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Thursday, October 18th

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    Thursday, October 18th

    Exactly where you've been has made possible exactly who you are, and I wouldn't change that for the world.

    Clever thinking,
    The Universe

    I am sorry to hear about all the losses around here. Thrilled to see everyone coming together to help each other. I think the talking and realizing where we have been and where we want to go is the path that takes us to sobriety. Going through the physical motions of AF or mods is great but there is an emotional attachment to the alcohol and it helped put us in this situation to start. Thinking it through, taking time to be good to yourself, little rewards even if it is the excitement of waking up sober. It feels so grand! Lorelei, passing by the liquor store is a great accomplishment!!

    Who said they could not drink just one hard alcohol? Switch to the wine for a few months is a great idea. Then just promise yourself, one drink when you have hard alcohol. Promise yourself no sneaking. All of those things have really helped me.

    I have been working quite a bit - couple fun PR campaign projects so really great! Having a bunch of medical tests run - recalls on this old body . . .not so fun. My husband bought a new mountain bike and put together his old one that is light as a feather for me. We went out a couple days ago. All braced up, I looked pretty bionic but I had the best time! We have not been able to share a ton of different sports for a few years, I think he was more excited than me even. The level of his caring that has shown up around my tests is pretty special. Been awake since about 2 this morning. Think I am subconsciously concerned about an MRI I had yesterday, they would not give me even half a hint as to what they saw. Patience . . . sigh.

    Weather is beautiful and I am hoping to get back out and enjoy some more breezy cool days.

    Hang in, you are pulling this off . . . slowly but surely we change our habits and thoughts.

    Hugs and Love to all of you!

    Thursday, October 18th

    Mary - subconsciously concerned!?! I'd be pacing the room! I so hope the results are back speedily and positively so you can have a restful night's sleep.

    Really glad to read you had such a good time with your caring hubby - warms the old heart that does!!

    Yup, life without alcohol - hurts! But it hurt before too, just differently (and damage-ing-ly) so I'm just getting used to it and working out other strategies! (Like asking for it and telling it as it is...seems obvious but I never felt I had the right....don't know I do now but others seem to get by very well on it so....!

    Happy Thursday all!

    Really sunny and beautiful (and COLD!!) here!
    Love FMF xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Thursday, October 18th

      good morning

      I just wanted to start w/ a short good wish for all who join today, Hi MKR!! It has been a while, I actually drank AGAIN last night, this divorce possibility has me BAWLING and wallowing in my self -pity, and now he wants to maybe work it out??!! That is what he was saying this morning, so I feel a little positivity, even though it may just be wishful thinking!

      It may get me through the day

      I guess at this point I will take what positive thoughts I can find

      Lots of love to all who check in today,

      MA:l :h
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Thursday, October 18th

        Not much time this morning, I am preparing to visit a first time client in a place I've never been before to do a testing regiman I've never done before so my nerves are a mess.

        First impressions are so important.....but all I wanna do right now is crawl back in bed and hide.
        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Thursday, October 18th

          Mary, you are so right about making promises. That was me and I need to promise myself that sneaking has ended. It is a terrible thing to be doing. Hope your MRI comes out okay. I had 2 recently and they were fine so I'll hope the same for you.

          FMF, it sounds like some good things are happening for you.

          Cowgal, don't fret about last night. Just move forward. And think about what YOU want in a relationship. If your dh wants to work it out and you do too, then that is great.

          Lorelei, you will do fine! Believe it and it will happen!

          I am in a better mood today because I am not HO, lol.


            Thursday, October 18th

            Morning modsters!

            MKR, you know I love you and am saying prayers for healthy results from the MRI.

            Good to see all the rest of you!!! Make it a great day!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Thursday, October 18th

              Hello Modsters!

              Mary I hope your MRI comes out fine too. The wait is just terrible. I just had one of those done on my ankle. Lordy those machines are loud.

              FMF, telling it how it is-that's a good approach. Being honest and up front. I could practice that on some family members.

              Cowgal-I hope that your marriage works out for you and that you are both happier. Maybe this will make you both stronger and more bonded.

              Lorelei-You will be great today! Don't fret

              Ducky and Lushy it's wonderful to see you both!

              Tonight is open house at the school. The kids all made environmentally safe projects so it will be cute to see what they all came up with.

              I also agree Mary about coming up with some rules. I have reading a lot of the affirmations and mantras around here lately...good stuff.

              Take care all!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Thursday, October 18th

                Hi Beaches, I am curious what kinds of projects the kids have dreamt up. Please share with us tomorrow.

                I had a good run today. It is much easier to run when you don't feel like crap, lol. Now if I can get rid of another 20+ pounds it will be even easier!

                Making homemade ginger cookies later for dh to bring to a potential client. Hope it seals the deal...


                  Thursday, October 18th

                  Hi Mondsters!
                  Just a quik check in before the puter goes down again...
                  We've got a pretty good storm brewing here today...looks I'll be getting bumped off-line a lot...
                  Hope everybody has a great day.
                  :l To ALL1
                  Gonna post this & cross fingers it works.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Thursday, October 18th

                    Good almost not still morning to y'all! Been crazy busy here and still am:nutso: -just missing y'all! Hope all are well-sounds as if there is LOTS going on for everyone. I am doing fine-day 5 topa 25mg. Already starting to kick in. Yee Haw!! Sending :h and :l to all for speedy resolutions to all the challenges in our ways.
                    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                      Thursday, October 18th

                      Hi Judie and Amethyst,

                      Lorelei, how did the client visit go?


                        Thursday, October 18th

                        Hey all,

                        The client visit went well and it looks like we'll have a long term relationship. I am assisting in the resotration of the slate roofs at Ft Myer, VA. I'll be taking random samples of both the old roof and the new roof and testing them for water absorbtion and weathering. Its not rocket science but its kinda neat. Everytime they move to restore a new building I have to test the roof.

                        After a day like that I'm beat....I'll be logged on pretty much all night but afk alot resting.

                        Glad everyone had a good day!

                        Suddenly I see
                        This is what I want to be
                        suddenly I see
                        Why the hell it means so much to me.

                        -KT Tunstall


                          Thursday, October 18th

                          That actually sounds really interesting Lorelei, glad things went well today.



                            Thursday, October 18th

                            Hi all,

                            Mary, I'm hoping that the results come back quickly and successfully for you. You know how special you are to us on here. :l You sound to be having lots of good times in your spare time. Especially good as you didn't get much spare time before.

                            Love to all of you as always.
                            Enough is enough

