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Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

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    Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

    Hi, Mods,

    Belated b'days to Jen and to Mary!!!:banana: I hope that you had a lot of fun.

    Mary, you are such a sport about that trick knee of yours. Maybe a month of sunshine on a beautiful island with no one to bug you???:beach: Except for all your modster pals, of course!:disco:

    Hope everyone else is doing well (particularly you weatherworn westerners) and is well into recovery from the holydaze!

    :heart: E

    Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

    Hi to E and all you other modsters!

    Just finished my cleaning so a bit of relaxation is in order. I am trying to get motivated for a run. It's been almost 2 weeks since I ran because I came down with this nasty cold, which is almost gone. I hope I don't poop out too fast.

    What's up with everyone today?


      Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

      E Dear, What are you doing up so darn early??? Can't sleep? oooh that island sounds fantastic and so does having all my modster pals dancing!! WAhooooooooooo!!

      How are you doing? Hope life is going well for you in 2008 so far.

      Ducky, thanks for the Cuban sandwiches last night! They were wonderful!

      I had PT on Thursday afternoon, have been medicating and icing religiously since then. It finally feels good this morning, two days later. I LOVE to exercise and this is disconcerting. Have a breakfast with my BFF to celebrate last week's birthday. It isn't over, until it is over! Anywho, she has been working some crazy hours and our schedules didn't match until now. What a treat, have to go get rid of my bed head look!

      Love you all, have an excellent day,


        Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

        Posting at the same time: Ducky, take it easy on your run but it will be great to get back out there! xoxoxox Mary


          Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

          Hi E, lovely to see you ..........

          Ducky, what are cuban sandwichs???

          Mary, bed head look ...... Yep I know that feeling ..........

          We've had a lovely day today, been car hunting, we have seen the most gorgeous Mercedes CLK430 convertible, I've fallen in love with it but Mr Boop says that it's too girly because it's a lovely lilac colour ......

          What do you think????

          I'm in love ......... LOL

          LOve & Hugs to all, Attached files [img]/converted_files/402632=2942-attachment.jpg[/img]


            Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

            Hi BB,

            Car looks lovely, go on be devil!!

            Tell Mr Boop that chicks love blokes with a softer side, that should get him on side!!

            W x


              Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

              Good Idea W, I'll have to steer him to this thread :H

              BB xx


                Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                Hey BB, get the car!

                Cuban sandwiches (cubanos) are so yummy. I roasted a pork loin yesterday. Tonight I will make a mojo sauce (garlic, salt, olive oil, lime, cilantro) to put on soft rolls, which are then topped with mustard, pork, ham, swiss cheese and pickles. Then you grill the sandwiches with weights or use a panini press. Sounds kindof gross but they are great. I have had them many times but this is my first attempt at making them.

                Did a short run, just 2 miles. I took it easy exercise wise this week because of my cold but starting tomorrow watch out. Need to get the next 15 off.

                Where are all the Modsters?


                  Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                  Hi all,

                  E, it's great to see you. Hope life is being kind at the moment.

                  Mary, keeping fingers crossed daily for your naughty knee.:l Count me in if we are all going to support you on a beautiful warm island.

                  Ducky, am thinking of moving into your house if you promise to feed me. Well done on the return to exercise after your cold.

                  BB, I like the look of the car but it would have to stay in my garage cos it's too nice to risk on the roads! Also the rain here in the North of the UK doesn't favour the open top look

                  Wimpey, methinks you are a bit of a devil trying to provoke Mr Boop like this.

                  Hello to everyone else, even Lushy, who definitely is doing her best to avoid this board.:H

                  Love to all as always
                  Enough is enough


                    Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                    Hi Everybody! Late check in for me... Had a late/early night last night.
                    Got a call from a friend after work, needing a friend & a couch...

                    Long story short...she ended up putting her car off of the road in the mud, and came very close to rolling it over on the way home to our house.
                    One minute she was following behind me, in my truck... the next, she wasn't. It's a very windy road, and it's been raining for days & it's slippery, plus she's not familiar with the road.

                    She was upset & had had a fight with her old man, plus had been drinking some, but seemed ok. I tried to talk her into riding with me, & leaving her car, but she insisted she just follow me. We were only about 3 miles from our house, when she went off of the road. It could have been MUCH WORSE. There are so many places where she could have gone right into the river, or rolled her car, or gone off of a cliff!

                    I'm kicking myself for not being more forceful with her about leaving her car... but she was so insistant about it. I'm just glad she's ok. We got her car towed out this morning, & it's fine. Hardly a scratch...thankfully the soft mud cushioned everything... but a few more inches & it would have rolled on over.

                    Things can change so very quikly. She came to my house upset over a misunderstanding... and left thankful that everything is OK...:h

                    "Perspective...use it or loose it"...R Bach
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                      Lovely to see you all again! I got back from a ski vacation on Friday night very late. I have been unpacking, opening mail and of course trying to catch up here on the boards. We went to Park City, Utah which is practically a "dry" state. You cannot buy wine in a grocery store so, I was a good girl. Snowed tons and had an all around great time. There were 14 family members in a three story house so, there was plenty of drama and cat fights but, that is family for you! The bonding was still a good experience.

                      E. so great that you are out and about posting again!

                      Ducky, I know EXACTLY what cuban sandwiches are! I married a Cuban and live in Miami for goodness sake!

                      Mary, I am begining to think you secretly like all this work and keeping busy..hope the Physical Rehab is going well..

                      Betty....get the car..The End!

                      Wimpy...nice to meet you! I hope we can get to know eachother better.

                      Waves..LOVE that you have become a presence around here again as well...hope things at home are settling down a bit and you have some "me" time

             have proven yourself to be a great friend once again.sounds like you are doing pretty great these days!
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                        Hey PP, I've skiid Park City. Fun place!
                        Great to see ya back. Wish I had been there to ski with ya... I love Alta!:h

                        Last night my friend was so upset over everything,... plus with having her car left behind and way down over the side of the road, in the mud..I kept telling her it was "just getting a Spa treatment'... a "Mud Bath":H

                        I'm so glad it was OK... it was hard to tell till the tow truck pulled it back out today. But she was SOOO lucky! It's a really nice Miata, ragtop. If she had rolled...(which she came so close to doing ), it wouldn't have been pretty AT ALL. I'm afraid she'd have have been very badly hurt...

                        That girl had somebody watchin' out for her ...I do believe...

                        [ame= ]YouTube - Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life[/ame]
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                          yes, she did...that somebody was you!!
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .

                            I'm thinking somebody MUCH bigger :h

                            I really should have just told her she couldn't come to my house unless she rode with me... but then she probably would have taken off mad!
                            I guess I maybe could have knocked her out & thrown her in my truck...probably not... she's not little.

                            I'm just so thankful she's OK...
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Hi! Sunday, the whatever . . .


                              GET THE CAR! I once had a silverish lilac car and MEN would stop me to say it was really hot. Of course, it also had sexy mag wheels . . .

                              But anyway, get the car! Just get hubby to promise that he'll let you drive it some of the time!

                              Good luck!

                              :heart: E

