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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

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    Tuesday, January 1, 2008

    Greetings, Mods,

    I wanted to stop by to wish everyone a New Year filled with lovingkindness and beauty.

    My love to all,


    Tuesday, January 1, 2008

    Good morning Eustacia and all Modsters to follow!

    I had my first AF New Year's Eve in years last night. I have a cold and decided to stay in, watch tv and hit the sack early. It is so nice NOT to be HO today. I want to have lots of AF days in 2008.

    Hope everyone had a great AF or Mods night. If not, it's a new year....


      Tuesday, January 1, 2008

      Hi E, nice to see you ...

      Ducky, good feeling not being hungover, :goodjob:

      I wasn't AF last night but certainly DF, so I feel good too ......

      Love & Hugs to everyone ......

      BB xx


        Tuesday, January 1, 2008

        Happy New Year! Everybody!

        Great to see ya Eustacia :h You too Ducky, and Miss Boop always a pleasure!:l

        I had to work last night, but it was kinda fun actualy. People were all in good spirits & tips were really good. I did a lot of "tail pullin' and made good $, so the night went by really quik.

        Not too eventful, other than that. I actually had more fun at work, than afterwords... I came straight home, Hubby is sick...but stayed up to ring in the New year with me :h .

        I just had a couple of beers, listened to the scanner, to see who was getting themselves into trouble....watched a little CSI, and went to bed.

        Well we have sunshine here today! YEAH!! Gonna go take Bungee to Otter Point for a nice hike & enjoy the day.

        Big Hugs,
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

