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Wednesday evening Downunder

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    Wednesday evening Downunder

    Hi there,

    I've been on the monthly mods board but have had a truly crapulous day.
    Was teetering over the last two days and had a 'light beer slip' (only one) two days in a row. I figured I'd be back in fine AF form today but my boss dropped a bombshell on me.
    I am very upset and freaked out about losing my job just when things seemed to be going so well. Anyway, sorry to bore you but am on day 12 mods (first 9 days AF then light beer slipped in).
    Shall talk more tomorrow.

    Wednesday evening Downunder

    It's a pity you are not in subscriber, we hve a "F#$ING swearing thread - sounds like you need to go in there and let loose for a bit.

    Just hang on to your bigger dream, to stay sober and in control.

    This is just a setback, you will get another job (come to Canberra - we have nearly zero unemployment)
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Wednesday evening Downunder

      Hey Flip!
      Don't mean to scare you, but that's where I am!! Very small town so did not dare to admit to it. I went to bed but am up again because I feel so shitty and angry I can't sleep. How can I have been there 3 months and nobody said a word about any problems until now??
      Had landed a really terrific job back then and chose this one instead because they promised it would be more relaxed and family friendly.. now feel like such a loser that I made the wrong choice. Am under so much financial pressure this is just so UNFAIR! To have to look for another job right before xmas is shitty shitty shitty ... and having to go back in there tomorrow hat in hand and say that yes, i am willing to work through this and stay on probation as though it is my fault is even shittier. How am I gonna smile at those arseholes?? Oh and sorry bout my language. I would subscribe but am broke. What's it cost anyways? I will keep it in mind next time i have a spare buck. Venting is definitely healthful.
      Thanks for the good vibes.


        Wednesday evening Downunder

        Hey Suze,
        Vent away, you need a good rant. Maybe you can stay there and keep bringing in the paycheck, but on a happy face for them while you are secretly out looking for a new and better job? Sorry you are going through this crap when the holidays are so close.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Wednesday evening Downunder

          The worst thing you can do fickle is bottle this up inside you. Don't let this fester and eat away at you or it will only cause you more stress and worry and the desire to drink can become such an easy solution to your problems right now. I know what it is like to be out of work at this time of year as I was laid off 2 years ago around this exact same time. Bills were already mounting up, I had a partner and young child to support, I had thousands of pounds worth of debts and loans and Xmas was looming around the corner. It would take weeks for any social benefits to come through and life was really really hard for us. The worst of it all was I was still drinking heavily at this time. I'm not proud of myself but looking back today I know I was using alcohol to blot my problems out even more so during that period. I'm still in terrible debt today but I can handle it more and not worry as much because I'm sober an willing to face these things as well as challenges that are thrown my way. I do really empathise with you as I know what it is like Suze. Be strong, there's no quick fixes to this but just make sure not to bottle all this up.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Wednesday evening Downunder

            WOW, it appears that here in the UK todays thread started yesterday!!!!

            Fickle hang in there love, you will get through this .......

            My day has been horrendous, I just walked out on my job (family business) I have worked for my parents for 10 years, my dad is the grumpiest boss ever and if he wasn't my dad I would have walked years ago! He recently employed a friend of his as garage foreman and he thinks that the sun shines out of his rear end .... since he started with us lots of things have gone missing and there has been general unrest at work, (my hubby is transport manager there too) it appears that the new man is an out and out troublecauser and has been turning the drivers against my dad and vice versa and the drivers are threatening to leave (this is a team of men that have worked together 8 years without any problems)...... However dad doesn't believe it he blames all he others so I tried to talk to him nicely today about how the business will suffer if they go he, went crazy and said its a conspiracy about his friend!!!! He actually said that he would back him to the hilt and started threatening to sack them all my hubby included!!! I stormed out in tears and said add me to the list as well ...... I am absolutely livid ......

            However I faced a huge hurdle, last year I would have got drunk to calm down, but I went to the macdonalds drive thru instead!!!!

            Love you all .........


              Wednesday evening Downunder

              Hi fickle and everyone hang in there day three AF for me, am taking a 30 day break and boy oh boy I do not remember it being like this the last time I decided to give the old liver a rest.



