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Sunday October 7

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    Sunday October 7

    Good morning Modsters,

    The tea did the trick last night. We had a nice cocktail and instead of pouring a little more (secretly), I made a nice cup of tea and had that while I watched tv. It is so nice NOT to be hung over.

    Smoking pork butts and ribs today. Tomorrow I go for braces, at age 49. I am very nervous because I am ocd and not good at the dentist.

    Hope everyone is well today.

    Sunday October 7

    Hi Ducky

    Good luck with the braces and well done on last night.

    I had a success of sorts last night - went out and everyone else was getting wasted but I had three pints of regular lager (not strong premium) and felt fine today. Didnt go out Friday with everyone from work so thats good.

    Must try harder though this week



      Sunday October 7

      Hi Kath & Ducky.
      Pretty quiet around here today.

      Well done on mod'in last night.:goodjob:
      I had one drink after work, then a beer after I got home. I was too tired for anything else... Just when I thought things were finaly slowing down here(@ work)... Oh well, I do like the cash The exercise is good too...Kinda like an added bonus.

      Last night was my Mom & Dad's 51st Wedding Anniversary. They came in for dinner. I'm such a bad dauhgter... I was thinking it was later this month. Oooops. At least I got to buy em dinner & tell jokes(since I didn't get em a card!)
      Oh well, they didn't get me one last month either...LOL

      Hope everybody's having a great Sunday.

      Big Hugs,
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

