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Simply Sunday

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    Simply Sunday

    Hello to old-timers,
    greetings to new,

    I have just seen a thread called Knitting Patterns on subscribers board.

    I vaguely remember when I had time to knit, time to catch up on here, time to relax. Work is still manic and shows no sign of calming down.

    All my family are suffering from chest infections this week.

    Thank the Lord for anti-biotics.

    Just felt a bit guilty for my absenteeism. But unfortunately will probably continue.

    Love to you all as always,

    Waves XX
    Enough is enough

    Simply Sunday

    Hey Waves, long time no "see." Will your work ever settle down? Seems as though you have been very busy for way too long! Hope everyone is healthy soon.

    Trying to get motivated for a run this morning. I am dragging a bit here. Not HO but still need to make my mods a bit more mod.

    How is everyone today?


      Simply Sunday

      good morning

      Just opened the ODAT thread, everyone is really sleeping in today!! Had a late night also, but it is almost 10AM, and horses need fed at 8 or so.................. I hope everyone has an awesome day, I have a great one planned, now how that goes is in GOD's hands though......................

      Love you all. thanks for all your support over the past days,weeks, :thanks: months...............................

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Simply Sunday

        Morning All,

        Up late due to not sleeping well last night. My stomach is in knots. I wonder how I'm going to get my life under control. I seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, never quite realizing that what I have always done doesn't work. I keep hurting the people that love me most and I know that I don't have infinate number of chances. I've already taken my first round of supplements for the day. Hopefully I can stick with it and make my 10 days AF and my Drunk Free December work. Gonna spend some time working on the house with bro today even though I really just want to stay in bed.

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Simply Sunday

          Hi Waves! We haven't been graced with your presence for some time now. Hope things settle down a bit for you.

          Ducky, I need to get my butt in motion as well. Have fun on your run.

          Cowgal, you seem a lttle more upbeat these past couple of days. We are here when you need us.

          Lorelie, glad you're able to spend some time with you brother. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

          I am very sleepy right now. We made gingerbread men yesterday and my kids trashed the kitchen. After that I was crazy enough to make real hot choclate...not hot cocoa which is a powder but, the real deal with shaved chocolate and frothed milk. They were delicious but, the kitchen was then trashed for the second time.
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Simply Sunday

            Hi everyone just checking in.

            Have a great Sunday


