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OK, it's the 8th

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    OK, it's the 8th

    Hey Modsters,

    Where is everyone?

    I flirted with AF last night but did mods. 2 glasses, which is great for me because hubbie is away and that is always tempting.

    OK, it's the 8th

    Hubby away is always tempting for me as well. Having a good day here. I am starving and it's only 11am!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      OK, it's the 8th

      It's juvenile I know but when I feel like the alcohol police are not here. So all in all I was happy to stop at 2 glasses.

      I am starving too! Just had an english muffin. I need some protein.

      Hellllooooo? Where are you all?


        OK, it's the 8th

        I don't know if I ever posted here before? Well u lucky ducks, here I am. I am trying to moderate by going AF M-TH then drinking on the weekends. Is anyone else here trying that? Or is mod just for sensibly drinking during the week. I do want to drink less on the weekend as well. Okay, can I join this club or am I not qualified?


          OK, it's the 8th

          Of course you can join Hart!

          I think mods means something a bit different for everyone. For me it means trying not to go overboard (more than 2-3 glasses of wine) and trying for some AF nights as well. I would love to do AF Mon-Thurs but not sure I am quite there. I will try to join you at least some of those nights though. Thursday will be a good one for me as hubbie is off to an evening meeting. I think Mon-Thurs AF is great as long as you keep the w/e reasonable. They say w/e binging is worse than drinking moderately on a daily basis. Of course they mean one drink for women and I have work to do there too.

          You may be overqualified, lol!


            OK, it's the 8th

            hi all

            Hart, you don't need a special membership to join us, glad you are here:welcome:

            I am eventually going "mod", but right now am aiming for some AF days (the rest of this month hopefully?)

            We are just all joined together and helping eachother out on this journey..........Glad you all are here and had a good day yesterday, I made it AF, but will mod in Feb (my goal as I just said) I am glad to be back from my "being out w/ knee surgery" No more excuses for why I haven't at least posted one or two..............wish I didn't stay away for so long, but in between nosy hubby, and this wicked knee pain, I find it hard to sit at our PC..........

            BUT I am back at work (part-time) and it is getting alot easier to sit instead of just laying around

            Everyone to follow have a great one also!!

            Will check back later

            Love and hugs,

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              OK, it's the 8th

              How about I share a little secret with you, in exchange for an even wider smile than you're now wearing??

              OK? Deal! Here goes... There's someone in the world today, right now in time and space, who you've yet to even meet, who will, before long, fall very, very in love with you.

              You decide what kind of love -
              The Universe

              Hey all,

              E, great to see you here, I am so very sorry you are in that cycle. I do hope all goes well for your daughter. Hugs of support.

              PP, Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your time off! Always good to know that the world and work can't do it quite as well without you!

              BB, sounds like you are going through it big time again. I am so sorry and hope your dad is doing better today. . . .Don't put that cute little car on hold forever!

              Judie, wow you have totally been through it with your friends lately. It sounds like driving is a super dangerous adventure out your way. Please be super careful yourself. do you have four wheel drive? I am glad you could be there for your girlfriend though.

              Lori, miss you come by and tell us what is up!

              Ducky dear, I totally get what you are saying about hubby away. Just makes it easier to slip up. GOOD JOB, that you moderated so well!

              Hart, Welcome I hope you enjoy it over here. Your mods plan sounds really good. A great way to start it and stick with it.

              MA, glad to have you back. Hope you feel better daily, long road ahead. Hugs.

              Been nuts with work and PP, maybe you are right. Why would I continue to schedule people if I did not like it to a degree?!!

              Hugs and Love to all,

              PS: All you lurkers without posting come on just say hi!


                OK, it's the 8th

                Mary Ann!:l
                I missed you girl! Glad you're back. Go easy on that knee... Hope it heals nice & quik for ya.:h

                :welcome: Hart! Definately, the more, the merrier! Truth be told....this neighborhood's been downright quiet lately! Got any rowdy friends ya want to bring along? LOL

                Ducky, Too funny..."alcohol Police" I know what ya mean. it's like "getting away" with something you shouldn't...the TABU...almost makes it even taste better.

                Hey guess what? It's raining! Has been every day here this year! Seems like every day last year too ... as far as I can remember!:upset: Don't think it'll ever stop! Know what else? We have winter storm warnings... OH JOY!

                Glad I don't live in a tipi anymore!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  OK, it's the 8th

                  Hi MKR! :l We were posting @ same time...

                  Hope the knees doing much better.

                  Yes, I do have 4 wheel drive, thanks for asking. Does help on these windy mountainous roads around here...It's been a brutal winter.

                  I want to go to Mexico!...Or Belize, Rio Nexpa was nice...Havasu Falls sounds good about now...

                  Hell, the beaches of Cheyenne! At least it would be snow & not rain!

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Garth Brooks The Beaches Of Cheyenne[/ame]
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    OK, it's the 8th

                    A big Hi was ordered by Mary so here it is. Can't hope to respond to everyone individually like Mary can so will just give

                    love to all as always


                    ps can't wait for someone to fall in love with me
                    pps thanks PP
                    ppps welcome Hart
                    Enough is enough


                      OK, it's the 8th

                      Hi all, I'm not around much at the minute because I really can't handle more than I need to at the minute, but didn't want my mods friends worrying where I am.

                      My dad is OK, he hadn't had a heart attack as expected, but his angina is now unstable, normally angina only comes on with physical strain, but it is coming even during sleep and they don't know how to control it, even the gtn spray isn't taking away the pain, so he is seeing a heart specialist on saturday.

                      Thanks to all that pm'd kind thoughts ....

                      Love & Hugs, BB xx


                        OK, it's the 8th


                        I plan to just buy 8 drinks a week to drink.( A pint of whiskey) It actually works better if I drink all 8 to keep the buying just 8 a week and having only 8 drinks a week around thing working right.

                        I was going to just drink on weekends, but now I have decided that if the eight aren't gone by the end of the weekend I can drink the remainder on Wednesday.

                        So that is drinking only on Friday and Saturday and then on Either Sunday or Wednesday. Either way that is 4 abs days per week and three drinking days per week.

                        I think that will work, if not I will figure something else out.

                        Or I could just buy a fifth and see if I could make it last 2 weeks, yeah right!:hitme:


                          OK, it's the 8th

                          hi all.
                          I have been really sick and the idea of drinking alcohol seems pretty gross to me.
                          finally feeling somewhat normal but am gonna stay AF till at least Saturday night.
                          welcome hart.

                          hope you guys are well

                          love ya
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

