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    Hey all, everyone having a hard time getting going this AM?? I am bored out of my mind,we cannot see patients and send off blood due to the holiday, so it is paperwork for me and I am all caught up on that!!

    Just wanted to start the thread so maybe someone will reply and keep me company

    Talk to you soon, hopefully!!

    lots of love and hugs to everyone!!!!:h :l

    ps-doing WAY better today, a new day, new hope.....................
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


    Lousy, to be bored at work, know the feeling, especailly when there is so much we can be doing elsewhere.....Stick around the boards, that'll keep ya occupied!!!

    So happy you feel "WAY better", and yes a new day.....we can make of it whatever we choose to.....Now that's power!!!
    sobriety date 11-04-07



      anybody out there!?

      Am I the official thread killer now? I was hoping to hear from all you guys, but I guess you are all busy? wish I was, just a prisoner here at work, would love to be home getting food prepared for tomorrow, guess I will just be busting my butt then!?

      Miss you guys!!

      LOVE AND HUGS!!!:h :l
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



        Hi honey just really busy for me, miss you all to.

        Spent yesterday in emergency room with husband he is ok but it put me behind a day




          what happened

          Sammys, what happened to hubby? Mine decided to have a heart attack about 1 yr. ago, now he is fat as ever and has sooooooooo many unhealthy habits, I give up on trying to help him, joined the gym in Jul and hasn't gone once.......Hope it was nothing so bad, and you and hubby will be in my thoughts!

          love you:h :h
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



            Hi Ya'll!
            I'm here! Just bopping around getting stuff done here. We discovered a leak in the roof the other day so things are a bit torn apart here at the house...
            It's always something... Hopefully, we've got it patched. Will know with the next rain. Unfortunately, it smells like damp carpet in the hall closet..YUK!
            On that note...gonna go spray some more febreeze & light a candle.

            Hope everybody is having a good or better day.

            Had a really nice walk on the beach yesterday. The surf was huge! I guess there was an earthquake a few nights ago offshore(a couple of 100 mi) 5.8 No tremors on land, but aparently it's affecting the waves quite a bit. Really pretty!

            Hang in there Mary Ann. :h I've been thinking about you. Wish you could come here for Thanksgiving dinner.:l

            Everybody remember to take extra L-glut & Kudzu, drink lots of water over the holidays! It really helps!
            Big Hugs,
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



              all is well in NYC. Sammy what happened?
              still doing well had 2 glasses of wine Monday night. none last night.
              Cowgal you sound well

              Happy thanksgiving to you all
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                Sammys, Hope everything's OK.

                Glad it wasn't from Thanksgiving dinner...

                (I wonder how often that happens? )

                I have heard of people cooking the turkey with gizziards & neck, etc, still inside of it...In the plastic!
                I probably would have if I hadn't been warned!:H
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                  I probably would have if I was still drinking like a fool
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

