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Thursday already

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    Thursday already

    Good morning.

    :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv:

    Love to all of you as always.
    Enough is enough

    Thursday already

    Good morning Waves and all you other Mondsters!

    I am feeling better today and the stomach bug hit my son last night. One more kid to go. Hopefully it will pass him by.

    Today I am headed off on a field trip to a Pumpkin Patch with K-2nd graders. That will be fun and crazed I am sure I love it.

    Have a great day.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Thursday already

      Hi Waves!

      Beaches, glad you are feeling better. Have a great time on the field trip.

      Mods last night so feeling ok. Lots of running around to do. Hope everyone has a great day.


        Thursday already

        Usually, it's not thinking about the bucks, that makes one rich.

        But thinking rich, that makes the bucks.

        If you know what I mean.

        Strut -
        The Universe

        Good morning modsters!

        Waves so awesome to see you here more regularly. Hope you are enjoying your time off!

        Beaches, glad you are feeling better, boy I remember one person would get whatever and the whole house had a round, what bugged was second rounds!

        Ducky, how is the quiet? Very cool being mods while hubby is away! glad you had the chance to get some alone time, we all need that to breathe and go forward!

        The results I have been waiting for were an ultrasound on my thyroid and MRI for my breasts. Both negative for growths so I can talk about it now. I was rather stunned they kept sending me for more and more tests and thought I would not being putting positive energy into this if I spoke about it. Anyway . . . . .WAHOOOOOOOO! Have to go back to the specialist tomorrow as they still are looking into why all of these things are swollen and off kilter. Hopefully I am just whacked out hormonally??

        Life is good! Thank you all for your prayers and healing thoughts, they sure helped!!

        Hugs and Love to all here and those to come by later today,


          Thursday already

          Morning everyone just reading and checking in.

          Have a good day


            Thursday already

            Morning y'all-heading off for work-talk to ya later:h
            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


              Thursday already

              Happy Thursday everyone!

              Waves, lovely to see you as always.

              Beaches, have a great time in the pumpkin patch! Hope you have great weather. I love the fall.

              Ducky, nice to see you. Hope everything is going well with you.

              Mary, thank goodness everything turned out OK. I'm sure you have had emough of doctors to last you a lifetime. All those appts are like a part time job aren't they?

              Sammys, I haven't been here in a while. How is married life treating you. I'm curious if the relationship has changed?

              Amethyst, nice to see you too. Don't work too hard.

              Well, I am back from my long vacation. We went on a Mediterranean cruise which was fabulous. Of course, I ate and drank too much but, I am back on track and AF for now. We really did have a great time but, missed the kids WAY too much. It is nice to be back for sure. I did come back spoiled of being waited on hand and foot and gourmet food at every meal.
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Thursday already

                Morning everyone!

                Beaches, so glad you are feeling better. There is nothing worse. Kids those age at a pumpkin patch are just too cute.

                MKR - Just so happy those tests came out positive. The waiting can really wear you down. Go celebrate!

                PP - Nice to have you back. I looked up your cruise ship yesterday and could not believe the gourmet food they served. I will not call you a bitch out of jealousy because I am nice that way.

                Waves - It is great to see you back more often.

                Ducky - good job on mods last night. Nothing better than waking up in the morning and feeling good!

                Jude - glad your truck is up and running. I really need to get outdoors more like you do. It is good for the soul.

                Lorisunshine - It was great to hear from you yesterday. I am sorry you have had such life dramas going on but hope we continue to hear more from you.

                Amethyst, hope you had a nice day at work. I think work is overrated!

                Sammy - do you have wedding pics you can post? Would love to see....

                Another beautiful fall day here. Just love this time of year. Got most of the Hween decorations up yesterday. Have had a good modding week and sleeping well so all is good in my world.

                Happy Thursday to all to come!!!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Thursday already

                  happy happy Thursday to all my modster friends. All is well here in NYC. rainy and cold but not too bad.
                  hope the rest of the day turns out good for all.
                  big hug
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Thursday already

                    Hey Mondsters!
                    MKR- So glad to hear ya got good test results back...finaly! That must be such a relief. Sorry they made you wait so long.

