I've gotta find something else to do for employment. I used to enjoy the service industry... but it seems the older I get, the less I have the patience for it. Maybe it's just the end of the summer blues It's been so damn busy.

    Sorry to be such a downer here. That wasn't my plan when I started posting.

    Thanks for letting me vent...(like ya had a choice!LOL)
    "Homonal Psychopath", aka Judie
    Big Hugs
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Sunday September 23rd

      I know just how you feel, should have been off today but called in, shortage of nurses.
      Feel as though I am doing the job of 3 (which I am). Your welcome to vent Jude, and BB
      Get it off your chest. BB you at least may get to meet some hunky drivers.!!
      Love Paula.x


        Sunday September 23rd

        Hello - 'tis me!

        Thanks so much Paula.... Will try it.... BB and Judie - well, all.... put it down to the stars today I think! A Blah Day..... seemingly globally. Bootcampbarbie calls it SUMS Disease .... 'sdden ugly mood swings'.... I love that!

        Quiet on the boards too - so.....unless it's because we're just blah and everyone else is out having a ball!!! (That NY lot for a start!!) But that's great - lots of gossip to await!

        Me tucked up in me l'il bed wiv hotty - hopefully a good night's sleep will sort out 'stuff'....

        Have a good day in the office BB - aaagh! Howz it going with that gorgeous little Kerrie?... I hope she's ok...

        Thanks for even reminding me of the S prayer Judie - oh how easily we (I) forget such simple, ever-available advice!!!... (Anyone got any spare wisdom going...?!?!)

        Love FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Sunday September 23rd

          Betty, You seem to be running the place these days. I hope they appreciate your efforts. Another whirlwind weekend here. I got a lot done but, I managed to take two naps. One yesterday and one today. That may sound silly but, I have not taken a nap in years. No exageration. I am really learning how to relax. They were only a one hour nap and a two hour nap but, they did wonders for me.
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

