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When Monkeys fly Monday

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    When Monkeys fly Monday

    Hello my modsters been busy and I see so has everyone else around here. Just saying Hi and was at the craziest funeral I have ever been to in my life Saturday. It was at my neighbors house down the street. Yes the funeral was at the house, I told you all my neighborhood is nuts. Not one tear shed and more food and booze than at a wedding.

    Hello everyone and check in please.

    When Monkeys fly Monday

    hi sammys! have missed seeing you around. are you behaving?


      When Monkeys fly Monday


      Hope everyone in modsville is ok today, I am not, am actually waiting for the 5:00 whistle, so I can grab a beer, will not be AF for a while I think, but plan to at least try to moderate a little...........

      The divorce is underway, and he should be out of the house soon..........

      Keep you posted,

      Much love and hugs:h
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        When Monkeys fly Monday

        Hey Sammys and Lucky. Glad to hear from y'all. Do monkeys fly before or after pigs?
        I had a good weekend-busy getting ready for holiday company. I can never get to the computer on the weekends. My computer is in the family room, and on the weekends, it is filled with family! I don't like em reading over my shoulder.
        Hope all are well, and the week passes smoothly in modsville:h
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          When Monkeys fly Monday

          Hey cowgirl-we always post at the same time. Great minds think alike, and all that:H
          I am sorry things are not going well for you at the moment, but going past mods won't help either. Just keep on here in modsville, take the supps (they REALLY help) and drink plenty of water, and breathe. Thinking of you and sending :l :h
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            When Monkeys fly Monday

            Hey Modsters.:wavin:

            It's been raining monkeys around here! Finally letting up a bit today.

            Sammys- I can't imagine a funeral with no tears... how bizzare.

            Mary Ann- Please do drink lots of water & keep taking L-glut & Kudzu. It really helps.:h Do take care. I think you're gonna come thru this all for the better.

            Well, with all this rain we've discovered a leak in the roof. Uggh! I thought maybe the washer was leaking a bit, in the laundry closet..nope. Hopefully it's not gonna be a huge thing... Bad timing with winter just beginning...At least it's not over the bed or couch!:H

            Hope everybody has a good day. It's my Friday! Yipee!
            I'm off to borrow a turkey roasting pan from Mom.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              When Monkeys fly Monday

              When you tough it out, hold the line, and stay the course, I promise you, there will soon come a day when you look back over your shoulder, shake your head in dismay, and seriously wonder what all the fuss was about.

              Just like all the other times,
              The Universe


              Hey modsters,

              Sammys, that is very weird. You sound great!! I am happy to hear that, do not let any of your weird neighbors come knocking on your door!! Saw one of my girlfriends on Saturday who lost her husband almost overnight, quite the shocker. . . sigh.

              Lucky hey nice to see you here!

              MA, Judie is right, you will get through this and a glass of water in between each drink REALLY does help.

              Amethyst, I could be wrong but I think monkeys fly before pigs, at least the ones on the Wizard of Oz. Since I have my office at home, I actually have less privacy than before in a public office building. You sound good, I am glad to hear it.

              Judie, yeah, Friday!!! Doing the dinner yourself again? Have fun!

              I am off doing the catch up stuff before I have hospital appointments, Thanksgiving, get the house ready for the holidays and knee surgery this next week . . .oh, yeah, work too!

              Hope everyone is doing well.

              Hugs and Love,


                When Monkeys fly Monday

                MKR, actually, I'm just doing the turkey, & bringing it over to Mom & Dad's. She's offered to do most everything else! Can't beat that!
                Have a great evening Ya'll!
                i'm off to work.
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  When Monkeys fly Monday

                  Hi all Modsters,

                  Just doing a check in. Still moving along fine. Not getting as many AF days in as I want, but still doing fine. I am feeling much better now that Thanksgiving day dinner is at someone else's house.

                  Be well,

                  Humor is just another defense against the universe!

