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It's FRIDAY--October 5

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    It's FRIDAY--October 5

    Hello Modsters!

    Hope you all are doing well.

    Betty I am thinking of you today and hope the appt for Kerrie goes well.

    Just a busy day here at work. Well I didn't make it through Day 4 AF but I am not going to get all hung up about it. I am just going to get back on track and get more AF days in October than I ever have before! I am actually tracking my AF days on a calendar at home so I can see the marks on my calendar.

    Mary hope you feel better from that flu shot and that reminds me that I need to schedule my kids!

    Have a great day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    It's FRIDAY--October 5

    Hello all-

    I am jumping on to this thread so I can send my best wishes to BB for Kerrie. Let us know how it goes, okay? She, you and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Beaches - Good for you not letting a lapse derail you. I truly feel that any AF days we get in is better than the continuous drinking we were doing in the past. I wish I could just be strong and go AF like so many others but NOT DRINKING IS HARD. However, it is my goal and I WILL get there. (I am doing okay for right now, hope I can keep it up!!)

    All others, Kathy, Simey, Sammys, Limers, MKR... Every one else. Please have a wonderful Friday!!

    Take care all,
    AF April 9, 2016


      It's FRIDAY--October 5

      Good morning all,

      Beaches, you have been doing great. It sounds like October will be a great month for you.

      I made it AF last night. Scheduled some errands late afternoon then took a long bike ride early evening. I actually misjudged sunset and finished in the dark, which was a bit scary. I am seeing that in many cases I drink (and eat) out of boredom and habit. Not sure what I will do tonight since it is Friday...but aiming to get more AF weekdays in this month.

      Good luck BB.


        It's FRIDAY--October 5

        Im new to the board, I found this site early in the week and I think it may help. After 20+ years of drinking every day I started this week with a goal of being AF more times than not. Well I made it three days but slipped last night and had 4 beers after the kids went down. I am shooting for another AF day today and am not to confident for the weekend, all I can do is try!


          It's FRIDAY--October 5

          Hi all,

          Well, we're back from the hospital and the results of the MRI show that there is nothing visible that can be removed ..... so for the near future surgery is not happening, however he is really puzzled because she is not responding to medication and he admitted that he really does not know what to do next. We now have to see him again with an epilectologist (didn't know that they existed!!) so that they can discuss all the available options with us .........

          I'm relieved that they are not going to be operating on her brain again, but i'm gutted because he didn't give us any hope of curing her.

          Thanks ever so much to all my dear friends here, you have all been so good to me over the last few day .....

          Love you all .........


            It's FRIDAY--October 5

            Is today the day to meet with Kerrie's doctors? Let us know the outcome Betty. I am same with you Beaches. I am racking up the AF's just not in long strings, but will continue working it.


              It's FRIDAY--October 5

              We must have been posting at same time. Oh Betty that is good news it seems to me. Such a relief - no surgery. And modern medicine is always making progress. Now at least you can focus all your energies into finding the right medication or other treatments. Rest now.
              Love to you


                It's FRIDAY--October 5

                Glad to hear no surgery BB but I am sure it is frustrating that he doesn't know what to do next. Maybe the other doc will have some ideas.

                Gone, welcome. This place is great. Try reading the book (you can download it) if you haven't already. Every day we go AF is a good thing.


                  It's FRIDAY--October 5

                  Thanks ducky, I downloaded the book and plan to read it this weeked. I just finished the Miller/Munoz book "Controlling Your Drinking: Tools to Make Moderation Work for You" and it inspired me to go the last 3 out of 4 days AF. I am not sure if moderation is the way I need to go but anything is better than where I was heading. This is a great site, thanks for the encouraging words!


                    It's FRIDAY--October 5

                    Oh Betty, what a mixed bag of emotions you must be going through right now! Pace yourself for the continued journey with Kerrie. She needs a strong mom and will probably be looking to you to gauge her own emotions to some extent. I hope the next doctor has more clear cut options for you.

                    I have to run, BRB
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      It's FRIDAY--October 5

                      Beaches, keep on truckin', keep on swiming, keep on turtling..... you know what you gotta do. Glad to see you in a healthy mindset about it.

                      I have a real brutal one again today, well pretty much up until I leave so all my ducks are in a row. I am somewhat OCD and uber-organized and have a hard time delegating anything unless they swear and are capable to do it EXACTLY like I do it. Make any sense?
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        It's FRIDAY--October 5

                        When desirous of a life change, or any kind of a change, it's wiser to start from a place like: "I am who I am today, where I am today, because this was my choice and it has served me well. However, it no longer serves me, my choices have changed, and I give thanks for the amazing changes that now sweep through my amazing life."

                        Rather than, "I don't know how I got here. I hate this. I must be sabotaging my own progress. I just won't accept things as they are any more. I'm desperate for a change. By this time next year my life will totally rock!"

                        OK?? You don't even have to remember the choices that led you to the day, but by understanding you made them, the kingdom, the power, and the glory knowingly become yours.

                        ****The Universe

                        Long but interesting perspective!

                        BB, that is awesome news for no surgery and confusing at the same time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

                        Beaches, I like your attitude! Keep on keeping on, it is not the end of the world. You can do this one day at a time. Any particular reason ring out in your mind that this happened yesterday? I found the first few months so difficult when stress was incessant, just couldn't quite wrap my head around how to respond to it.

                        Cindi, glad to see you here, thanks for all the support

                        Ducky, GREAT JOB!!! that is how you get past it by scheduling something else, healthy over the top of the bewitching hour.

                        Gonegater, Welcome! You can do this!

                        Chrysa, hysterical avatar!! You brighten my day on here!!

                        PP, sorry it is a tough day again. Just keep thinking vacation is around the corner!

                        Judie, have a wonderful anniversary. Vampiress dress?? Too funny! I know, I only did the flu shot one time before, years ago. Yesterday the little voice said, do it today. Still have a headache but appetite is back.

                        Balloon Fiesta officially started this morning. Hot air balloons everywhere. What a surreal treat! I never get tired of seeing them! I have a dinner and a breakfast scheduled with friends and family coming over during this next week. Many of the balloon come right over our house and we are up high enough to see the balloon field with the glows and fireworks from our porches. I am also scheduled to help with the parking over there at the field for our Kiwanis club but only one day. (3:30 am be there - OK, that is early!!) The Fiesta is always fun and runs through next week Sunday morning so if you do not see too much of me, just know I love you all! Also know I am probably NOT drinking as this is such a party crew that it is simply better to not even start!

                        Hugs and Love to all!


                          It's FRIDAY--October 5

                          Love the quote Mary...very empowering!

                          I wish I could see all those ballons! Sounds fantastic. I've seen pics on MSN before. I remember when you wrote about it last year. We really are old timers around here.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            It's FRIDAY--October 5

                            Betty I am also really glad to hear no surgery for now and understand your frustration of not having an answer. I hope in time they can figure this out for Kerrie.

                            Gator welcome!! I am really glad you are here.

                            Mary I love that quote too. Especially the chic-a-boom at the end. You really don't hear that word enough these days. I have been trying to figure out the trigger yesterday and I really can't choose one, I think it was a lot of stressers from the week that just nailed me and seeing the wine glass of my mothers sitting right there on the table...I cracked.

                            It's so nice to see you all today!
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              It's FRIDAY--October 5

                              Great quote MKR.
                              Welcome Gone..I love your avatar. You will like it here.

