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    After struggling back and forth with my BF for the last 6 months or so, I finally told him that it was over this weekend. I have had a relationship with him for the last 4 1/2 years and it's been really difficult most of time (bordering on abusive). When I really sat down about a month ago and made a list of the things that I liked about us being together and the things I didn't, the things I didn't outweighed the good things.

    I basically was being taken advantage of. He has had no interest in having a partnership, It was all about what he could get.
    I for some reason allowed myself to believe that things would change, they never did.
    My ex promised me over and over that he would get his job back, and never did, even though he saw that I was struggling financially. If I wanted to sit down and discuss some solution to the problem he would leave the house or say that I was annoying him.

    I now feel drained and resentful. when he left he said my attitude wouldn't change even if he got a job and started being responsible. I told him it's too late. I am too resentful and tired of this situation to try and save the relationship. He can live on his boat and turn into mister homeless for all I care.

    He won't return the keys for my apartment, which means I have to change the locks. (Will do that tonight) and since he won't take his belongings (few) I'll have to get rid of them some how.

    He is extremely skilled at manipulating me and other people, so I have to be really strong and not speak with him at all.
    I am asking my friends at MWO to help me stay strong and say no, no way! hasta luego sinverguenza!

    I need him out so I can really focus on becoming a healthy drinker. My xbf is such a big drinker with no interest in quitting or slowing down, but with lots of negative criticism towards drinkers.
    Please help me keep my word and my foot down. This person must stay out of my life if I want to move to the next level.
    Thank you all in advance for support and suggestions
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


    Trixie- Stand firm in your decision and take's Lushy's bitch slap class if needed.

    Life is too short to be drained by idiots in our lives. Glad you are free!




      Trixie, whenever you start reminiscing and rewriting history in a rosy fashion (when you know it was not rosy) just reread your post. You know you made the right decision. He became a habit for you and it sounds like it is time to break that habit. I applaud you for ending it...........
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



        ugly habit I must say. keeping my combat boots on
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber




          Absolutely do not back down. It sounds like he is a "user" and a manipulative sob.

          If he is so awesome, let him be awesome by himself or with someone else.

          You can take your life back, nurture yourself and be happy.

          Good luck and be strong!!

          AF April 9, 2016



            Thinking of you trixie-girl! You owe it to yourself to be happy and fulfilled. (words I give out freely, but never follow myself, it seems). Be strong!



              The ex sounds like poison. You can find more fulfillment within yourself by yourself than with someone who brings such negativity into your realm.



                Kudos to you Trixie!

                I know its hard ending a relationship, especially one that was long term. Its also hard getting yourself together. You know you made the right decision by focusing on you and getting yourself together. By clearing out the emotional baggage you not only have made room for youself but you will be able to welcome a healthy relationship when you are ready for one.

                You go sista!!

                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall



                  thank you all your words are source of strength to me, just having this to read in the morning is keeping me from becoming sad and vulnerable.
                  thank you so much I really appreciate this and will keep you posted.
                  much love

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                    Trixie, life is too short to allow someone to take advantage and abuse you.
                    Being alone and being with someone , while still being lonely are SOO very different. You will be much better off having time & energy to work on yourself & put that energy into positive growth, rather than resentment.

                    Stick to your guns girl. Don't let anyone hold you back.:h :l
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                      We are here for you.

                      Wake up tomorrow and say to yourself I will not let him control me. If he makes you feel bad it means he is still being manipulative.




                        sammys;216939 wrote: We are here for you.

                        I will not let him control me.

                        thank you all this is helping me keep my head together. so is keeping the wine bottle corked.
                        I:h you all

                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                          Thinking of you Trix.
                          You deserve so much better.........there`s someone out there who will treat you right......... if we stay with a selfish pig we will never have occasion to meet the good guy.

                          Much love,

                          Starlight Impress x



                            I feel relieved so my feeling is that I will be ok.. thanks to you my friends at MWO am able to get the re assurance I need to stay focused and strong

                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                              Good for you Trixie! Good for you in realizing that you are worth it and you deserve more in this life and good for you for going out and getting it and not settling for less. I am proud of you.

                              You can stand tall without him and ya know what, I bet you will even gain a couple inches!

                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

