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Thursday January 3rd

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    Thursday January 3rd

    Hello everyone.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi to all of you.

    Judie I read about your trigger yesterday and must say that getting my feelers hurt is a huge one for me too. I agree gotta stop giving up our control to others!

    Doing well here and also trying to lose some weight in '08.

    Hope you are all well!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    Thursday January 3rd

    Hi Beaches and all to come, I'm good too, also trying to lose weight ....

    Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


      Thursday January 3rd

      Good Morning All!

      Happy Belated Birthday Jen!! 31 is still a baby you beautiful girl you. AF is going to keep you looking so lovely too! Congrats on that!

      Beaches, BB, you sound good, do you realize how far you have come in a year?? Great job!!

      Judie you are right. Getting my feelings hurt, especially from my husband was the hardest part of taking control of this mods thing. At least you are aware of it and so the overdo is not what it use to be. I finally found if I gave myself a half hour of just alone time, NOT drinking, I did not need that first one that spelled disaster for the evening, I could breathe past the trigger. You are doing so great, you hardly ever slip anymore. I hope you are feeling better.

      My big new years resolution is be as green as possible in my lifestyle, while I try there is still room for improvement, still more newspapers that need to be bundled etc., etc

      I turned 53 on Saturday myself. Had the party and celebrated Christmas with my boys all rolled into one. Nice day. 17 on Christmas day and 12 on Saturday was just a bit much on crutches still. Wore me to a frazzle. Went to a girlfriends on New Years Eve, she lost her husband less than 2 months ago. The evening filled with writers, artists, radio personalities, intellectually quite interesting. It was bittersweet and I had less than a glass of wine so that was fine by me. We have quite a bar set up here, so I am glad I am just taking days and ignoring that it is there entirely. Feel much better not drinking.

      Everyone else, great to see you here. Been so overrun with the holiday parties and not being 100% yet. Gotta go get some artwork finished for a PR firm.

      Hugs and Love to all of you!


        Thursday January 3rd

        MKR - Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.
        I was glad to see you post today, I was wondering where you had gone. It is a relief when the holidays are over, as much as I absolutely love them.

        Very good advice on the 30 minute time out. I like it and will use it in my toolkit. Thank you.

        Beaches, Judie and BB - Have a wonderful day, all.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Thursday January 3rd

          Good morning all,

          MKR, glad to see you back. You are doing such a great job at mods.

          I have been adding more AF days in lately, including last night when I poured wine, took a sip or two and poured it out. I want to continue to have more days like yesterday, but I also need to do a better job at mods when I do drink. I overdid it last Friday for the first time in a long time (to that extent), and I never want to feel like that again. I was AF Sat, Mon and (almost) last night.

          I also am trying to lose. I have lost 14 since last summer but have at least that much more to go. I am exercising and trying to eat healthy/less. It is a slow process. Less A helps too!



            Thursday January 3rd

            good morning it's busy at work so I need to get back, but just wanted to drop a line.
            have been AF 3 days and feel good.
            no more holidays yeah!

            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Thursday January 3rd

              Mornin' Modsters!
              HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MKR!! :flower: urgirl: Hope you're healing well, I know it's never fast enough...hard to be patient with that.

              I'm doing much better today.

              We've got another big storm coming thru, with more hugh winds. I don't think it's suppossed to be anything nearly as bad as that last hurricane force one, but high surf warnings are in effect. I might go to town just for a look!

              Everybody have a great day! It's looking like a major blustery one here!
              Huge hugs,

              [ame= ]YouTube - Rod Stewart - Motown Song live[/ame]

              [ame= ]YouTube - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough - Patti Smyth & Don Henley[/ame]
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Thursday January 3rd

                Hi all,

                I have been out of touch for a while too. Holidays were great, had a great time with the boys and we had lots of family coming and going. Gained too much weight last year and hubby is having health problems, so this is the year to get my family healthy. My kids are slender, fit and active, but they don't eat as well as they should either. I have bought a couple of new cookbooks and we have been working on having more family dinners. So that is my goal for the year. I would love to see my older boy eat more of the food I cook, but at this point I'm pretty tired of his pickiness (not sure that is a word :H) Anyway, he is now old enough to make a PB and J for himself if he won't eat what I cook. How liberating this is going to be.

                Judie, we are bracing for the storms as well. Had emergency alerts on the TV and radio telling everyone to have batteries, gas in the car, etc. We are looking at 30 to 50 mile per hour winds tonight with an 1 inch of rain a hour if the storm keeps growing.

                It was good to read up on all of you and I will try to keep in better contact.

                Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                  Thursday January 3rd

                  Happy belated birthday MKR and Jen!!!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Thursday January 3rd

                    Hello love the Don Henley Judie and Happy belated to MKR and Jen. Hi to everyone!!!


