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Rollercoaster riding

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    Rollercoaster riding

    Hi all,

    It's hard to moderate when you're riding an emotional roller-coaster. So after last night's full bottle of Chardonnay ( first full one for months- at least it wasn't two!!!!!) feel I need to abs - AGAIN.

    Mary is right. When we know we are susceptible it is probably better not to have "just that one". I should have read up on here last night before I opened it; instead of reading this morning when it's too late.

    I am finding now that after a couple of days AF the cravings go. So then my brain says that I am " cured " and I have got control back. So I have a drink and retain control for quite a long time - then - wham - a night like last night where I just drink as fast as possible, not even tasting it really, just to reach that don't care / forgetfulness / oblivion, that takes the emotions away.

    It is lovely to see all the positive support for each other in mods this week and great to see Eustacia back. I am trying to catch up every Sunday at the moment as during the week it's impossible to get on here.

    Love to you all as always,
    Waves x
    Enough is enough

    Rollercoaster riding

    Hi Waves, nice to hear from you. I know all about the roller coaster. I seem to do well one night then go overboard the next, then repeat. I overdid it last night as well and I am pizzed at myself. One of the things I need to do is to avoid liquor. My hubbie likes a martini (so do I) but I find that because it hits me so fast it sets me up to overindulge. I do not have such a hard time if I have some wine or a beer.

    It's a new day, right? I'm not doing abs but I'd like to add more af days in and that will be my goal going forward.

    Glad you could check in!


      Rollercoaster riding

      HI Waves & Ducky.
      Yep, rollercoastering along here too! Doing ok with the drinking. Could always be a little better... but, still WAYY better than years past.

      I'm bummed my truck's still @ the SOB mechanic's. Now he says it's possibly a bad throw out bearing, so he has to tear into the transmission ....again! GRRR

      Hubby's out of the shower... will post more later,,, (He likes SOB...I don't!)
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Rollercoaster riding

        Waves... Hi.. Well done for the one bottle, under stressful times the second bottle shouts at you... Good on you for refusing the temptation.... Thinking of you... Be strong...
        TIGGER1 :l

        Formerly Mr Boop


          Rollercoaster riding

          Thanks for the messages.

          Mr. Boop, nice to see you on here. I hope Betty's birthday was lovely. You all deserve much happiness.

          Jude, SOB sucks and so do trucks. Hope yours stops misbehaving soon.

          Ducky, you seem to be doing well with the pilates and the AF nights. Keep it up and I am sure you will soon be feeling "good in your skin".

          Went to blood doning last night and then drank half a bottle- not a good move. With a pint less blood the effect seems greater. Imagination?

          love as always
          Enough is enough


            Rollercoaster riding

            Waves 2;241309 wrote: .........edit........ I just drink as fast as possible, not even tasting it really, just to reach that don't care / forgetfulness / oblivion, that takes the emotions away.........edit.......
            Yep - that was one of the things I noticed just before I decided to go AF.

            If I had been modding for a while and took a drink - I wasn't sipping on that cold beer and savouring it - I was just "sucking" that first one down as fast as I could! In fact I remember thinking
            "Sh*t - I am not drinking this stuff - I am almost inhaling it!"

            Another one of the little enlightening experiences that made me see that I can't drink like an "earthling".

            I have to be AF - I can't do it any other way!

            Love :l


            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


              Rollercoaster riding

              Wow, I am the same way with booze now.

              One drink of wine (which I don't taste anymore) and I am sucking it down like water. Heck no, at least I SIP water.

              Alcohol calls me.

              I hate it. No genteel southern girl here when it comes to booze (no matter, beer, wine, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, etc.) Just a greedy sucking whore when it comes to alcohol.

              I truly hate the stuff now. It turns me into somebody I am not.

              All. Please have a wonderful day. I am going to have a better one today than yesterday.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Rollercoaster riding

                Waves, not your imagination. I unfortunately did it the other way round years ago. Drank a lot of wine the night before and was dehydrated. Had to give blood next morning because it was a work team thing. Made it through till they put me at the table with the juice and cookies then passed out. Quite embarrassing. Hope you feel okay today!


                  Rollercoaster riding

                  can relate

                  Guys, I can relate too.................sometimes I moderate SOOOOO well, then (I think it is when I am emotionally upset mostly)I hit the "what the F*CK button" and drink "like a whore" as someone said..............I am praying and hoping I don't hit "that button" too much during the holidays, you know how family can always find the "button" to push!

                  Hope you can get back on track, I am only starting my 4th day today and already thinking of drinking tonight(however, I will feel SOOOOO guilty, cuz I am REALLY trying to go Mon-Thurs AF(including Thursdays) Hope I can at least moderate if I drink

                  Love ya!!:h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Rollercoaster riding

                    Thanks for all your support guys.

                    It was my work's outing last night so I decided to be the designated driver. I had a good time and feel so much better today than yesterday.

                    love to you all

                    Enough is enough

