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Saturday 5th Jan 2008

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    Saturday 5th Jan 2008

    hi all,

    Lots of love to all of you in this brand new year. Happy belated birthday to both Jen and Mary.

    Ducky, you are doing sooo great on the weight loss and the Af nights. You are rising.:wings:

    Jude, Your story has changed so much- it's heartwarming.:rockon:

    Everyone else. (Don't want to name all of you as if someone is reading without posting and I missed them I would feel terrible.) I hope this new year is your / the beginning of a wonderful new drunk-free life.

    Love to you all as always.
    Enough is enough

    Saturday 5th Jan 2008

    Hi Waves, lovely to 'see' you .........

    Things in BB land seem good at the minute, but you can never speak too soon ............

    Love & hugs to everyone, BB xx


      Saturday 5th Jan 2008

      Hi Waves, nice to see you on. I guess your job will be heating back up soon?

      Hi BB.

      Quiet here today. We are roasting a pork loin we brined overnight. Tomorrow I am making cuban sandwiches with the leftovers! Yum.


        Saturday 5th Jan 2008

        Hi BB,

        Sounds like Christmas was really exciting in your house. Hope the good things continue.

        Ducky, there was I feeling hungry and then I read your thread! Can I come for sandwiches tomorrow? I'm a terrible cook. And yes work is already hotting up as you say.
        Enough is enough


          Saturday 5th Jan 2008

          Mornin' Modsters. Yep Waves,...It's been a couple of years since I wrote 'my story"...I was pretty desperate when I found this place. I'd already tried EVERYTHING else that there is . Thank God/Dog... for this place!(and of course RJ and ALL of YOU :l )

          Always good to see ya Waves! Happy New Year back @ ya!

          BB- How're those new boots? Done any Butt kickin' yet? Hope Kerrie's doing well.

          Well good thing i posted when I did yesterday. The power went out again, and didn't come back on till I was getting ready for work (showering in the dark)
          Thankfully, I was able to dry my hair before i left the house! I was thinking I might have to use the hand dryers @ work!
          Things are much calmer today.

          Have a great day everybody,
          Huge hugs,

          Hi Ducky, I'm a slow "poster"...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Saturday 5th Jan 2008

            Sure Waves, come on over! I never could cook until I remarried. I finally just started teaching myself, using great recipes. I am not a great improviser though...

            Hi Judie!


              Saturday 5th Jan 2008

              Judie the boots havent arrived yet, but will be sure to post when they do ....


                Saturday 5th Jan 2008

                Hello all you wonderful modsters!

                Waves, awesome to see you! Sorry you have to ramp back up for working furiously.

                BB, love the boots. I had the most lovely pair of heels to go with one of my Christmas party outfits, well they stayed in the closet as I would not do well on them with my crutches . . . feel sorry for me yet???!! :H Glad flats are in style some at the moment as unfortunately that is what I have to wear.

                Ducky, I do a fair amount of gourmet meals and I love reading your posts with what you have on the stove top. . . .Anywho, I was wondering if there's room for me too??. . . I LOVE cuban pork . . .delish!

                Judie, congrats on 2 years here!!! Yes, you have come a long way and been such an inspiration to me every step of the way! So sorry you have yet another storm aftermath to deal with. Hope it is safe driving.

                Still having terrific problems with the tracking on my knee cap . . . can not tell you how frustrated I am with it, all the time spent in PT and trying to walk with the swelling consistently there and gets worse when I exercise. (Prognosis for an Italian vacation, after I can walk again, find a cane I really like, lots of pain meds and of course 24/7 with my brace and maybe I can do some hours on some days . . . . sigh.) OK, not to be bumming people out here. Thinking I am going to do a whole lot better than the doctor seems to think I will!! Anywho, I hope Mary Anne has a much better outcome going on for her knee. Hey MA, feel good!

                I lost my pencil thingy again on MWO subscription deal, so I am worried and wondering how lushy is doing as I do not see her in this area at all. Lushy if you are looking, please come say hi!

                Love you all!!


                  Saturday 5th Jan 2008

                  Mary, come on over! I bet you are a great cook. That is what we love to do, cook and eat. Sorry to hear your knee is giving you trouble. I hope it improves soon. Are you planning to go to Italy this year?

