I am using myself as an example of someone who can moderate. haven't reached my goal but feel that I am making progress.
The first thing is if you realize early (prevention) that you might be developing a problem. I think this is the most important observation. I mean, once you've hit bottom and caused pain to yourself and others, it is much more difficult to moderate.
If you come from a family of non drinkers (not former heavy drinkers) or moderators.
If you don't suffer from serious psychological problems that may require medication. a lot of people who drink heavily are self medicating.
If you don't binge on a regular basis.
If you have always taken care of yourself physically.
If your family members friends,colleagues are not all or mostly heavy drinkers. this one is important too, because it's really hard to moderate around heavy drinkers or people who can only have a good time while drinking.
please feel free to correct me, or to ad your 2 cents as some of you say around here