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Wed September 26

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    Wed September 26

    Hello everyone!
    Today is another busy day with work and kids.

    School is going much better for my son and we are meeting once a month now so that we are all on the same page. My daughter is loving kindergarten too. I am going on a pumpkin patch field trip with her class so that will be fun. All these new things.

    Have a great day everyone!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Wed September 26

    HI Beaches and everyone to come .....

    Today finds me busy at work again, but will check in when I can ......


      Wed September 26

      Wow Beaches you are up early. The last two days were very busy ones for me also, spending them at my clients site, etc. Don't feel like working today but getting caught up on personal things. Maybe I will. Happy about your son Beaches.

      I am worried about $$ as usual. So sick of it. Anyway beautiful day here again so going to try & enjoy it. Hope you all enjoy yours also.


        Wed September 26

        Hi all! It was great to hear from our buddy Waves yesterday. Hope you take some time for yourself. Everything here is going good. My cleansing diet is going better as I now am making the shakes with fresh, organic fruits and not frozen ones. Did my weight lifting exercise yesterday. Feeling strong and healthy. Can't wait to get my hair cut tomorrow! It has been about 3-4 months since I have gone and my hair is out of control. Especially, since it will not stop raining here!
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Wed September 26

          are you doing that lemon cleanse? If not, which one are you doing?:new:
          Hanging on!


            Wed September 26

            Yeah I've been wondering which cleanse too.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Wed September 26

              Hey y'all. Good looking day here, I need to get outside!
              Beaches, I have always loved the pumpkin patch field trips. The kids are so fun and cute-Kindergarten especially.
              BB, sounds like it is all work and no play for you right now. Hope you can take some time for yourself.
              Chysa, enjoy the day to yourself if that is what you decided to do. Sending :l your way. Money worries suck at your soul, don't they?
              PP, glad the diet is going well. I still think the hardest part for me would be the no coffee! Enjoy your pampering-everyone needs that every now and then.
              To all else who arrive later than me, have a great day-enjoy:h
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Wed September 26

                Hi Modsters!
                Just a late check in here for me.Glad to hear everyone sounding so well & fit.:goodjob:
                I don't dare do any cleansing diets myself right now... I've been living on crackers & chicken broth for the past few weeks...& forcing that down as it is! Just haven't had any appetite.
                I did eat a bit today though, so maybe I'll get back to being me again soon. At least I can fit into anything I grab outa the closet! LOL(just need a brooche or a belt)

                My energy level has been nowhere near what it used to be. But tomorrow, I'm getting on the river ... NO MATTER WHAT! I just know I'll feel better being out on the water.

                Ok, enough about me.
                Hope everybody's doing good.
                Big Hugs,
                Love ya Bunches!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Wed September 26

                  Judie, hope you start feeling better soon! Have fun out on the water.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

