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Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

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    Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

    Jude has been telling of wonderful family occasions but has also felt a bit deserted here over Christmas as we have all been so busy that it's been hard to check in as often.:l

    Sorry, Jude, I for one am guilty. Life has been almost as hectic during the Christmas break as it was before it!

    I hope that your new year at work will be okay and that the tips come rolling in. While the revellers are rolling out-no doubt!

    I began to think about hiding. How did I imagine in the past that I could hide bottles from myself?????? And if my mum hides them she chooses fantastic hiding-places like- behind the chair she is sitting on!!!!!! or behind the chair I am sitting on!!!!

    When my daughter was 2 years old we had glass in our lounge doors so we covered them with wood. One day when I was ill ( before my drinking days) I fell asleep on the settee. When I awoke I couldn't find my little one anywhere. Of course, instead of thinking logically, I panicked imagining someone sneaking(through a locked door) and taking her while I slept.

    Where was she? Hidden in the tiniest space behind the door- in between the wall and the cupboard- grinning!

    She has an almost two year old daughter of her own now who also loves hiding.

    I wonder if all children like to hide at that age? My son didn't. Is it a girl thing?

    I seem to be very emotional at the moment and am rambling on now( as usual) so I will post and retire to my bed.

    Lots of love to all of us as always.:groupluv:

    Enough is enough

    Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

    LOL Waves!

    Its definitely not just a girl thing... my nine year old son STILL loves to hide. He will call and ask his Dad when he will be home, and if here hears "five minutes or less" then he is off in the bushes with some sort of trip wire, or scare tactic. He got "marshmallow" guns for Christmas -- yes they shoot marshmallows, and not by a wimpy force either! These marshmallows inflict pain! Anyhow, we have been hit unawares one too many times today while he was hiding behind a piece of furniture with his sniper weapon loaded only to hit my husband in the forehead today with a marshmallow! He got SO mad, but we couldnt help but laugh the madder he got...

    I always loved to hide too. I still get a kick out of it every now and then! Nothing like scaring the heck out of my son by hiding from him for a change and grabbing him unexpectedly. Its even funner with hubby... you should try it. Hiding is just pure plain fun. Almost as fun as playing with a laser light!
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

      Hubby and I hide on each other sometimes. Except the smart azz always sends the dog ahead of him to find me and she has no problem finding me!


        Hide and seek story inspired by Jude


        love 'em
        Enough is enough


          Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

          that is is cheating! He needs a set of rules. Number one, dog gets put away until hubby demonstrates sufficient hunting skills on his own. You need a marshmallow gun?
          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

            Hmmmm, yes please where do I buy one of these marshmallow guns?


              Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

              My mother-in-law ordered it off of QVC....:H :H :H

              Its the first quality product ever from them.... it even comes with its own carrying case. He's got two of them. Buy one, get one free you know... that is if you order within the next ten minutes.
              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

                I'd love one of those guns to shoot at the wild turkeys that shit all over the front yard & deck!:H
                They also make the dogs go BALISTIC! I think they do it on purpose!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

                  Those geese definitely do it on purpose.... they are across the street in a pond laughing at me now...

                  They flew over the house the other day and like torpedoes, unleashed their goose doo all over my car. Why my house? They always pick my house. I guess im in the line of fire on the way to the pond. Good idea about the marshmallow guns. I'm getting develish ideas.
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

                    We feed the birds and when we had a fall out with our neighbour he said that all "our " birds cr*p on his conservatory roof.

                    He's right. We put a sign up saying " Cr*p that a way " with an arrow pointing to it.

                    Don't lend him your marshamallow gun!
                    Enough is enough


                      Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

                      Maybe Helensback has some spare corks she could send you for the little birdies...:H
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Hide and seek story inspired by Jude

                        I'm not sure about the geese, but the dumb, uuugly, turkeys will eat the marshmallows, crap some more, and fatten themselves up just in time for next Thanksgiving!

