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Tuesday October 30th

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    Tuesday October 30th

    Good Morning Modsters!

    Wow I didn't really think that work would be so crazy being out of town for two days but man it was yesterday. I expect it will today too, but I'm feeling centered and should do alright. I overslept this morning which previously would have sent me into a panic but luckily I have flexible work hours so I will adjust accordingly.

    Part of the reason I overslept is that I got caught up in a book last night: The Girl with the Pearl Earring. For those that don't know, its a piece of historical fiction dealing with the backstory of Dutch painter Vermeer's famous painting. I love it so far and it is very hard to put down.

    I must say that my trip out of town was just the thing I needed to reset things in perspective. Nothing changes your view of home like being away!

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall

    Tuesday October 30th

    good morning

    Hey Lorelei, glad you had a great 2 days away, that is true that it is always great to get away and it puts things into a different perspective, doesn't it?

    Sounds like an interesting book, I am in dire need of one right now, just finished one(Lord of the Flies of all things). It was actually pretty well written, decent.........sick and sad too. I love to read, maybe I will look at that at the book store tonight!

    Have a great day everyone to come and Lorelei!!

    Love :h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Tuesday October 30th


      I don't think I ever read Lord of the Flies. I have read alot of books, I am a bookworm! A long time ago I did see the movie adaptation so I get the gist of the story although I'm sure they had to cut or modify things for the screenplay.

      Suddenly I see
      This is what I want to be
      suddenly I see
      Why the hell it means so much to me.

      -KT Tunstall


        Tuesday October 30th

        Morning Lorelei and Cowgal and all to come. Lucky inspired me- I am reading Wicked. I LOVE it. I am a bookie too, just don't have the time much any more.

        Sending hugs to all the modsters- a BUSY BUSY day ahead- heck-couple of days when you throw in all the Halloween stuff Hope all is well for y'all. Thinking of everyone:h
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          Tuesday October 30th

          Hi Lorelei and Cowgirl,

          I'm "new" here. Actually, I joined a long-ish time ago, but sort of phase in and out.... anyway, I'm back...not sure if moderation will work for me, but it is where I'm at today.

          I'm a reader, too. I'm on an Alice Sebold kick right now. Last week I finished "Lucky" and probably today I'll finish "The Lovely Bones". Sebold is very intense, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you like that sort of thing.

          I read The Girl with Pearl Earring when it came out in paperback. I really enjoyed it...and a few other books that are also in that historical art fiction genre.

          Well, I hope you don't mind my jumping on this thread.



            Tuesday October 30th

            Welcome Sante!

            We sure don't mind anyone jumping in, the more the merrier!

            Amethyst - I started off with Wicked and ended up reading most of Greg Macguires books. Some I liked better than others but over all I enjoyed reading them.

            Sante - I've never read any Alice Sebold, could you recommend a book to start with?

            I read almost everyday right before I go to bed. I found that if I don't make the time, I will never have the time. It takes me a while to get through a book but I find that reading before bed is very relaxing for me. OF course now that I'm not drinking most days I make faster progress cause I don't have to reread what I read while drunk.

            Today is already chocked full of things to do but I'm slowly ticking them off my list.

            Tomorrow morning is my third session with my therapist and I'm beginning to focus on what I need to bring up.

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Tuesday October 30th

              Hi all! and welcome back Sante.

              I have read, and loved Lord of the Flies, Wicked and the Lovely Bones! All fantastic books. I can't remember if I read Lucky or not?? Anyway, I have been trying to read the second book after Wicked called "Son of a Witch".

              I am off for a hectic day at work!!! Love you guys! and Happy Halloween!
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Tuesday October 30th


                Sebold has written three books. The first was "Lucky" and recounted her rape. Her style is to start her books with a shocking event, and then build a story around it. In "Lucky" we see how her rape colored her life and impacted many of the decisions she made. As all of Sebold's books, it is intense.

                Her second book is "The Lovely Bones". It has been on the best seller's list for ages. It is about a 14 year old girl who is raped and murdered in a suburb in the US. It recounts how she watches over her family after her death and how they deal (or don't deal) with her murder. Again, it is intense -- but less so than "Lucky".

                Her third book has just been published and I haven't read it, yet. It my library buys it, I'll read it soon: otherwise, I'll wait until the paperback comes out.

                I'm not sure these are books I'd like to read before bed. But since I'm only just back to MWO I haven't been reading before going to bed....

                Let me know if you decide to try any of these books out. Like I said, I really enjoy reading.



                  Tuesday October 30th

                  Hello fellow modsters I usually have something to read while going back and forth in the subway. I have nothing to read so far, will look up the titles you guys are mentioning.
                  I also love to read right before going to bed.
                  hope you all have a beautiful day

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Tuesday October 30th

                    Morning everyone and welcome Sante!

                    I am passionate about reading too but it is hard to find the time. I have a pile so big from the library and cannot seem to find time to read. Lately I have been more into self-help and diet books.

                    I did read The Lovely Bones. I enjoyed it but yes it is intense. Whenever the subject of books comes up I always have to recommend my all-time favorite book Dry by Augusten Burroughs. Laugh out loud funny true story about a man who goes through rehab. Must read in my opinion.

                    Have a great day! It is going to be a super cold Halloween for us tomorrow.......
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Tuesday October 30th


                      Hey, you all inspire me, I mean I read alot, thought I was a geek or it at the gym (hint, hint,) It makes the workout on the bike much more bearable I didn't mean hint hint in a bad way, just a way for some of you w/ no time to get the reading in........

                      I am so happy Sante, I am new back and we never mind (I speak for myself that is) anyone jumping in, it is kinda fun in a way:H

                      Nice to check in and see everyone doing so well, off to a great thread..............

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Tuesday October 30th

                        I read Dry when it first came out, and followed all the sensationalism that followed (Oprah, etc., etc.).

                        On my list of books to read is Sebold's latest book, The Nine by Jeffrey Tobin (about the US Supreme Court judges), A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, and a book thats name I don't know about the Silk Road and written by a NYT writer. I'm also interested in finding a really good book about world economics. I'm incredibly stupid about international monetary stuff and now is a great time to do something about it!

                        I can see from other posts how our busy lives and work interfere with passions like reading. Since I'm newly unemployed, I figure this is something I can be joyful about: I have lots of time to read (and not drink)!



                          Tuesday October 30th

                          Afternoon everyone, reading is a great escape and better for you.



                            Tuesday October 30th

                            Hi Mondsters!
                            I've got the day off & the sun's shining!:H
                            I even woke up to a somewhat clean house today! Hubby did a bunch of cleaning last night! I guess those little "cutting" comments worked...

                            Speaking of books... Anyone ever read any Janet Evanovich books? She has a whole series of Stephanie Plum novels, they're funny, light hearted, humor,hot & sassy, pretty hilarious... I just stumbled across one of her books this summer & Hubby has bought 2 or 3 of them since while travelling. He's hooked too!
                            She's a bonds enforcement agent, with a partner who's an ex prostitute...her car is blown up about once a week, her grandma is always wanting to tag along & help her arrest good looking criminals.... they're funny books! I AM easily amused...

                            Welcome Sante!

                            Hope everybody has a BOOtiful day!
                            Big hugs,
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Tuesday October 30th

                              Judie- I :h Stephanie Plum. Grandma and Lulu just make me howl. I will sadly admit to having read ALL her books. I too, am rather easily amused.:H
                              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

