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BB's Birthday Monday

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    BB's Birthday Monday

    Happy Birthday BB! Have a great day!

    Well aren't we the chatty bunch these past couple of days Hope all are well. I had a rude awakening last night. I looked at recent (last week) pictures. I could have sworn I looked better than that:upset: So I have decided that 50 is going to be my do over year. Rarely drinking, always modding, cleanly eating, consistently exercising. I WILL make this a better, healthier year. Nothing like a little vanity to get a person back on track:H
    Well, hope all y'all are happy, healthy, and modding well.:h
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

    BB's Birthday Monday

    Everything is well in this neck of the woods. Just trying to keep myself uber-organized so that I don't get overwhelmed. Hope all is well with our fellow modsters!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      BB's Birthday Monday

      Happy BD BB!!!!!!

      Amethyst, I am with you. I am hitting 50 next summer and I want to feel good in my skin.


        BB's Birthday Monday

        Morning everyone.

        Amethyst I am going through the exact same thing. Hubby took video and a pic of me last week and I thought I looked fine. Boy was I wrong. Time to get serious about exercising and getting fit. It was a good wake-up call though. Here is to a healthy 2008 for all of us.

        Still not feeling very organized this season but trying hard. Hope everyone is doing okay!

        Happy birthday Betty!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          BB's Birthday Monday

          Happy Birthday Betty!

          We are still shoveling out from the snow. I think we got close to 2 feet. Schools were closed and so was my agency so I wrapped some gifts.

          Have a great all!
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            BB's Birthday Monday

            happy birthday BB. happy birthday again. hope you are having a wonderful day
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              BB's Birthday Monday


              Glad to see everyone is doing so well, I am today, happy b-day BB!!

              Love to see all the positivity here, have been busy, so haven't had time to read and post too much, but I still love ya!!!:h :h

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                BB's Birthday Monday

                Afternoon All,

                I'm recovering from my drive down to NC this weekend to visit my best friend from high school. We had a great time!! It was her daughter's first birthday so there was alot of excitement.

                Not as many things are getting done today as I would have liked but I am resting and indulging in a little lazy before I go back to work tomorrow.

                Happy Birthday Betty!!

                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall


                  BB's Birthday Monday

                  :nutso: :bday7: :day4:
                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY!!
                  Hope it's a wonderful day for YA! (It's my Sis' B-day too!)

                  We had our Christmas party @ the cafe last night. I was just starting to enjoy myself, when Hubby started feeling sick...

                  I guess you could say I succesfully moderated...came home early, but really didn't want to...

                  Funny, he was fine golfing all day...but doesn't like Christmas parties... I should have just gone alone.

                  Now I'm thinking with the rest of the holiday season coming up... he hates all of the family gatherings... why bother making plans, guess I'll just do my own thing & let him watch ball games & go play golf. If he really wants to do just that... he's welcome to it.
                  I'm not gonna miss out on my Family & friends because he doesn't want to socialize.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    BB's Birthday Monday

                    BB Happy Birthday and Hi to everyone.

                    BUSY DAY just had to check in,



                      BB's Birthday Monday

                      Hi all, just how nice is this place?

                      I've not checked in on mods for ages, but you still find time to wish me a happy birthday .......... thanks soooo much ...........

                      I have had the loveliest day ever, just got back from a meal with my mum and dad, steve & kerrie, only had 3 small glasses of red wine (about half a bottle) so i'm feeling really good .......

                      Love & Hugs to you all ........

                      BB xx


                        BB's Birthday Monday

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB!!!!!!!

                        Glad you had such a good evening! You deserve it!

                        Lots of love
                        FMS xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          BB's Birthday Monday

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB!!!!!!! Glad to hear it was so nice!

                          Good to see everyone hanging in there and doing fairly well. Kudzu, L-glut, CD's and or AF along with checking in here seems to work really well for a lot of the mods! GREAT JOB!

                          Lost another friend on Saturday so the past week has been traumatic and sad, have a memorial service for her tomorrow. Under 60 again. . . sigh.

                          Each one of you are really extraordinary incredible individuals, I appreciate you all so very much, maybe I do not say it often enough.

                          Hugs and Love to all of you, Mary


                            BB's Birthday Monday

                            Mary, so sad to hear about your friend. It is so hard. I will be thinking of you. We all appreciate your posts. You are so wonderful to remember everyone.


                              BB's Birthday Monday

                              MKR, your friend and you and her family are in my prayers. Just so sad.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

