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Wednesday November 14th

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    Wednesday November 14th

    Morning Modsters,

    Big Hugs to all of you needing them, i've just read yesterdays thread and my heart goes out to you all ....... Cowgal, all the best to you hon, Ripple welcome to mods .......... Jude hope you day off was good .......

    Work was tough for me yesterday, still not talking to my day, but hey i'm on holiday now ......... leave for the airport friday and fly to Florida saturday........ Yaaaay ........

    Love & Hugs to everyone .........

    BB xx

    Wednesday November 14th

    The choice is always simple enough, clear your plate if you want dessert.

    From the kitchen,
    The Universe

    Good morning all,

    BB, Enjoy your holiday!! Take a break from the stress of this situation, your dad will come around soon.

    Sante, I am sorry that the drinking is getting in the way of your retirement. Maybe you can look at it as NOW you have the time to start an exercise program that will feel so nice and get your further away from the drinking. Do you have the book, supps and CDs? The CDs really helped kick my head up a notch to a simple I do not need this. RJ's recommended 30 days AF will help get your head in a totally different space too. good luck you can do this!

    Ducky it has been a year and half to me and occasionally I will really crave a drink. I found that is when I probably should not have anything but water. I applaud you for walking away from it. You sound like me, Jen did a study a long time ago and it was what type of drinker you were. Mine had a bit more to do with my blood sugar levels. A full stomach sure keeps you from feeling quite so nuts about drinking.

    Ah, Sammys, I am so sorry about the alarm. You are also doing a super job on MODS and even doing AFs right now. Glad you are so determined!

    Ripple, I am glad to hear you are sober. Now you can have a place to go forward from and find out what your life is truly holding for you. Hang tough sweetie.

    Lori, we just want some control. Therapy does tell you assigning blame isn't really super productive but sometimes it just has to be done, to move past an element of anger and hurt. You can revisit it later and work on other parts. Sounds like you are due a nice long relaxing bath, imagining what that new life looks and feels like when you are past this part of it. . . it couldn't hurt right? big hugs honey.

    Prest, great job, you can do this. Throwing it away is never a really bad thing. did you bring your kudzu and Lglutamine with you? that stuff works so well for me. About an hour before you really will need it take some.

    PP, my boys were in the same situation, school certainly expected many more hours. It is just part of where we have sent them and in the end quite worth all of it. In the middle of where you . . . exhausting.

    MA, I am so sorry you are in that place. I feel for you and I would go find a girlfriend or a shelter if it is a physically threatening situation for you or the kids. PROMISE, you will do that. I for one think you should go sooner than later. HUGE HUGS!!

    Judie, did you have a good day off yesterday? I hope so.

    Lushy, Waves and all the rest . . .where are you?

    I thank all of you for your input on this work boundaries. I had a meeting in Santa Fe yesterday afternoon for a different PR firm and one of their clients and it hit me on our drive up there. It is not so much the project as that other firm's owner's way of walking all over my hours then having constant emergencies. In fact, maybe to establish her complete lack of respect for my timeframes. . . NO not going to do this frantic emergency stuff. I need no crazy making in my life!

    On the plus side, the Marketing association called yesterday and I won a design award! I get a night at an incredible hotel/spa retreat and some bucks to buy massages. WAHOOOOOOOOO!! There is a luncheon tomorrow that I will pick up the award and get some kudos, also my PR audience so that is pretty neat as I have not tapped that particular market yet with my new programs. Excellent opportunity to network.

    Have a great day all to come!

    Hugs and Love,


      Wednesday November 14th

      Hi to BB and Mary and all to follow,

      BB, you must be so excited for your trip! I am sure it is just what you need right now. Dad will come around as Mary said.

      Mary, congrats on the award! That is so cool. You obviously do fantastic work.

      I worked for an ad/pr agency for a short while. The owners let their clients walk all over them and the staff. It was not a good fit for me. I had one client calling me at home at night to tell me what an idiot my boss (the owner) was. You should have seen the look on his face when he lit into me with a defense of this particular client (and a criticism of my handling of the account) and after calmly listening I informed him that was the same person who called me last night to report that he was an idiot! I think there is a fine line between being responsive and being a doormat. It sounds like you have a good handle on where that line is.

      Well today starts the thanksgiving prep. I am making turkey stock to use in the stuffing and gravy and an herb butter to put under the skin of the turkey. Yum. I love the thanksgiving menu but miss having the holiday up north. I also miss having a crowd of people. We are just having my inlaws and stepson and it will be too quiet. You really need kids running around on holidays...

      OK, enough of my rambling. How is everyone?


