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Friday 4th Jan

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    Friday 4th Jan

    Hello everyone, hope that you are well .......

    I've had a really lazy day, been buying boots and underwear online!!!

    Blue Snakeskin, I will post a pic later .....

    Love & Hugs to everyone,

    BB xx

    Friday 4th Jan

    Hey Boop Nice wheels, I say get that car asap put the top down and let your hair fly in the breeze.



      Friday 4th Jan

      Hi Betty,
      Blue snakeskin Huh? Sounds pretty!

      Just got our power turned back on. We've got another pretty good storm brewing here. It's nowhere near as bad as that last one but there are power lines & trees down, plus a few rock slides I heard on the scanner. Thought Hubby was going to have to take an alternate route to get to town this morning but I guess they had one lane cleared enough to get thru.
      Guess I'll leave extra early when I go into work, to make sure I can get thru the normal route. Not too many options living up a two lane river rd. If I have to I can go upstream & cross the Lobster creek bridge, then come down the river on the other side, to get to town. Asuming the road is open over there... With these winds, and all the big trees around here, you never know... Hopefully the brundt of this storm will be past by this afternoon.
      Gonna post this before the power goes out again.
      Hope everybody has a great day.

      Maybe the storm will bring ion some business tonight... would sure hate to be travelling in this stuff! I'm sure it must be wicked windy on the coast, we're inland a bit & blowing pretty good.
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Friday 4th Jan

        Here's the boots, I just re-read my original post, I have to clarify that the underwear wasn't blue snakeskin ..... although I have just gven myself an idea

        OK so here's the boots

        Attached files [img]/converted_files/401808=2933-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Friday 4th Jan

          betty, now where are you gonna go wearing those hotsy totsy boots? damn girl......
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            Friday 4th Jan

            Trixie, I always wear boots like that, work, shopping, school .......

            My name is BB, I'm a bootsaholic ..........

