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July 2

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    July 2

    Good Morning Starshines!!

    It is a beautiful day here in the Northeast!. Cannot think of any reason why I should not do this event. I have questions about rules for this event. Like, are there any? If so what are they? For example, log in everyday, state your plan, etc. etc.

    Thanks, Chrysa

    PS. I don't have a concrete detailed plan yet, but working on it. Also, can't guarantee I will log in same time each day & may miss some days. Is that OK?

    July 2

    Good morning Chrysa and moderators!
    I've been in Canada for the long weekend. Sorry I've been a bit absentee!
    STILL MODERATING over here! Used to be pretty tough at my parent's place, as it's like a bar within a home.... bar in the kitchen, bar fridge in garage, new bar in the basement, wine cellar. I'm serious. Anyhow, had 3 or 4 drinks friday night (sipping wine with wonderful dinner) and got to bed early to get up for my 8 mile run on Sat morning! Whoo hoo! Made it with a bit of walking thrown in... so cheated a bit. Hubby came with me and said it was the longest run he had ever taken as well. He is proud .
    Yesterday, out on boat for an all day drink fest (just how it is here). I had 4 beers in about 5 hours, so was pretty happy with that. Came back, had water and took my SUPPS! 2 gl. wine with dinner, then watched a movie with some sparkling fruity water. Feeling great this morning! Yesterday's festivities used to be a recipe for disaster. SOOOO nice to just handle the day not getting tanked...:x .
    ANYHOW....To answer your question Chrysa, it does help to have a concrete plan. Helps to have things in writing, I think, for accountability to yourself, and to us. Any time that I have not had a plan, that is when I have let things slide the worst, for the most part. You get that "stinkin thinkin" Judie was talking about! "oh, what's the big deal, oh, just tonight, I just feel like.... who's counting....."
    I shall re-state my plan for July:
    simple enough: Run more miles per week than drinks I consume! Generally, I want the drink count to stay in the teens/low 20's, as that ave 2-3ish per day.
    1st week trial was last wk: not too shabby and better than the weeks previous (which were about 10 mi running and between 19 drinks on good wks to getting into the 30ish range a couple wks when I started running low on supps... geesh, what a huge difference)
    last wk: 18.75 miles (all time record high!)
    24 drinks total
    closing up that gaP:b

    Kathy, hope you are doing better with your ex situation and with all in general. We need to catch up!!
    Judie, once again, thank you for leading June. You were amazing. I'll call ya soon.
    OK, back to the festivities. Mom is talking mimosas with gotta see this to believe it:smokin


      July 2

      That sounds cool to me,Chrysa. I think that the main reason we have had a plan in the past is to help people keep track of themselves during the month. So yeah, get yours together and post it--that would be great! People also modify or "think out loud" about their plans from time to time, too! At any rate, rest assured that the Mods Board is not an exclusive club with exclusive rules! You should find a lot of support and encouragement here. So I welcome you to the Mods Board!

      At any rate, I'm just waiting for my coffee to finish brewing here and then get started on my day. Nothing earth shaking to report around here. I'm a little blue because I wish I had some exciting things to do this weekend, but I don't.

      Actually, this may sound silly to some, but one neat thing is happening to me these days. When I first wake up in the morning, I feel like I have a window down into my soul again, and I will have some thoughts and feelings that I just know are just so right and so ME on a gut level. It's hard to explain, but it has been a long time, YEARS, since I have had that clarity of thinking. Sometimes I lose it already by the time I'm making coffee, but others, I can hang on to it during the day, and it makes such a difference as to how I feel during the day. Maybe it's my "inner genius" that James talks about:rollin on his Cd's, but at any rate, I feel like I'm getting back in touch with an old friend!

      Anyway, that's all for now! Mr. Monty, my cat, is reminding me that it is breakfast time!

      Hugs, Kathy:d

      Oops, sorry Becca, you and I were posting at the same time! Sounds like you are doing pretty well with fountains of alcohol all around you! It's good to hear from you! Keep up the good work.


