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Thursday, December 20th

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    Thursday, December 20th

    All expenditures, whether from the heart or the wallet, in the past or present, big or small, can be viewed as either "depleting" or "enriching."

    Enriching works for me.

    Get more,
    The Universe


    Happy day all modsters!

    You sound like going AF has been great or being gentle on the number of drinks if moderating has worked pretty well. GREAT JOB!! I am having a tough time keeping up with all of your posts!

    Judie, the eliptical sounds great. You must be as fit as ever!! I am so sorry to hear about the weather over there!! Good Grief! Did see the lost family on the news last night and breathed a sigh of relief they were found.

    Waves, glad you are off from school. You can do this one day at a time. Hoping life gets easier for you dear one.

    Lushy, where are you?? How are you feeling? Missing you.

    Beaches, I bet you have kids Christmas plays, etc to fit into all the other plans. Just remember, it is OK, if it does not get done on most of it!!

    PP, you too, hope your Christmas celebration is wonderful! How are those lists coming??

    BB, glad you had a nice birthday. That is one of the sexier outfits I have seen you in. Kerrie doing well now also?

    Sammys, hope you are not working quite so hard. First married Christmas . . . hope it is lovely.

    Ducky, you are doing so well!! WOW!! I am so impressed with your AF.

    Amethyst, how is your son doing? I hope he is coping and you are doing great on the program with him. You are in my prayers for a super Christmas together.

    MA, I will be thinking of you on the 27th! Good luck with the knee replacement surgery. There comes a point where nothing really works. I have heard from quite a few friends the rebuilds are super after recoup. Glad you and M are getting along too!

    Trixie, 2008 will be wonderful for you. I can see your determination already.

    Accountable, Lorelei, Prest, Cindi, Jen, Lori, E, Tawny and all that I missed, I hope you have a wonderful week filled with joy!

    Fair amount of parties last weekend and this week in general. Doing well with it myself. Took the kudzu for a party on Sunday as I was so sad about losing my friend on Saturday, I was afraid I would start and not stop so was AF that day. Been AF except for a martini on Friday night out with girlfriends at dinner so that was not bad. Probably have one drink this Friday too at a party. A lot of people are doing champagne and while it is a pretty drink, even before I joined MWO I would not drink it for the headache I would get with it. I probably won't be back on here for the next few days. Have a list of all the family that is coming over at various times, starting tomorrow to help set up Christmas dinner over here. Usually do all this myself over the week ahead. No such luck this time. Final count is at 22, not bad. Three tables worth. Hubby still wants to set up a full bar which I am not sure I am crazy about that idea. I think I can do it but why have that temptation around the house?

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Hugs and Love,

    Thursday, December 20th

    Good morning Modsters!

    Mary, great post as usual. You must have such a good memory. I did have an AF night, then a couple of mods nights. My goal for 08 is to weave more and more AF nights in. It will be hard but then nothing worth having is easy, right?

    Lots to do here. Having my friend's girls tonight as she is having surgery. Then have to prepare for a neighborhood party tomorrow and 14 coming for Christmas here. That is very stressful for me because I am so OCD and want everything perfect. I will be shot on 12/26. Then my brother and his wife are supposed to come for a visit. Yikes!

    Modsters, I have lost 14 pounds since August by cutting down on food and A. I have 20 more to go but it is nice to see some results. I guess I must have really packed it on because only a couple of people have noticed!

    Hope everyone stays calm over the next week. It will all get done!


      Thursday, December 20th

      Hi Mary, as usual your post is sooo thoughtful, yes Kerrie has had a good spell at the minute thanks ........

      Ducky, well done on the weight loss. I will be starting again losing weight myself as soon as all the festivities are over .......

      Well I'm off to 'work' at my Slimming Class, we are having a party for my 40th so that should be fun ........

      Love and hugs to all modsters, BB xx


        Thursday, December 20th


        I am really happy to read today's thread, everyone so posititve!

        Thanks Mary for the wishes, yeah, I have heard it is well worth it, but the rehab is hell, I will be fine, to be not in so much pain constantly will be nice!

        Ducky, Betty, everyone to follow, I hope we can keep this positive and let's forgive ourselves if and when we mess up, huh!? That is the key...........:goodjob:

        Take care,

        Love and hugs, :h :l

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Thursday, December 20th

          Hi there Modsters!:welcome:

          Betty B- Have fun @ your party!

          Great to see ya MKR!! How's the knee?

          Mary Ann- Glad you're feeling better.

          Ducky-Happy holidays! Great job on the weight loss!( I seem to have found some)

          Well I don't want to talk about weight loss... but I guess I just opened that door didn't I?
          But they say muscle weighs a lot! LOL

          I haven't been eating much either... Oh well, just the winter insulation I guess...
          :beach: I think a nice sunny beach in the southern hemisphere would be just fine about now...
          Been raining for the past 10 days ... more or less here.

          I feel like the "Pillsbury Dough girl"...with a bad hair day!

          Geez, do I sound like the little sniveling B*tch today or what?
          OK...Maybe another round on the eliptical... the first 30 min seemed to help my headache... maybe a shower & I'll be a "new me"

          HO HO Ho.
          Love YA ALL BUNCHES!!!
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Thursday, December 20th

            Hey Judie,

            Did you do another 30 minutes?

            Don't feel bad. You KNOW you have gained weight when you lose 14 pounds and nobody notices!


              Thursday, December 20th

              Hey all, waaay late posting. I am hoping to get my son on site in a few days. I may mysteriously disappear to subscribers only to give us both privacy. If I fall off the edge of the earth, I am probably just in subscribers:H Love you all:h
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Thursday, December 20th

                Also posting late, another AF day today.

                Jeff and I went to dinner at OUtback and had a great time just chatting and laughing away. We both drove seperately so there was no pressure on anyone. We had not really discussed Christmas presents but as it turns out we both got each other something, so I'll prolly see him again next week for the exchange.

                Jude - not to be AR (anal rententive) but a pound is a pound no matter if its muscle or fat. Muscle however is much denser than fat and therefore makes us look smaller at the same weight as someone with more body fat. (It always makes me cringe when someone says that muscle weighs more than fat). Think of it as a ton of iron versus a ton of feathers...they both weigh a ton but the iron takes up much less space. (Science geek rant is now over.)

                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall

