But last night, when I was getting ready to leave work, I discovered that someone had already emptied my tip cup. Our tip cups are kept up @ the front desk near the cash register. In the past 2 years of working @ the cafe, I've not had a problem with this (except the one time I caught the bus girl red handed... putting my tips in her pocket!)
Anyway, it was a slow night, only 3 of us working on the floor, other than the Mgr... who I totally trust. Also there's another waitress I've worked with for years I trust completly, who was there.
BUT... also another that has not been there long, .... I've tried to give the benefit of the doubt. Even though, other people have told me she's stolen from them, {hundreds of $$ from her former employer who golfs w/ my Hubby & warned me about her}
(this is a VERY small town)
The other girls I work with have expressed concerns about this person possibly doing meth. She's very hyper. Says she has ADHD...(believe me if i catch her in the act of stealing.. that'll be the least of her worries)I think it's just drug induced BS! Not to mention $$ mania! She's always counting her tips, before her shift is even over...(probably 1/2 of them are somebody elses!) I hate thinking that way... but my money didn't get up & jump out of the cup all by itself.
I'm starting to think she has no real grasp on reality. I can't believe someone would be so stupid & obvious as to steal from other workers... I went in & worked for her on Tuesday night on my day off for her.
I didn't see it actually happen. But there's very little doubt in my mind what happened.
Needless to say. I'm Pissed.
Thanks for letting me vent.