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sat 20 oct

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    sat 20 oct

    hello all - been away and very busy.
    I need to get a handle on this - I had a bottle of wine wed and 2 beers and bottle last night - not intending to drink tonight as at friend's house.
    Life is calmer and less stressy now, focus is stil losig weight and have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks.

    My rules were and still are no booze in the week and 3 drinks max per night at weekend - back to that!
    Anyway good to be back hope you're all doing well, need to catch up on posts and get inspired!
    one day at a time

    sat 20 oct

    Hi Bear,

    I also have been a little less than mods lately but got back on track this week. Hop aboard. Good luck tonight. I am having a little get together and planning to limit my wine to 2-3 glasses over the whole night. I find I have to set rules or things don't go well. Congrats on the weight loss; I am working on that too.

    Hope all Modsters are well.


      sat 20 oct

      Hi Mondsters!
      Good to see you Bear. Missed ya. Welcome back & congrats on the weight loss. I'm slowly(actualy...kinda quikly ) gaining back what I lost while I was sick last month. Comes back REAL easy! Especially with all the halloween candy around!

      Enjoy the get together tonight Ducky. Sounds like fun. I've been feeling like I need to set some more strict guidelines for myself ... with the holidays coming up & all. The urges seem to be getting stronger, every now & then.

      I stopped & had a glass of wine after work last night. It was totaly a spur of the moment decision. Just all of a sudden, I saw they were still open, and pulled in had one. I enjoyed it. It's a quaint little tavern on the way home, really friendly & small... it's almost a challenge to have just one, because everyone is always wanting to buy each other one when you walk in the place. But I held my ground!
      Played some Clapton & Raiit on the Juke box. Thought about all you guys...
      Hope everybody has a great day!
      :l Judie
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        sat 20 oct

        Judie I am so slow...I love the "Mondsters" for October.

        The Itavern sounds so nice and good for you on only having one.

        I agree with you all. The holidays are coming so it's time for some strict guidelines and getting ourselves ready.

        My grandparents are coming into town tonight. It's so nice having them here because my kids love them so much and it's just neat seeing all the generations in one home. 4 to be exact...

        OK I really have to get back to work while the kids are out. See I have free time and spend it all here. You all are addicting :h
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          sat 20 oct

          Hi Beaches! Actualy, I think you're the first to notice the Mondsters!:H

          Enjoy the Family!:h

          This place is addictive! Especially when the weather's bad... I don't feel guilty about not being outside...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

