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Monday October 15th

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    Monday October 15th

    Morning Fellow Modders!

    Sitting here sipping my coffee and planning my work day out. Just took my supplements and looked for todays thread and didn't find one, so I started one.

    Another day AF under my belt, a total of 5 since my last binge. I spent the weekend thinking of triggers for me so I am well prepared when I go to see the therapist on Wednesday.

    I am sort of honked off a bit this morning. Jeff said he didn't think I was serious about controlling my drinking. Granted the conversation was a bit heated but I think I deserve more credit than I got. 7 months ago I'd binge at least once per week if not twice. Since finding MWO and going AF for a month in May, I've binged 3 times. I'd say that was a major improvement and that I was serious. I need some people to talk me down from my angry place.

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall

    Monday October 15th

    Good morning Lorelei,

    Congrats on racking up some AF days. It sounds as if you have been making great progress. Try not to be too miffed about Jeff's comments. Someone made a point about this a while back. It might have been Beatle? Once someone watches us lose control frequently over a period of time, one event can set them off and test their trust even if the pattern is better. It might not be fair but it is how it is. Try to just show him you are serious since it's the actions that count. I am sure he will come round...

    Well I am finally starting to lose some weight here. I really need to cut the drinking down more to keep going though. I do much better if we have wine with dinner as opposed to a cocktail at the end of the day, which is what my dh (who has no problem) prefers...

    Off to the gym. Hope everyone has a great day!


      Monday October 15th

      Hey L, your definitely doing good for yourself. i always tell people not to get so mad at those few times they messeed up, being how hard theyre trying. and you definitely are. its a constant struggle. what supplements are you taking? do u think they help? just curious.
      good luck


        Monday October 15th

        I am taking the kudzu rescue and the l-glutamine both from this site. I find that they do help with any cravings that I might have. At the moment I have none so I'm taking them more as a preventative measure. This is our busy season at the office so my stress level is high. I know that the work stress contributed to the binge last week and I want to remain binge free so I'm stepping up my game.
        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Monday October 15th

          All moderation went out the window yesterday for me, geez I am moving a bit slow today.
          Back on track today and moving forward! Going AF for a few weeks!!!

          Big hug to all modsters!


            Monday October 15th

            Good morning Modsters!

            Hey L, have you tried the Gaba? That works well for stress too. You are doing great just brush off the negative comments and forge forward.

            Hope you all have a great day. I am staying at the Inn (in monthly ab's) for awhile to see if I can string 30 days together. I have had more AF days this month than not but I am going to try to put a whole month together. I will still be checking here of course b/c this is my fam!
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Monday October 15th

              Beaches.... What is the gaba? GL on 30 days I know you can do it!!!

              There was a time when I would let those negative comments get me down and use them for an excuse to get out and binge. Not anymore!! I have learned to take control and for the most part keep those things from happening.

              Sammy, sounds like you have the right idea. I know you can do 30 days, if I could anyone can!
              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                Monday October 15th

                Lorelei, maybe Jeff is somehow thinking he can "challenge" you....? Kinda like reverse psychology...
                Also, I think people close to us sometimes can sabotage our efforts, without realizing it. It always seemed like my Hubby would drink more every time I would go ABS.

                Eric Clapton is on CNN RIGHT NOW West coast time! With Larry King.

                Looks like another storm moved in here...of course! It's my Friday. Glad I got out on the river a bit this week. Definately not today.

                Hope everybody has a great day!

                Gotta get back to Clapton!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Monday October 15th


                  Here ya go
                  My Way Out private label GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) , 750 mg. Used in amino acid therapy to help overcome dependence on alcohol, Valium, marijuana, tobacco and sweets. Recognized as an agent to balance brain chemistry and help normalize neurotransmitter deficiencies that can lead to cravings and addiction. Recommended dose: one capsule per day. Best taken without protein. Please consult your health care provider when using this or any other nutritional supplement in an alcohol recovery program.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Monday October 15th

                    Hey Beaches - I've got the GABA but it made my head go really tingly... is that 'normal' for the first in, should I carry on until I get the 'good' feeling from more relaxed than climbing the wall!!!

                    How long does it take to take effect? I'm dying to know - it took ages to get from the USA and now it just sits there cos I'm scared of it!!!

                    Hello everyone...doing ok here apart from family poo big time... Had half a tin of 2% lager just now - just about enough for me... just tell I've had something and that's good enough for me... I soooh hope I can stick at this. I'm really happy with it so... Just nice to have something other than Coke! :fingers:

                    Love all round - off singing now but our mobile network's down and seems to be affecting the local cab companies too (or something is) so I'm going to have to walk it -not far but really steep hills! Breath for singing - I don't think so...!

                    FMF xx :l
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Monday October 15th

                      Anyone Need a Chat Partner

                      Not sure how to post an original note so I'm replying to this one. I have all the supps and got Topa on line. My wife and I head to CA tomorrow to "help" our friends elope. Been on another binge lately and am planning to start the program when we return from wine country on Monday. I have read that going through the program with someone is helpful-- is there anyone out there who wants to start this journey with me?

                      If so, please respond. Thanks to all on this site for your inspriation and positive thoughts.


                        Monday October 15th

                        Hello everyone, what started out to be a quiet day but has turned out hectic .....

                        Nice to hear from you all ...........

                        Alldone, nice to 'meet' you :welcome: to MWO .....

                        There will always be someone here to support you, this mods section is really friendly, so just post as often as you want and someone will be there for you ..........

                        Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


                          Monday October 15th

                          FMF, I know what you mean about the tingly feeling because I accidently took 2 of them at once this weekend. What a weird feeling. Having just one didn't really make me feel odd. I take one in the morning and then if needed one later in the day.

                          Welcome Alldone! Nice to meet you.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            Monday October 15th

                            :new: Hi hope I am doing this right

                            Not sure how to start a new thread but wanted advice on how to navigate the site is there a guide on how to do it. Also I can see that you are using kudzu rescue and l-glutamine are you also on the starter pack suplements? Can anyone else advise me on whats the best to start with?
                            Lorelei;209339 wrote: I am taking the kudzu rescue and the l-glutamine both from this site. I find that they do help with any cravings that I might have. At the moment I have none so I'm taking them more as a preventative measure. This is our busy season at the office so my stress level is high. I know that the work stress contributed to the binge last week and I want to remain binge free so I'm stepping up my game.
                            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                              Monday October 15th

                              Hey Sweetpea

                              My mom used to call me Sweetpea.

                              At this moment the kudzu and the l-glutamine are the only supplements that I am using, but I will be purchasing some GABA today. Part of the reason that I am not using the rest of the supplement pack is that I already have some supplements in the house that cover those needs. Many people here have found success without all the supplements and many here swear by them. The nice thing about MWO is that you can adjust it to your own personal needs.

                              When I first started here I was a binge drinker on a regular schedule. 1 to 2 times a week I'd binge on wine and then spend the other days recovering. Others here drank everyday, which takes a different toll on the body.

                              Suddenly I see
                              This is what I want to be
                              suddenly I see
                              Why the hell it means so much to me.

                              -KT Tunstall

