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Friday, September 28th

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    Friday, September 28th

    My goodness, noon here and noone has started a thread for today. Tisk, Tisk...

    Today is day 5 on my cleansing diet. I braved going on the scale and have dropped 2 pounds! It is called the SP Complete or "Standard Process Complete". I have my 20 year High School reunion cocktail party tonight so I am very nervous. I want to have a couple of cocktails but, I have no idea how my body is going to react now. I need a plan..... Will get back to you on that.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

    Friday, September 28th

    Hi PP, be careful drinking coctails on such an empty stomach ......

    Hi to everyone, I get a day off tomorrow, yay!!!!!


      Friday, September 28th

      oOOPS I wrote in the wrong thread earlier:

      Good morning all my lovely friends!
      Just wanted to check in - its gonna be a busy one at work so just a big HUG to everyone for now!
      Love you all
      Over 4 months AF :h


        Friday, September 28th

        In all tests of character, when two viewpoints are pitted against one another, in the final analysis the thing that will strike you the most, is not who was right or wrong, strong or weak, wise or foolish.... but who would go to the greatest lengths in considering the other's perspective.

        Don't you agree?
        ****The Universe


        Good Morning all MODS!

        PP, How exciting to go to your HS reunion. I agree with BB, though, alcohol could totally throw you off at this point. Interesting diet you have been on. I hope you totally have a great time this evening. You can do it AF even and watch others go a bit bonkers, I always find that fun!. . . or a glass of wine that you sip on all night long with lots of water in between.

        BB, finally a day off! I hope your parents really appreciate all your hard work!! Kerrie time in a few .. .I am saying my prayers for her!

        Waves, so happy to see you here even if you are overloaded right now.

        IS, 27 days AF!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!! I know this journey has not been easy for you, I am so very proud of you!! Great Job!!

        Judie, dear, I want you to go to the doctor . . . PLEASE!! I hope you are feeling a lot better today.

        Beaches, so glad things are going better at school for your son. I bet you are thrilled to watch your daughter in school. What a fun age.

        Amethyst, I am sure you will do wonderfully this weekend around non drinkers. The thoughts just don't come up near as much with non as with big drinkers.

        Allie, great to see you dear!! Glad to hear you are back in school and doing so well. Very happy for you! Sorry about your car and all the mess that goes with that. My parents have put in an alarm system and darn near every time they leave the house, I get the call from the alarm people. GEEZ! The lock themselves in and live in a neighborhood where the crime rate is next to zero . . .sigh.

        Mar, that is so wonderful, we are all happy to have you here. It is a different life than a year and half for me too!! AF's are just really easy for the most part anymore. don't you feel so healthy now days??! Congratulations!!!

        Been working much more with my 20% who give you 80% of business and no big hassles with that! Loving that part of my work life now!! PR firms have been great as they always need designers.

        Was out walking yesterday on a bike/walking trail near the Rio Grande and ran into a client of mine that I illustrated their house when they first moved in. She needs a new illustration with the landscaping now for all her greeting cards. Too funny I have now run into two people in less than a week who drive past on their bikes, stop and say, Mary? I am infamous or it is such a small world! (Please tell me I do not have to dress up to go walking!!! Had on a little halter top two days ago. . .maybe no more of that!)

        Have a great weekend all, planning on being out in this gorgeous weather as much as possible.

        Hugs and Love,

        Lushy . . . where are you?? Miss you!


          Friday, September 28th

          Hi Mary
          Love to you too and thanks!
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Friday, September 28th

            Hi again all,

            I'm finally home from work for the 1st time since sunday afternoon ..... YAY ......... Sat in my new lounge ........

            Mary, we see the neurosurgeon next friday to see if more surgery is an option ..... I am picturing you walking in your best suit and heels in case you bump into anyone

            Love & Hugs,


              Friday, September 28th

              Hi all!

              PP have fun at your reunion, my 20 year is next year. Yeah I would just sip really slowly if I were you considering all the cleansing you have been doing or just drink water and enjoy the show

              Mary that is so funny about having to dress up when you go walking. I used to feel that way when I lived in ATL and would go to the grocery store. Isn't it nice to be known?

              Hi IS and Betty glad you finally get a day to yourself...enjoy it.

              have a great day friends.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Friday, September 28th

                Hi Everybody,
                Just taking it kinda easy today, before I have to go in for work. Fall is definately in the air. I'm hoping we'll still get some nice "Indian Summer" days ahead, before winter really hits.

                PP- Have fun @ your reunion. Those are always kind of part excitement & part anxiety for me... but still fun, once ya get there .

                BB- Have a great day off. Hope you get good news @ the neurosurgeon. How is Kerrie's nose healing? Didn't she break it?:upset:

                Jen- Always great to see you!

                Beaches-You sound busy as ever!

                MKR- Speaking of running into people... a lot of times, I'll be serving a table & mention something about kayaking with my doggie... Sometimes someone will say "Oh was that you we saw?" (If they happened to have been on one of the Jet boat tours, that catch waves from... I get pretty close to their boats) I usually say, "Yeh, bet ya didn't recognize me in my clothes huh?" (I do wear a bikini on the river... but it's little.. that's ok, so am I!) Bungee wears more than I do on the river! LOL :H
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

