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Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

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    Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

    Good Morning Modsters, hope that everyone is OK .....

    I'm busy unpacking after my holiday (which was lovely) I'm trying to catch up here but so much happens here in just a week!!!!

    Love & Hugs to everyone,

    BB xx

    Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

    Good morning BB,

    Glad you had a nice trip. I hate the unpacking but I usually do it right as I walk in the door. Hubbie taught me that trick.

    Hope everyone is well. I am aiming to be more seriously mods through the end of the year, and beyond of course.

    Hi to all.


      Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

      Morning BB and Ducky,

      I'm somewhat relieved to be back to a normal schedule today... the holiday was fun and relaxing but I dont think we have eaten so much food in a week's time in years! My son was home for ten days from college and brought his girlfriend as well, so I was trying to help them get their fill of home-cooked food and try out new fun recipes, which we all enjoyed (a little too much!) So starting Atkins today for a few weeks.

      BB - Glad you had a great time in Florida! Are you sure you have time to unpack before you leave again? LOL. Hope the weather was warm enough for you. It is getting up to 83 degrees today and my son wore shorts to school!

      Have a great week everyone!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

        Ducky I saw an old post about some test being done, is everthing OK????

        Allie, I have 69 days till we leave again, so I'm leaving some stuff in the case LOL .........


          Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov


          Just wanted to pop in and say hi, It is Monday after 4 days out , so a little rough.............

          Hope everyone is fine, I am back not doing too well again, so thoughts of positivity are much needed to be sent this way:upset:

          Love you guys and thanks for the continuous support!!!!:thanks:

          Love you,

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

            Morning All,

            Woke up refreshed and ready for the work week. Day 3 AF from my latest binge and feeling much better than I was. My Aunt Flo showed up this morning and I always get the munchies on the first day of her visit. I'm already thinking about what I am going to eat for lunch even though I just ate breakfast an hour and a half ago.

            Cowgal, I had a bad week too last week....pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over. Don't focus on the past as it will only cause further pain.

            Welcome back Betty glad to hear that you had a great time!

            Ducky, any word on FIL yet?

            Mary, got a surgery update for us?

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

              Morning y'all-just a quick note-running off to work. Got all my company off by yesterday evening then overdid it myself. I was ok, and am ok this morning, but too much is too much no matter how good or bad you feel or behave. Bleah. My oldest (24)son reacts poorly to all of lifes stressors, and he was a mess last night. Good Monday morning! I am still thankful, even if slightly grumbly this morning Whoops-this is soo not short or quick-gotta run-see ya later:h
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                Hi Ya'll!
                Great to see ya back BB. Glad ya had a good trip.

                MKR- Hope the surgury goes well tomorro.

                Amethyst- Hope your day gets sound a bit stressed.

                Prest4-You sound awful busy for a "school girl"..LOL! You rock!

                Lorelei- I had an Aunt Flo, that was a total nut! I sure miss her... Enjoy yours while she's here!:h

                Cowgal- Sending some hugs:l and positive thoughts your way! Hope your week goes well! Be strong girl!

                Ducky-How is FIL?

                Love ya guys!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                  The prospect of happiness that moves you in the direction of a new dream, will always pale in comparison to the happiness you find once it comes true.

                  You can bank on it.

                  Happy, happy Monday -
                  The Universe

                  Happy to see all of you here. Had a weekend of getting all ready for Christmas. The kids came over last night and I made the Christmas dinner that they will be gone for. (Even though the rest of the family will be in town and Christmas is at my house. . . sigh.) They decorated my tree as I totally had my knee swell after being up and down the ladder trying to decorate it on Saturday. Yes, doctor this afternoon and surgery tomorrow. Easy stuff so I can run and jump and play again . . . tee hee! Thanks for all of your well wishes . . . You ladies are the best!!

                  Have three people who sent me work on Thursday and said, no problem you can hold off until this week. DOH! One even knows I will be out of commission tomorrow. So off to get those people taken care of.

                  I won't be around for awhile but know I am thinking about all of you and hope you are well.

                  Ones having a tough time sticking with the routine, just remember the l-glute and kudzu. plus plenty of water in between. You CAN do this!!

                  Hugs and Love to all,


                    Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                    Hi girls home from work and have got to get cracking on this house.

                    Just checking in as usual,


                      Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                      Hey guys, FIL is home! Thanks for asking. BB, he had a seizure the day before Thanksgiving. He fell and hit his head (5 staples) and bit his tongue. They have him on antiseizure meds now and we are just hoping he won't have more. They kept him in the hospital for 5 days to make sure there was no reaction to the meds. I didn't know people could start getting seizures in their 80s...

                      Off to the gym. good luck again Mary!


                        Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                        Mary all the best for tomorrow .....

                        Ducky, seizures are scary, I've lived with my daughter having them for 10 years, but for the person having the seizure its not a problem, they don't know that it is happening, so he wont be in any pain ....

                        Thinking of you ....... BB xx


                          Good Morning Modsters Monday 26th Nov

                          Tx BB.

