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Monday November 5th

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    Monday November 5th

    Good morning Modsters!

    Feeling good today. Hubbie was out at poker last night and I stopped at 3 glasses of wine. No headache, etc. and slept well. I tend to overdo it when he is not around to police -- the rebellion thing.

    I want to work toward stopping at 2, except for parties (3) and having some AF nights.

    Today I get my braces tightened for the first time. Yikes!

    Did everyone have a nice w/e?

    Monday November 5th

    Good Morning All,

    Glad you had a good evening Ducky. So did I. My husband does police me, but even though it embarrasses me (and I often rebel) it at least shows that he cares and wants to help.

    I had a good night, too, last night. I agree that I often will share a bottle of wine with my husband over a good homemade meal (I thnk that is 3 glasses, right?). For me, if I can stop at that, I don't feel "drunk" and I'm definitely not hung over in the morning.

    Off to a great, busy day today. Have lots and lots of stuff to do, so I'll be too busy to think about drinking. Yeah!



      Monday November 5th

      Well I must admit that my glasses are a bit larger than what is considered a serving I think. I find that half a bottle fits nicely into 2 glasses. I'll tackle serving size down the road. For now 2 of my glasses would be a great stopping point.

      Sante, I also appreciate my hubbie's intentions. I guess it's the immature part of me that rebels against anyone trying to control me, even if it is for my own good. I should get over that I think.

      Where are all the other sleepy heads?


        Monday November 5th

        Good morning fellow moderators
        I am in good spirits, just sending some peace and light your way

        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Monday November 5th

          Good morning Ducky, Sante, and Trixie glad that you are all well .....

          Well done on the mods, you know, this place is really amazing, since posting my confession last week, I have been so much better!!!!

          I love MWO .........:h

          Love & Hugs to all to come .....

          ps only 12 days to Florida, and seeing as we are staying overnight at the airport the night before, that means only 11 days to my holidays .....YIPPEE .......


            Monday November 5th

            hey modsters

            Sounds like you all are doing MARVEOUSLY today!! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip to FLA Betty!! Have a ball!!

            I am AF all week and moderated pretty well this weekend, have another AF wedding reception this coming Saturday, just wish that could help me stay AF all day, but this weeks didn't I am learning though, right!?

            I will check in later, love reading your posts, you are a fun bunch, and I feel at home here!

            Keep up the good work!!


            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Monday November 5th

              Morning Ducky, Sante, Trixie and BB. It sounds like all had a great weekend. I did! AF all weekend YEEhah!!!Ducky-my serving sizes are 2 glasses per 1/2 bottle too. Think that's part of the problem? :H
              Hope everyone else is well- I am channeling the white rabbit today busy busy busy.....
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Monday November 5th

                Just sayin hi cowgal-must have posted at the same time!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                  Monday November 5th

                  Just wanted to say good morning to all too!

                  Have been feeling great. Bought a fine bottle of red on Friday to enjoy with good company and it took me 2 days to finish! Very weird how easy MWO makes it easy to moderate. What a blessing!. Life has been wonderful AND full of interesting challenges and I have been loving all of it. Have a great day everyone!
                  ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer


                    Monday November 5th

                    Sadly... I really blew it yesterday. I've been working on this for almost 4 weeks. Yesterday was the second time I really blew it. I woke up in the middle of the nite, feeling bad about myself. Then decided it wasn't going to pay to beat myself up. I have no anxiety this morning. I didn't feel like I had to be bullied by my husband. I was going to get irritated by him last nite. And, just stopped myself... as that is a cycle I get into. So at least I avoided that. And, honestly... it could have been much worse. This week I am working up to 100mg of the topa. I am not taking the supps. But, think I will be more inclined to do so.
                    Part of what I let happen is... I have only been buying those little bottles of wine. When I went to the store... they didn't have any... so I bought a big bottle and drank the whole thing. And, it was a good quality wine... which has more alcohol in it. or something... I can drink the cheap stuff and be ok... but give me one glass of the good stuff... and I'm out. Believe me, it's embarrassing, as I was raised in a very blessed atmosphere, with very blessed friends and family. I'm the one that liked tapped well water and not the fancy water... However, I don't like cheap toilet paper... oh, I guess, I'm going on a rant... anyway... that can go on my pet peeve site...
                    So, today, I'm back on track again.
                    I woke up disappointed it was Monday too.... back to work.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Monday November 5th

                      Oh. also in increasing the topa to 2 this morning... I did get the pins and needles in both hands for about 5 min.
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        Monday November 5th


                        Sorry to hear about your mishap yesterday. What can you say? Stuff happens. I think we just have to learn from these things and move on. Learning may come in small increments: it does for me, I know.

                        Now, I'm not working and learning to adjust to it and seeing I have time for all of the interests I have. It's an adventure. Not always pleasant and often uncomfortable, but I feel free in a strange and new way. I'm not striving for abstinence: that is too high a hurdle. I'm striving for moderation and a healthy lifestyle. I think I can have both. I know I'm not perfect and will have bad days. But if I can have fewer bad days, then I'll feel I'm moving in the right direction, and will want to continue the struggle.

                        Yesterday and Saturday were evidence of moving in a positive direction, for me. I'm prayerful today will be good, too.

                        Cheer up! It's a new day and start of a new week. All the opportunity in the world is right in front of us!



                          Monday November 5th

                          Hi Ya'll!
                          Looking like another fantastic fall day here. And It's my Friday!!:H
                          Just waiting for the temp to climb a bit, then go jump on the river again for a while before going to work.

                          There's a woman in town that wants some painting done... I should give her a call soon. But I just can't see starting a painting project with this gorgeous weather out! It is an indoor project after all . Plus I warned her that I wanted to get in as much kayaking as possible, before I started painting...

                          Hope everybody has a great day.
                          :l Judie

                          Capt Bean, Ducky, & Sante, I think my Hubby finally realized that by trying to "fix' me or coach me into drinking less... it just made it worse. I know as soon he tries controlling me... suddenly I'm very defensive & WAAYYY thirthy-er! "live & let live" seems to work the best for us. I try not to notice his smoking... and he tries not to mention what I drink....although, he drinks his beer as well, we're pretty well matched on that. Picking up the empties, IS a WHOLE diff story...working on that...
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Monday November 5th

                            Hi everyone just checking in and reading up.



                              Monday November 5th

                              Me too Sammys. I had inspections and interviews all day at work and tomorrow is more of the same. My agency is goining through the re-accredidation process. Tomorrow all three of my sites are being visited. I hate talking for hours.
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