                    PP- Great to see you back. Photos please! Even though, it's gonna make us all GREEN!

                    Beaches- Watch out for Flip impersonators.. in the pumpkin patch! That could scar a kid for life! Glad you're feeling better.

                    Lushy- We have another beautiful Fall day here too. A bit breezy... but still pretty. Enjoy it before the rains come!

                    Lorisunshine- Great to see you back!

                    Sammys- Are you sure you're married? Where are thoses photos?

                    Waves- Always great to see you! Hugs back @ ya!

                    Amethyst- Hope your work day is short & sweet...(like me!)

                    Ducky- How are ya?

                    Well yesterday I got out on the river for few hours & did some paddling. I almost didn't go because the wind was blowing kind of hard... but I decided, WTF.. I might not get many more chances. It was fun. At least till the clouds moved in, then I turned around & headed back upstream to the truck... so I got my abs worked out going upstream. That's OK, I had good tunes!:H
                    Hope everybody has a great day!
                    Big hugs,
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Thursday already

                      Don't have time to read the whole thread but I just wanted to check in from St. Louis and say Hey!!

                      Its COLD and rainy here!! Hopefully we will get done what we need to get today so I can head out and buy a sweater!!

                      I'm working off little sleep so I could use a nap too but I'll take warm first!!

                      Suddenly I see
                      This is what I want to be
                      suddenly I see
                      Why the hell it means so much to me.

                      -KT Tunstall


                        Thursday already

                        Wanted to check in and say Mary I am so glad you test results came back OK and Welcome back PP!

                        Lushy, we are working on Halloween decorations too. Got the pumpkins carved and some things on the windows. Ready for trick or treating on Saturday and maybe a Haunted Train ride on Sunday. What a fun time of year.

                        Judie I love your stories about being on the water. I need a good ab work out as well. You and bungee have more fun than I have with most of my family

                        Lorelei have a nice time in St. Louis.

                        Hey Ducky, Trixie, Sammy and Amethyst!

                        Have a nice day all to come!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Thursday already

                          Funny thing I never noticed it untill yesterday. But whenever I'm back-paddling, and facing the other direction,(I do that sometimes just to work diff muscles), Bungee will turn around on the bow and face me, so he can see where we're going.
                          Maybe he doesn't trust me going backwards... ...Or just doesn't like the wind from that direction.
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Thursday already

                            Saint Jude;214381 wrote: Funny thing I never noticed it untill yesterday. But whenever I'm back-paddling, and facing the other direction,(I do that sometimes just to work diff muscles), Bungee will turn around on the bow and face me, so he can see where we're going.
                            Maybe he doesn't trust me going backwards... ...Or just doesn't like the wind from that direction.
                            He probably trusts mommy very much it has to be the wind!

                            Had a good day today, met some very nice people. In fact every one I have interacted with here in St. Louis has been very nice. As I mentioned before the weather is nasty and I wasn't prepared for this but hey stuff happens.

                            The last time I was sent out of town for work I ended up going out drinking almost every night. Tonight I drove around and found a Borders (spent WAY too much money) and now I'm back to the hotel watching the world series with a bag o chips a super dark chocolate bar and a diet coke. The thought of drinking tonight actually repulsed me.

                            I can't wait to get back to my home base tho, nothing gives you a fresh perspective on home like being away. I made a mental list of projects to get into starting this weekend.

                            Glad that everyone is doing well and I'll check in tomorrow before I head out to conclude my appointment and get to the airport.

                            Suddenly I see
                            This is what I want to be
                            suddenly I see
                            Why the hell it means so much to me.

                            -KT Tunstall


                              Thursday already


                              I travel every week. It is tough for us "alkies" but we can do this.

                              I just try to avoid the bar, buy food elsewhere and then log into MWO, watch TV, or read a book.

                              The bar "calls me" someitmes but it is only company I seek, not drink. I avoid it now.

                              However, for the getting back at home and doing work? Hell no!! :H

                              When I am home, I want to veg. Simple. I work too hard on the road and my home time is my veg time. I need it, I want it and I take it. Hubby has issues with it but then again, that's me. He can hire help. LOL

                              AF April 9, 2016

