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Saturday before santa

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    Saturday before santa

    I posted this on the end of yesterday instead of starting todays thread so I will try again .......... Duh ........

    Good Morning all ..........

    To answer your question about why frustrated yesterday, I was annoyed with the pettiness of a few people here, I was thinking back to this time last year, we were planning a virtual christmas party, flying around the world on the once upon a time thread, and general having fun .....

    The fun doesn't seem to be here this year, people just seem happier bickering, I actually thought about leaving but realised that I couldn't do that

    Anyway, I'm better today, getting excited about christmas, Kerrie has asked santa for a laptop and she is really really giddy ........

    Cowgal, hope the OP is going well .........

    Love & Hugs to everyone........

    BB xx

    Only 3 sleeps to santa :H :H :H

    Saturday before santa

    The ones who love you will understand, before you even ask.

    This is how you'll know it's "us."

    The Universe
    BB dear, Please don't quit. How out of it am I that I am not even seeing this bickering you are speaking of? Course I mostly have just hit this thread only for weeks now! Such a giggle to think of you all that still have little ones at home and the joyful excitement that is Christmas.

    Gotta go - have one of my sisters coming over today to start with tables and place settings.

    Love you all, Cheer up everyone, life is too short to be unhappy about all of it!


      Saturday before santa

      PS: BB way cute avatar!!


        Saturday before santa

        Morning All!

        Betty - I notice the bickering more in my RL friends than here on the MWO forum, I swear someone is putting bitchy pills in the water.

        Holidays can be very stressful and perhaps some of it is overflowing into the boards. I for one am going to wish all here a very Merry Christmas and think of you all while I am chilling in front of the tree with a nice hot cup of chai.

        Last night I verntured into the bar that I sometimes hang out in and wished some people Merry Christmas. After about 3 sodas I had accomplished what I came in for and came home. Now I know it was risky going back to a trigger place but I was feeling confident and strong. I want to reestablish my habit into drinking soda at the Run and not always wine. Usually they have a glass poured and ready, good service unless you happen to be like me and have a problem. I want to change my routine there and make them ask me what I am drinking or even get them in the habit of giving me a soda first. I've seen other people do it and I know it can happen. My group of friends is actually pretty tight with the wait staff due to longevity and our penchant for tipping well; therefore I know that Caren, Cory, Lois, Mike and John will keep and eye out on us if we ask them.

        I want to take this time to thank all of you here in the mods thread for guiding me and letting me guide myself in this journey. I don't think I would have made it as far without you!

        Lots of love,

        Suddenly I see
        This is what I want to be
        suddenly I see
        Why the hell it means so much to me.

        -KT Tunstall


          Saturday before santa

          Morning all. Yeah, it seems to be a cranky year! But we can make it fun anyway, right?! I am off for house cleaning, bird feeding, last minute shopping, and some baking. Watched a fun movie last night, and got to laugh-made me feel better! Thinking of you all!:h
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            Saturday before santa

            Hey there Amethyst and Modsters, wherever you are!

            Started my cooking today. Made herb butter for under the turkey skin and fresh cranberry. Tomorrow making macaroons and pie crust and the brine for the turkey. And on and on...We are having 15 here!

            Hope all are doing well. I love all the holiday food but I am ready to have a nice rest. Not till January I guess.


              Saturday before santa

              Have a wonderful day/night Modsters!

              Busy here, just got home from the mother in laws for a day of early Christmas and I'm pooped.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