        July 2

        Hi all,

        I love your plan Becca -- elegant yet simple!!
        Kathy --"window to the soul" -- very very nice thought

        Here is my plan. It is baby steps compared to some of you Masters out there, but I don't want to set up unreasonably to fail.

        Meds: I am going to go back on topa starting at the 25mg. The only thing that I was a slacker on last time was the exercise, so I have more concrete plan for that (see below) and am happy about it -- really need it. Hoping the exercise will offset the dopey-dope. Plan for 1st week to take it at about 3PM each day & re-evaluate time & qty each week. Confess: altho feel physically better without topa, psychologically -- not good and slipped quite a bit.

        Supps: Daily One, L-glut, Kudzu, B vit, Milk Thistle. Adding the L-Glut this time around. Don't like Eve Primrose because that pill is too big --gag:eek

        Exercise: Yoga every day at least 10 min. To gym on treadmill &/or swimming laps 3x per week.

        CDs: 2-3x per wk

        A qty: 21 per week, first 2 weeks, then re-evaluate to hopefully add in AF days. I know that sounds like a lot -- no buts -- BUT -- 1) so many years & 2) I am simply not used to reporting to/sharing with others. So want to be reasonable for me. It is something about my rebellious streak or ego or denial or all of above.. PLUS

        What do you think?

        Have a great day Y'All.

        Kath -- too bad you are not totally wiped like me -- I don't want to do anything except sleep & read. BUT -- wish we could go to the beach :happy


          July 2

          experiment w/ links ..ignore

          RJ -- how do you make a link on the boards?

          RJ- Nevermind..looks like I did it :lol


            July 2

            Hey Everybody! Getting a slow start here, after a Busy, Busy, night!:b Thank God It's a new Day!:happy
            It's my Friday! Finally... A long week...:eek Hope everyone's having a great weekend, and beginning to July:P :rollin .
            I stopped & had a glass of wine at one of the places I used to work last night, after I got off work.....(just downstream, @ the cafe). They have baby racoons! Sooo Cute!
            It's feels nice to be able to stop & have a glass of wine after work & relax and visit with friends, & enjoy it. Then go home. Without having to feel like I need to suck it down as quick as possible, to get a buzz... or worry about gettting a DUI, on the way home. What a huge difference from the old DAZE! :happy . :d Judie


              July 2

              Sounds like a plan to me, Chrysa! Try not to compare your plans to others'! What's important is that you are working on doing better for yourself! It is important not to set yourself up for failure too! I'm glad you are here:d

              Sounds good Judie! It is nice not worry about a DWI, isn't it??? My daughter had to out of her way to go around a check point the other night! NOT because she was drinking, though, but because the movie she went to let out at 11:45 (longer than she thought!) and it was 12:05, and in our state, you turn into a pumpkin at 12:00AM until you've had your license for 18 months! Scared the sh*t out of her!!!

              I've been following CV's informative posts and also bought the book 7 Weeks to Sobriety. Guess what? I'm a lucky combo type and have ADH/THIQ and Omega-6 EFA deficient alcoholic chemistries! (For those of you to whom this is meaningless, you can read up on CV's posts or ignore:lol ). I always knew that there was alcoholism on my Dad's side; my uncle was a "classic" alcoholic, and my Dad sure liked his wine, but never got slopped up or out of control. What I only learned recently was that there was a lot of alcholism on my maternal grandfather's side of the family, too. He didn't drink but suffered from severe depression, but most of his sibs, including his twin brother, were drunks!!! So I have a double whammy.

              I have always believed that knowledge is power, however, so I believe that I am just getting additional tools to fight this dragon of addiction!!!



                July 2

                Thanks for reminder ... I am going to print out CV's research & read it over this long weekend!! I am double-whammied from both parental sides so test will be interesting...

                How does one bump a post up to top of board list?

                Glad you are in July mods Jude..where did you get your material?? a favorite book or two?