        Wednesday November 14th

        hey all mods

        just thought I'd check in, wasn't too mod last night, hubby pushes every button, probably installed 1/2 of them He was downright mean to the kids, I couldn't buy food for them, had no $$ w/ me, and he wouldn't buy Zac (playing baseball and needing the energy I am sure!) anything to eat, I had to leave early no bank to go to for $$ ..........he was just congregating w/ all his budies, we have another game tonight, I wil take lots of cash so I can feed my poor kids......................thanks for all the wishes, this will be difficult, but I have been told by MANY friends it will be well worth it, I can't wait to be HAPPY and at PEACE, it has been over 10 years since I have felt that way, REALLY!!

        I am glad you all seem to be fairing well, stay strong, I will try to do the same:h

        HUGS!!!!:l :thanks:
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Wednesday November 14th

          Big Big BB hugs to you Cowgal, I really hate mean people ......:l :l :l


            Wednesday November 14th

            hello modsters.
            cowgal it will be ok. just stay strong. bully man will be out of your life soon.
            I left my mean and lazy boyfriend 2 weeks ago. still processing all the horrible things I experienced with him.
            it is sooo exhausting.
            staying clear over here
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Wednesday November 14th

              Geez, Mary Ann. That makes me want to come down there to Fla. & steal you away! I hate mean people! GRRR!
              I agree with MKR. Sooner than later! Do you have somwhere you can stay? You stay strong girl.:h

              Ducky-You're so organized! Already starting on Thanksgiving? I figure if I defrost the turkey by Sunday, that'll be a good enough start...

              MKR- Congratulations on yet another award! You seem to be doing that just about weekly these days!:goodjob: So good to see you back on the boards. I really missed you.

              BB- Have a wonderful trip! I sure hope you & your Papa get things aired out soon. That's got to be so tuff & heavy on your heart. I know my Dad is so damn stubborn too...

              Well, I've got another day off. Just waiting for it to warm up a bit. It was beautiful this morning @ sunrise. The sky was bright pink & yellow, it didn't even look real shining thru the golden maple leaves, with the deer walking by in the yard.

              Have a great day everybody.
              Big hugs.
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Wednesday November 14th

                Congrats to our Mary, we all know you are great and glad that others are recognizing you too.

                Mary Anne so sorry you are dealing with all the crap from hubbie but I like that you will find peace again soon.

                BB have fun in FL!!

                Ducky, I will send my kids over to you, K? That should spruce up your home!

                Judie enjoy your day and you just painted a very nice picture in my mind.

                Same old here. Sick kids and I'm on anitbiotics now too. We leave Saturday for NC for a week to see my dad. We are driving...wish me well. I will probably kick my hubbie out of the car first.

                Hi to all who come!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Wednesday November 14th

                  Send them over Beaches! I love kids. And of course I get to return them when I am tired...


                    Wednesday November 14th

                    Checking in today with some new perspective.....

                    Last night I went out and did not moderate at all, in fact I've not tied one on like that in a long time. What was I seeking from my outing....approval. Aprroval, you say? Yes approval....I wasn't getting approval from the significant people in my life so I decided to go out and seek approval from a group of total strangers. I got it, hence me staying WAY too long. Of course all that approval is gone today and I am left with figuring out why I need the approval so badly. Today was my meeting with my therapist and we talked about my desperate need for approval. I took the day off both to recover from my binge and to regain some perspective.
                    Suddenly I see
                    This is what I want to be
                    suddenly I see
                    Why the hell it means so much to me.

                    -KT Tunstall


                      Wednesday November 14th

                      Oh Lorelie I understand what you did and yes you need to have your feelings or work or home accomplishments validated not all the time but sounds like once in awhile would be nice. I know you will regain perspective today and hope you feel better.

                      Everyone I say hi!!!


                        Wednesday November 14th

                        I was untrue in some of my posts today. I have not used and will not use. Just feeling out the forum members replies. Forgive me. Still sober today....Love it...really.:h

                        Had a good day actually. Went on a long walk, did some shopping and then a meal at Tuesadays. Back at my temporary shelter until my trip to Florida the day after turkey.


                          Wednesday November 14th

                          Ripple what did you lie about? Were you asking for sympathy???

                          Lorielie...I understand as well. Stick with us and read as much as you can. You need to "push through".
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Wednesday November 14th

                            "Feeling out forum member's replies"....WTF?

                            If you're looking for support just ask... but manipulating people is a strange concept for me.

                            Wishing you well.

                            Glad you had a good day, all in all.
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Wednesday November 14th

                              Ripple - I don't get it .... can you explain?

