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Monday mods

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    Monday mods

    I was taking my time going to work this freezing morning and they call puddles in the basement of my business. I should probably be posting this on the F thread cause I feel like using a few choice words now. Anyway life is like that and plumbing problems are minor in the scope of life.

    Love you guys,

    Monday mods

    Monday morning back at you Sammys. Life is like that sometimes, and plumbing is small in scope, but still.... hope it gets fixed quickly. I always say-if money can fix it, it's not really a problem-just an inconvenience. Tends to keep things in perspective, I guess.
    Hope all have a great day!:h
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      Monday mods

      Hi Sammys and Amethyst, nice to see you here ..........

      Things are quiet in BB land, just sat admiring my christmas tree .........

      Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


        Monday mods

        Morning Modsters,

        So I almost cancelled on my brother yesterday but he informed me that I was not allowed to cancel unless I was dead or dying. God, I love him!! We spent most of the afternoon deconstructing my guest room, removing junk and organizing. By the time we finished 4 hours later, the guest room was neat, organized and welcoming. I asked him to come back this Friday as I already have plans for Sat and Sun. We are going to tackle the living room next.

        So one of the most interesting things I have found was that I had alot of old mail and junk from 2003. It was in 2003 that I turned 30 and graduated college. I'm not sure whether the depression started then or had started prior to school ending. I've been slowly sinking into depression ever since, drinking more and more. I see the purge of my house as a significant step in my recovery. I'm purging old feelings with each bit of junk that I get rid of. As I simplify my house I am simplifying my life. By simplifying my life I can manage it better and be less stressed.

        I hope everyone has a great day!

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Monday mods

          Hi Modsters!

          Sammys, hope the plumbing is fixed soon. I hate that kindof headache but you are right, not a big deal as big deals go...

          Hi Amethyst and BB. BB, we still have to get our tree. We get a small live one, then plan it after the holiday.

          Lorelei, glad you didn't cancel on your brother. It's good to get rid of things. I am a hug thrower outer.

          Well I cannot believe it is December. Lots of cooking ahead. This week is Hanukkah so I will make at least one special meal for DH. Then it's time to get ready for Xmas. Yikes.

          Hope everyone is well.


            Monday mods

            good afternoon (almost!)

            I have had a papaerwork day, so kinda boring, have been reading and posting, so thought I would stop by and visit!!

            looks like everyone is fine in modsville.......................... will check in later and see how everything is..............fine and dandy here (I think!?!?) who knows what will happen later today, sitting here just doused in paperwork, would much rather be seeing patients, but that is the way the ball bounces here, it comes in spurts................that may not have sounded so tastefull, but you get the hint..............

            love ya!!!

            check in later, MA:h :l :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Monday mods

              Wonderful to see everyone doing so well (except for you poor Sammys)...

              Lorelie,so happy for you and the clean up and purge that went on at your house. Isn't that just the best feeling! I go on cleaning sprees every so often and tackle certain hot spots in my house where clutter seem to collect.

              Well, over the weekend the paperwork fairies were extremely busy in my office so I am about to do some purging myself!
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Monday mods

                Afternoon all....

                Just stopping in to say hello. Busy, busy day. Spent the morning getting the house put back together after Christmas decorating all weekend. I have an exam at class tonight, so I'm spending the rest of the day cramming and studying, but like you BB, I keep finding my thoughts wandering and staring at the Christmas tree! Its so much nicer to look at than my books!

                Sammy's, sorry your day was off to a bad start... hope it is looking up now! Hard to believe the weather is so wintery where everyone is... I wish it was cold here so I could get more into the holiday spirit. Well... back to the books!

                I'm going to try to go AF all this week until the weekend. Fingers crossed.
                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  Monday mods

                  hi all hope you are all well and staying centered. Had an art show this weekend, was hectic and nerve wrecking. but rewarding. I am so tired and have a killer deadline at work.
                  I really want to work on being sober this week, even though I could say that I am doing great.
                  be well my friends and mods
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Monday mods

                    Morning everyone. Well after a beautiful weekend of snow here the torrential rains have hit and our basement is flooded just like Sammy! Taking a break from cleaning up to see how you all are. Everyone sounds good and productive!

                    Good luck to everyone and their goals this week. Back to the mess...........
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Monday mods

                      Nighty Night Modsters!

                      I made it another day AF even though I was sorely tempted when I realized that the necklace Jeff gave me for my birthday last year was missing from around my neck. I love that necklace and part of me is scared that its an omen (how silly). I hope I find it soon. I made it through the temptation and have just taken my nightly supps.

                      Suddenly I see
                      This is what I want to be
                      suddenly I see
                      Why the hell it means so much to me.

                      -KT Tunstall