                I learned how to create a l ink to another board we could link into ABs for the Wisdom of Jude -- but now don't need to..BUT really don't expect you to do that work Judie - time to rest for you...

                we can all share little words of wisdom .. or "wise" comments..right WiseGirls ?:rollin NOT!!


                  July 2

                  "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
                  -Winston Churchill


                    July 2

                    Anti Guilt Exercise

                    This is from the "Party Pants" book by Loretta LaRoche...

                    When the guilty chatter starts rattling around in your head, counter those voices with an assertive comeback. Say, "Look, I may have had some failures in life, but I'm a survivor. Some inner strengths got me to this place, and I'm sure they'll get me to even farther." Write down your stengths in your Joy Journal... and refer to the list often. :d


                      July 2

                      Re: Anti Guilt Exercise

                      Happy day 2 to everyone, ditto on being pooped!! I am bushed, overdid it yesterday and today working in the yard, my arms and back are KILLING ME!!! It is a good tired and I am sure I will sleep like a rock tonight!!

                      Thanks judie for the quotes, I enjoy them! Your story about the children in your restaurant was sad and heart wrenching, hate to see that kind of stuff!!:evil I'l liked to have smacked those women!>:

                      Anyway, everyone enjoy day 2!! I am going shopping w/ the kids to treat them for helping me w/ the yard work........catch ya later!!:happy :P

                      Mary Anne


                        July 2

                        Day 2

                        Plan is for 2 drinks a day. So far have done that for the last 4 days. I really feel adding L Glut to the my supps brew helped. I am not on Topa or Kudzu but everything else. Hopefully I will add more excercise but I hate the cold weather and it is winter here in Australia and I find it very easy to not go out for a walk in the cold.
                        It is good to have a sound sleep at night and actually wake up feeling refreshed.


                          July 2

                          Re: Day 2

                          hi all

                          Everything going well here. Had a good weekend with an inadvertent AFD on Friday. Had 20 nineteen year old boys camping and thought it prudent to "keep myself nice" just in case one of the little buggers rolled into the fire, fell asleep in the frost, vomited himself inside out - or any other possible scenario imaginable. (Nearest hospital is 30 mins drive away.)

                          But they - and I - behaved admirably.

                          Back to my 3 per day. First due in 2 hours time. Back into the garden - amazing how quickly 2 hours pass on the mower.



                            July 2

                            Re: Day 2

                            Hi there,
                            After a pretty bad drinking incident on the weekend I have jumped on the internet to find out if my problem is as bad as the guilt that is consuming me at this moment. As a result of my search I came across this chat room. I have two small children and thought that my responsibilities as a mum would make my binge drinking dissapear. In the last month I have intoxicated myself 3times to the point of memory loss, the worst of which occured on saturday night, my husband left the party which was at a neighbours house early and I of course was having to much fun and wanted to stay. I cant account for at least 2 hours and was told i was inoffensive but was falling over and obviously as a result looking pretty foolish. I feel today deep guilt, embaressment and fear that I am no doubt classed as an alcoholic, my husband is very supportive, he is telling me not to be so hard on myself and that I just need to slow it down. I dont know how I lose control, I dont feel the need to drink during the week or on my own, but once I start I find it very difficult to stop. My father was an alcoholic and hasnt had a drink for 20 years after 10 spent at AA. Im not ready to share this info with him or anyone else close to me at this stage. I dont want to be a recovering alcoholic. How bad does it have to get before you stop? confused and very bloody sad. Dont know if im posting this info in the right spot but would appreciate a response from anyone who feels my pain.
                            I am 30 and from Australia My name is Meg


                              July 2

                              Re: Day 2

                              Hi Meg

                              We all know where you're coming from. We've all had that "can't remember what happened" thing. And the horrible shame, embarrassment, horror which follow.

                              I would suggest you read as many posts here as you can - you'll realise you're not alone. Then if you want - read the book and see if what it has to offer might be suitable for you.

                              I promise you - things CAN get better.

                              (also in Oz.)

