I've been busy most of the day, out of town...
was going to start a post this morning but got carried away with playing "DJ" :H I guess I need to start my own thread on that before RJ shuts me down! LOL
Anyway, hope everybody's doing well:h
We spent the day touring an old historic home @ Cape Blanco, it's the farthest point west on the contiguous US Coast. Wanted to tour the lighthouse,(which is still in operation, but it was closed to visitors today)
Will have to wait till spring for that now, as this was a special holiday thing it was opened for.
The old Hughes home was really neat. They have some amazing history there. Amazing woodwork, an old 1895 Mongomery Ward catalog, beautiful furnishings,etc,..it was all decorated up for Christmas.[ame= ]YouTube - A380 Queen Mary 2 Rod Steward - i`am Sailing[/ame]
PS it was a really stormy day so here's a song that was in my head...