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seems to be the seventh . . .

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    seems to be the seventh . . .

    everything I said on the eighth!:h :h :h :h


    seems to be the seventh . . .

    Hello all and good morning to you! I am back in the office after being out since Dec 25th. Of course I walked into a ton of problems which I have to admit I secretly half enjoy. It means this program does start to fall apart when I am not here and people do depend on me. If it was running 100% smoothly when I got back I would have somehow felt not needed. Twisted I know. I'm just glad I have the energy to face it.

    Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a great 2008.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      seems to be the seventh . . .

      E...what did I miss regarding your daughter? What is going on?
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        seems to be the seventh . . .

        Good morning E and PP,

        Hi Modsters!

        E, I hope your daughter is ok. I have to go back and read your earlier post.

        PP, it is nice to know you are needed! I am sure you will have the place back in order promptly.

        Lots of fun in the orthodontist's office this morning. They were trying to put a bracket back on and the gum over that tooth was bleeding. No go. We'll try next month. I have such a hard time flossing the upper back teeth with all this hardware in my mouth. Too old for this!

        I am feeling ready for the new year. I managed to keep the weight I lost off, and now it is time to get busy. Of course I know that the more serious I get about mods and AF days, the more weight that will come off...

        Well, off to clean this house and exercise. Hi to all.


          seems to be the seventh . . .

          E, what kind of neuro testing? Hope she is okay...


            seems to be the seventh . . .

            Hi All, E, I missed it too, is everything OK?

            PP its lovely to feel missed isn't it .......

            Ducky, that is not so good about your tooth ......

            Unfortunately the car has been forgotten about today, my dad had an angina attack that started at 6am this morning, took his gtn spray which didn't stop it and eventually he called me at 10 after suffering for four hours and having taken his spray 4 times he was feeling worse.

            I took him to A & E and they have admitted him, they are doing more bloods because they think that it was a heart attack rather than Angina .........

            Did I not say a few days ago that things are good in the boop house but bet i'm speaking too soon???? :upset:

            Anyway, love & Hugs to everyone .........


              seems to be the seventh . . .

              BB, hope your dad is okay. Please keep us updated. He sounds a lot like my dad, who used to wait until he was in terrible pain before saying a word. I guess it is a man thing. I hope it's not too serious.


                seems to be the seventh . . .

                Hi all,
                just dropping in briefly.
                BB, hope that your Dad will be ok.
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  seems to be the seventh . . .

                  Hey E, Great to see you. Hope the tests come back ok...:h

                  BB- Hope your Dad is alright too.:l

                  Still tired today from yesterdays craziness...Just found out my girl friends Hubby rolled his truck coming home on the icey roads this morning. The same tow truck from yesterday showed up, along with the same police officer...

                  The tow truck driver tried to give her his "card"...She refused...saying she doesn't plan to needing it again soon! LOL

                  He's OK, but his truck is totalled. Geez, not sure if they should consider themselves "lucky"...or NOT...
                  She swears it's because she broke a mirror when she was mad @ him the other night!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    seems to be the seventh . . .

                    Jesus H! 60 views on this thread since this AM ... but not a Friggin response...

                    Geez, if somebody were really in trouble,...or wanting for a friend...

                    Damn... things that make ya go... Huh?

                    For the record... He works a graveyard shift... and was driving home from work...
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      seems to be the seventh . . .

                      :lilangel: Judie, sistah!

                      I won't let you down.

                      I can be counted to stay up to all sorts of weird hours.

                      Betty, I really hope that your dad's enzyme tests, etc., come back ok!:l

                      Thanks for the concern about my kiddo. Unfortunately, there is no agreed upon diagnosis. I'm going to meet privately with her doctor tomorrow. Right now, I'm in the worry, drink, get depressed cycle. Not doing too well.

                      I'm so thankful that you guys put up with me.

                      :heart: E


                        seems to be the seventh . . .

                        Hey E,
                        Sorry you're still worried. Hope the doc will have some good news for you tomorrow...:h Worry is not a good thing. Wish there were something I could do... Sending hugs to you & your little one...

                        I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound onry... I've just got off work & had a headache all afternoon...& evening.

                        Guess I'm just feeling drained from being there, for everybody all weekend, then, .... well, there ya go. Get up and do it again.

                        It must be hormones or something. I'm usually so pleased to be able to help...(consider it an honor) I guess my soul is just not quite that advanced yet...
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

