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Friday, December 21st - Already!

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    Friday, December 21st - Already!

    It's not just that when one door closes, another door opens.

    When one door closes, choirs burst into chorus, orchestras orchestrate, bugles bugle, marching bands march, dogs catch Frisbees, cats 'chow, chow, chow,' pigs fly, and 10,000 new doors open.

    Kind of makes you want a door to close, huh?

    The Universe

    Just loved this and thought I would share it will you all!

    Hugs and Love,

    Friday, December 21st - Already!

    That one is great. I like doors opening but please do not start that much commotion, one could get overstimulated

    Good morning modsters.
    I hope you all have a fantastic Friday. Last day of school for the kiddos for a couple of weeks. Wish me well!!

    Happy Holidays
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Friday, December 21st - Already!

      good morning!

      Thanks Mary, that was great, I liked your message from the universe..................good luck Beaches, I will be recovering from my knee surgery while you will be w/ the kids, my kids are 16 and 14, so they will be a big help during that time (I hope )

      I drank last night (a little too much too), so feel a little icky today..............will go for all my pre-op stuff today, then big bonfire tonight................boy am I gonna be cooked!! I am aiming to moderate tonight so wish me well, but I will try to check in before tomorrow.......

      Love :h and hugs:l ,

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Friday, December 21st - Already!

        Hi all,

        Mary, a lovely quote as usual, thanks ..

        Beaches, yep school holidays here too, I've broke from work as well so its pretty good here ....

        Cowgal, sending you positive vibes to get you through tomorrow .......

        Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


          Friday, December 21st - Already!

          Beaches- very funny! Good luck, they get so excited and have so much fun this time of year!

          MA - I hope they help a bunch. My husband, god love him, tried but he was leaving my crutches across the room and everything just out of reach. Turning his cell phone off so that he can not hear me at the other end of the house. OOOPPS!! So I kissed him the other day and slipped a sticky note on his forehead. He seemed a bit perplexed then I explained he should wear it to the grocery store to remind him to TAKE THE LIST OUT OF HIS POCKET!!! so that I could finally have some eggs and toast. He tried though - that is all you can hope for! I do wish servant type service from your kidlets!

          BB, Why frustrated?

          Love you all, off to shop on these freakin crutches - how dumb am I? xo Mary


            Friday, December 21st - Already!


            It hurts to use crutches too much, couldn't imagine trying to go shopping w/ them.........

            Thanks Mary for the well wishes, I just had my pre-op w/ doc and hospital, he reasured me that once the surgery is done, the recovery is in my hands.............feel very positive about that, just worried about my "drug reactions" I am so sensitive to medications of any type, I have like all these weird, abnormal reactions to everything almost.................

            Everyone to follow have a great day, I am trying to prepare for the bonfire tonight, actually got Mike to build us another picnic table on my "Shady Oaks Farm"!!

            Off to buy some wood.....................

            love:h and hugs!!!:l

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Friday, December 21st - Already!

              I have a question: How come in my post ealier,school has two lines under it? That's weird

              Mary good luck shopping, it's dangerous out there!

              MA the bonfire sounds fun

              BB hope you get less stressed soon

              Have a happy, happy
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Friday, December 21st - Already!

                saturday before santa

                Good Morning all ..........

                To answer your question about why frustrated yesterday, I was annoyed with the pettiness of a few people here, I was thinking back to this time last year, we were planning a virtual christmas party, flying around the world on the once upon a time thread, and general having fun .....

                The fun doesn't seem to be here this year, people just seem happier bickering, I actually thought about leaving but realised that I couldn't do that

                Anyway, I'm better today, getting excited about christmas, Kerrie has asked santa for a laptop and she is really really giddy ........

                Cowgal, hope the OP is going well .........

                Love & Hugs to everyone........

                BB xx

                Only 3 sleeps to santa :H :H :H

