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monday 22 October

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    monday 22 October

    amethyst;212855 wrote: Sitting here innocently:ranger bleary eyed, taking my 1st sips of coffee. I open this thread and there are already 2 pages:wow: What time DO you peolple get up in the morning! I had company all weekend, lots of fun. Drank more than planned, but not to excess.
    I didn't log in till 8am but I'm on the east coast so I guess it looks early to you....

    Thanks for the tea idea....I will have to check that out.

    Good job avoiding excess! Even if you didn't hit your mark you didn't go nuts either.....

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      monday 22 October

      Amethyst, we broke down and hired a trainer because our 10 month old puppy was out of control, or should I say thought he was in control. And both he and our 7 year old mutt show fear/agression with certain other dogs. So far so good. We are workin on basics like sit/stay at doors and for food, proper leash training, etc. The hope is that if they perceive us as true pack leaders outside things like other dogs won't be as frightening. It is hard work but worth it I think.

      Glad to see everyone wants to get moving. The exercise really does help.


        monday 22 October


        My dog is a lab/wiemeraner mix. He is a sweeheart except he needs lots of room to RUN, EXCERISE and be himself.

        My hubby keeps trying to convince himself we can "fence in the 9 acres," LOL. OMG, I wish I was that rich...

        No way.

        However, my Poulan (a chainsaw on the US) NEEDS to have lots of room to run and exercise. He is such a lab/weimeraner mix, OMG, do not ask animals/people to be what they are NOT. ( kind of like us..)

        He is such a 'BEAUTIFUL" specimen. Black/chocolate lab with Weimeraner 'EYES'"

        GOD gave me a beautiful puppy for "safe keeping" on my 50th B'Day. I do try... with all my heart and soul.

        AF April 9, 2016


          monday 22 October

          cracking up over Cindy's trolls

          Cindy -- I can search e-bay for a troll or two if you'd like?
          I actually mourn for my Peanuts lunch box!


            monday 22 October

            Far be it from me, to ask about your personal life. Besides, I already know it like the back of my hand. But could you stand a bit more "bling"? A little more laughter? Some "high-fives," "oh-yeahs," and slow motion knuckle-to-knuckle greetings from buddies, admirers, and fans?

            That's what I'm talkin' about.

            Then let these be what you visualize. See and feel the joy. Hear the laughter. Imagine the bank accounts. And these images will literally summon the resources, ideas, hows, and circumstances that will yield such manifestations, as you move through the affairs of the world in the direction of your dreams.

            The Universe

            Wow! Hope all of you start feeling better. Some of it is the time of year and looking at the hectic pace of the next few months too . . .yes?

            I moved so much in my life that you do toss a lot. When I was 37, I had moved 26 times. I have only moved 3 times since then. However, I have been married to a total pack rat now for 12 years and it is quite an accomplishment on my part when I can get him to toss anything on his own! I feel your pack rat partner pain! I remember my trolls and rat fink necklace . . .OK now I am really showing my age! :H

            You can do this, just accomplish one thing at a time, one day at a time.

            I had a lovely weekend, including the hike in Fourth of July Canyon. Beautiful weather, incredibly beautiful hike, one area had a maple stand, possibly the only one in NM! Hot oranges and reds against the bluest of skies. I made it almost 2/3 of the way up the 1,000 foot hike, but knee was cracking and popping a lot so . . .maybe next year? For the whole weekend, thought I would have 3 drinks, had one on Friday night, had 0 on Saturday, and while we had, wine, cheese, french bread, etc on a blanket on our hike yesterday, I was into the water so I had a few sips. We came home with only 1/4 of the bottle gone. Pretty great for two former heavy drinkers.

            Well my lovelies, have a wonderful day,:h :l

            PS: Beaches it sounds so lovely having your grandparents, pretty special!!


              monday 22 October

              Hi everyone, my house is finally quiet had pounding and sawing going on all day we are finishing the basement. It was a hectic but productive day.

              Have a good one pumkins!!