                Wednesday evening Downunder

                Oh BB! I can't imagine working for my Dad at this time in my life! We'd end up killing each other by noon! My poor brother runs the sawmill & has taken over the family business, since my Dad retired. I surely don't envy him...
                I hope you get this sorted out before you're trip. Sending you big prayers & lots of luck if he's anything like my dad...:h :l

                Fickle- Geez is something in the planets going on or something? I felt like telling my boss to do it his Damn self last night! I wasn't even scheduled... just got called in to cover for someone else.. and he made a comment, that almost had me walking out!

                I was looking for a job when i got that one! (Actually.. he offered it. I already had a job. He asked me to come work for him! Maybe I should remind him of that!)

                Definately NOT ANSEWRING the phone today! I was out in my kayak when I got the call to go in to work...& hurried in because they needed me...

                OK enough about that....
                It's a beautiful day & I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest!
                Hope evryone else makes the most of it!
                love ya ALL bunches!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Wednesday evening Downunder

                  Hi Everyone,

                  I planning on AF today and if I can manage tomorrow, too.

                  I know all about work woes, but am fortunate to have always landed on my feet. Right now, I'm winding down at work and will be leaving the work world in mid-December so I can spend more time with my aging parents. I'm ready!

                  Fickle, you'll land on your feet, too. May not seem like that now, but you'll reach a point where you'll see that getting out of this job was the best thing for you. Who wants to work some place where people scheme behind your back and aren't forthright about performance? Yuck!



                    Wednesday evening Downunder

                    Bonjour Madame Boop! Isn't quitting a job a lovely lovely feeling!?? Back in the far-off-time before Little Jane and Baby Jane were born, I had a couple of jobs, and the happiest days of my life were the days I walked out! Now that the "goils" don't need me at home any more (Baby J's a senior in high school) I have felt that perhaps I should look about and get something (my free-lancing is really very sporadic and hardly counts). But...nahhhhh...anyway, big congrats to you.
                    Jane Jane


                      Wednesday evening Downunder

                      Jane Jane, it doesn't feel good! I gave up a really good job as a buyer 10 years ago, and took a huge pay drop to work in the family business because it was my future! I am the only child and one day it was supposed to be mine, which is why hubby came to work with us .....

                      I now have nothing much to offer any employers because how many companies that haul sewage need a new director .........

                      I wont go back until he apologises for his attitiude ......... so I may be unemployed sometime soon ..........

                      As for the holiday, that is with my Mum who agrees with me and isn't speaking to him either .......

                      Hi to everyone else .......


                        Wednesday evening Downunder

                        He is sure to crumble soon Betty!!

                        I just finished my re-accredidation, inspections and interviews and we passed with flying colors! I am soooo happy! The gentleman who was in charge of inspecting my program said he was very impressed and told me I had "a lot to be proud of". I am very, very pleased.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Wednesday evening Downunder


                          Just popping in to see how everyone is here in modsville...........sorry Suze, hopefully you will find a new job soon, I am sure you will be ok. I believe in the "big picture" or "master plan" if you will, and you can see that maybe it wasn't for you after a while when you look back (does that make a bit of sense??) Well, you get it, I am sorry for you ,lost a job about 12 years ago and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise BIG TIME!!

                          Betty, hope your dad apologizes soon, workin for family can suck at times, I have done that too Moved from Palm Beach, FL to run my sister-in-law's dermatology practice, WOW, what an eye opener that was............tolerated it for 3 yrs, then found a position doing what I had been doing for years...........BLESSING!

                          Judie, sorry you had a rough night, remember my waitressing days too and many nights when I just wanted to rip off the apron and walk out the door!

                          Everyone else, hang in there, have a great Wednesday whether it be AF or mod...........

                          Love ya!!!!!!!!:h :h
                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Wednesday evening Downunder

                            Boop have you ever heard the song take this job and shove it???? PP you rock and Judie do not answer any phones today. Everyone I say hi and boop family or not we all have a limit on things.



                              Wednesday evening Downunder

                              I just wrote a very long and heartfelt post to you all and bloodywell lost it in the ether somewehere!!
                              Love to all.
                              Goodnight (and it's thursday night here!)

