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    Yeah, it is FINALLY Friday!! thought this day would never get here!?!? It has been one hell of a week, roller coaster ride if you will................good luck to all who follow, just wanted to start this thread and start everyone off to a positive note, good luck and hi to everyone to follow, much better spirits I guess cuz I see a lawyer today and will finally feel like I have someone on my side??!!

    love and best thoughts to everyone to follow, have a great day no matter what your plans!!!

    I love you all dearly!!!!:l :h :l
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



      Happy Friday All!

      I am so glad that its the end of the week! I have exhausted myself worrying and then worrying about worrying, I need a day to sleep in and lounge. This weekend is actually going to be fairly busy for me, I have lots of plans....both with other people and without. working on my anxiety is my number one priority at the moment so I'm gonna try some new things and see how they work.

      wishing all that follow a great day!

      Suddenly I see
      This is what I want to be
      suddenly I see
      Why the hell it means so much to me.

      -KT Tunstall



        Morning y'all! I feel poofy and bleah this morning- I overdid it last night ---on BRIE CHEESE:H No problem with the wine, just don't let me around the cheese plate. Sheesh, do I have a shred of self control in there somewhere? Oh well, serious walking today and aerobic house cleaning are in order It is sometimes-often-hard for me to get on on the weekends, so if I don't check in, y'all have a great day, and a wonderful mods weekend:h
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child



          Hey Mary Anne!! You sound really positive from your post!!

          Have a good week-end yourself!!

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009



            So it looks like this long term project at work is not going to give the client the information that they need to know. The alternate technique we were developing went down the tubes when 3 of my instruments stopped working. I have just broke down in tears at the office....could use a huge hug and possibly a punching bag.
            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall



              :l :l :l Here's some hugs, punching bag to follow. Maybe go outside & throw rocks if there's a pond or river nearby...Even an open field...
              Sorry to hear you're having a tuff morning.

              I'm not looking forward to working with the "suspect" tonight @ work either. I only work on Friday nights with the particular person who I'm pretty sure pocketed my tips last friday...

              My quote for the day..."The ONLY thing worth stealing is a KISS":h

              I should make a button & wear it tonight! LOL

              Cowgal, give me a call if ya can... Hope things go well with the lawyer. Glad to hear you're going to get some other feedback than the "Bully".

              Hippie-Good to see ya. Was starting to wonder about ya.

              Amethyst- I swear, it starts raining & getting to be winter-like, just like that I feel 10 lbs heavier! I go from being tan & bikini clad to sweats & baggy in one weekend! Off to the stairmaster...
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                Yea, Jude has some very good advise. Stone the hell out of a pond but in the meantime here is a hug...

                And Jude I love the idea of you wearing that buttom.
                Love Lori
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein




                  The button is a must if only for the smile factor you might get from your customers.

                  Unfortunately there are no ponds around here but I feel a nice hot bath and maybe a mud mask tonight when I get home. I'm ready to go home now though, I'm done with the emotional rollercoaster for the week.

                  Suddenly I see
                  This is what I want to be
                  suddenly I see
                  Why the hell it means so much to me.

                  -KT Tunstall



                    Can I come in?

                    I think I'll start posting more on this thread as well as the others. I'm not tottally AF so this might be a good place for me......

                    So hi guys:hiya:



                      Welcome Marisa, glad to have you here!
                      Suddenly I see
                      This is what I want to be
                      suddenly I see
                      Why the hell it means so much to me.

                      -KT Tunstall



                        Post away Marisa :welcome:
                        We're pretty friendly down here.:l
                        Hope you're having a good day.

                        Have a great weekend everybody! Even though it IS my Monday...
                        Oh well, it's raining... might as well go make $$.
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                          Well I'm home now though I have to admit I did entertain thoughts of going to the bar. I thought I could go and not drink, but really I knew that once I got there I would drink and drink to get drunk. These past few days have been difficult but so far I'm holding up. I've been crying alot. Its been two years since mom died and a little over a year and a half since dad died and I am crying for them. I'm also crying because I want my man back, and I'm not sure he wants me back. Sure he says he wants us back together when I'm whole again....but what if I never get whole again? Yes I know its my irrational side talking and by crying I let it all out. I feel better having cried and I will probably cry some more later. I gots lots of crying to do seeing as I didn't do alot of it 2 years ago..... sort of went numb, on auto pilot if you will. As I have my bouts of sadness I feel they are never going to end, but they do. Sometimes they last longer than others but each time I make it through I feel just ever so slightly healed.

                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall

