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Just another Manic Monday

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    Just another Manic Monday

    Hey there Mondsters!
    Not really's my "Friday" here!
    Just like that song. Since I'm not usually up this early to start a post.. gonna post this & check back later...
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

    Just another Manic Monday

    No one started a thread yet?? Well I never........

    Enjoy your Friday Jude!!! I wish it was my Friday again.

    Happy Monday to the rest of you........
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Just another Manic Monday

      I'm working on that Lushy...
      So far the odds are not in my favor..
      Since getting up this AM.
      I took out the trash, that was full, when I got home from work last night..which I commented on @ the time...& again this morning, (before "he" left for work)
      Now I look in the living room & see empty beer cans on the table... nothing new,... but I'm getting tired of waiting on people @ work & cleaning up after "others' here @ home as well...
      Especially after I brought him dinner home last night!

      God, I sound like a B*tch!

      I usually just do all of this stuff, because I get sick of looking at it, and it's easier to just do it & be done with it. But I feel like ....Dammit! I work hard too, ...and I don't get breaks, at all. Let alone an hour long lunch, ....or whatever...because (he owns the place).

      Maybe I'll just clean 1/2 of the house today..just for contrast. Start a "collection" on his end table of candy wrappers, beer cans, empty cig boxes, kleenex,golf tees,dirty socks, junk mail...
      He keeps telling me he's a neat freak! LOL Delusional!:H

      Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now.

      Icing on the cake! I filled the spare propane tank for our fireplace yesterday in town. So I left it in the yard when I went to work, as there was still some in the tank that was connected to the stove. Apparently, while I was working last night.. it ran out. Gee do you think the "Man of the house" might have changed tanks? Not!
      Good thing I lived in a tree-house & tipi for all those years...I can do those things myself.

      I know he was raised better than that! I feel like calling his folks & telling! LOL!
      The lack of consideration is really pissing me off!
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Just another Manic Monday

        LOL!!! Sounds like the lecture I gave my family this weekend. The clutter is making me mental. Please do call his parents and tape the phone call and post on YouTube. What a riot. Or call him at work and demand he come home on his lunch hour to clean his mess up.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Just another Manic Monday

          :H Maybe I'll just hide his golf clubs or put all the trash in his 67 Mustang!
          That'll get his attention!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Just another Manic Monday

            how funny

            Hey all modsters!! Judie, how I can relate, lushy too...........I lecture the hubby and kids all the time, then finally get sick of it and do it!! I am not a waitress anymore Judie, but I was for a really long time so know the feeling!!

            Hope everyone does well on this Monday, which has been a little manic!!:H To say the least!!

            Check in later, take care!:h :l

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Just another Manic Monday

              Hey Judie, Lushy, Cowgal ,and all y'all who haven't popped in yet. Manic monday right back at 'cha!

              Sounds as if the cosmic inner b*t@h was released for many of us this past weekend. Wonder if that is part of the mercury retrograde mm mentioned on another post in general a few days ago. Sounds about right I cleaned ALL weekend-with no help -while hubby was out all day recreating because was was so stressed. Of course, he was so unbearably cranky and edgy it was just as well he was gone. If was was recreating all day Saturday, why wasn't he easier to deal with on Sunday? Anyways...hope all have a better rest of the day :h
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Just another Manic Monday

                Oh my lord I can relate. There is something in the air! Apparently no one at my home cares if we look like a living trash can but myself. I have tried not to care but that really doesn't work for me either. I can't take the clutter and can't get rid of it either. It's everywhere!

                Hope you all have a great day!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Just another Manic Monday

                  Not only are we modsters we have delusional husbands, mine actually helped me clean up this house yesterday. Drywall dust everywhere from the basement et. He calls me today to ask me how he is doing at being a husband and I said pretty good. He does help a little of course but do the MAJORITY. He wants all kinds of credit for helping yesterday.

                  Ugh!!!!! I am so glad he helped but geez I do it on a daily basis!!!!!


                  OH and Judie I love the clean half the house idea, do it if you can stand to leave his half.


                    Just another Manic Monday

                    Too funny. Must be something to MM's theory..............I am sure we all spewed out the same lines, "After all I do for you, I don't ask for much, I find it very inconsiderate for you to not clean up after yourselves, not to mention I should not have to keep asking over and over again and sounding like a broken record etc., etc.........". Grrrr..............
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Just another Manic Monday


                      Sammys, I am jealous, you have a helping hubby at least!!:H Didn't think there was such a thing!!

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Just another Manic Monday

                        I think we all need wives!
                        And LOTS of batteries!:H
                        Get er done!

                        So what if I abuse the shower massage... at least it doesn't NEED a back rub, or dinner,.. or snivell if it gets neither!
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Just another Manic Monday

                          Deep breath everyone...

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Just another Manic Monday

                            I am sensing some issues on this thread!


                              Just another Manic Monday


                              I am trying to think my way through this thread in my own universe. (every man is an island /or woman for that matter)

                              I get home after a week on the road and find all the mail on the middle of the table, tools all over the house (he is the male version of a crafty.)

                              I am expected to mop the floors, there are A LOT OF FLOORS TO MOP!!, and file the mail and keep the bills and in NO WAY SHOULD I MOVE HIS TOOLS THAT ARE ALL OVER THE F'ING PLACE, because then he can't find them, plus do all the laundry and repack for the next f*ing week on the road. I NEED A WIFE!!

                              BUT, it is my fault the house looks like crap and I should work on it during my < 48 hours at home, that PAYS THE F'ing bills!!!

                              I just want to be home and clean up all that stuff but I have to be on the road and making the $$$ that keeps it all going.

                              Okay, vented. He is a good man and very hard working. I just had to vent. Thanks!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

