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Can you taper off of addiction

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    Can you taper off of addiction

    Hi -- I've lurked about for quite some time and am hoping to become more active in the community and the program in it's entirety. I am on topa (50mgs daily) and it's helping a lot. I am drinking considerably less and have much more control than before i took it. I have a health issue that warrants a strong look at abstinence. I'm not sure how much drinking affects my condition but am certain it doesn't help it. In any event, I wanted to avoid the miseries of full fledge detox (sweets, insomnia etc.) and have used controlled drinking pretty well so far--just a few days but am happy with results. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tapered off this way to the point that you can go a few days or until your body is not chemically dependent. It sounds logical but I was hoping for some feedback.

    "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
    Betty Ford

    Can you taper off of addiction


    Yes, you can. There are some here who have done it.

    Hopefully they will jump in an respond.

    Best of luck.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Can you taper off of addiction

      Hi Yes, it worked for me, although my hubby helped a lot. It wasnt easy bacause being a drinker I always wanted more, when I first came here I was on at least 3 bottles of red wine each and every day, over two months gradually got down to one, then did an AF stint last january.

      I can now just have 2 glasses with a meal, or will happily drive so that drinking is not an option....

      All the best ........


        Can you taper off of addiction

        That's amazing! You did that on this program? Is your story posted anywhere?
        "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
        Betty Ford


          Can you taper off of addiction


          here is the link to my story. I took Kudzu, used the hypno cd's and had sheer determination never to feel that bad again. I still drink in moderation and have been tipsy a couple of times this year but I can honestly say that in over a year, I've never fallen over drunk, never woke up with unexplained bruises, and never had to wake up to hubby saying Can you remember what you did last night!!!! and BTW hubby is a member here so I coudn't say it if it wasnt true ...........

          So all in all i feel pretty good .........


            Can you taper off of addiction

            Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your awesome progress!
            "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
            Betty Ford


              Can you taper off of addiction

              Fran15 :welcome:

              You can definately taper off. I joined this site 18 days ago with the intentions of learning tricks to moderating. I do not follow the program, just utilize this amazing site. I was a very heavy beer drinker for over 15yrs and could never go 2-3 days without it. I decided to taper off by trying non-alcohol beer and have not been back to real beer since. I have no desire to go back to drinking. I'm actaully scared to try if I can moderate, so I just keep the O'douls stocked. I think tapering is easier for people who can substitute a non-alcohol drink (ex. the beer/wine drinkers vs. the whiskey/vodka peps who have no NA sub). So if your drink of choice comes in a NA form - I say start with that. It really helps cut cravings. Alternate them if you have too.

              Good luck! Keep posting.

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                Can you taper off of addiction

                Fran I have only been here since November 07, so it is too early really to say if moderation is working for me yet or not but I am pretty much abs now and going to be trying moderation once I talk my husband into it.

                I was drinking about 8 drinks a day everyday and I tapered down buy just buying a half a pint of whiskey a day and drinking that. If I bought more than that I would drink more than that so you have to buy only what you are going to drink for the day. Then I switched to beer to taper down on then did 39 days abs in Nov/ Dec 07. I am mostly abs now while I figure out the best moderation plan and work out the details with my husband. I know I have to be able to drink openly or I will drink too much, so I am still working on that.

                Anyway I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions or if there is anyway I can help.


                  Can you taper off of addiction

                  Thanks for sharing your story Betty, it is nice to know that moderation can work if someone is determined enough to make it work. I notice that you say you drink with dinner, I think that is SO important if someone wants to be a moderate drinker. To just make up their mind once and for all that drinking before dinner is just out of the question- Period. Most of the problems associated with overdrinking can be minimized ,if not eliminated, by simply drinking with or after dinner.

                  Well, that is my theory anyway, now let's see if I can do it!


                    Can you taper off of addiction

                    Hi Fran

                    I'm modding just fine just was where I wanted to be and, as Betty says, I think sheer determination has a lot to do with it!

                    I tapered off to AF over 5 days initially and did 106 days AF. And that was incredibly important for me...I had done 30 days before but until I discovered just how badly things can get, I didn't realise the importance of this determination! But without any alcohol in the system (and it takes about 90 days to go and the thinking to change) it becomes (almost!) 'easy' to be determined....either for mods or AF. (Well, IMHO! As in, definitely not easy with an chemical wanting going on in ourselves....same with sugar or anything.)

                    Why didn't I stay AF? I just wanted to get to a place where I didn't have to worry about the in, worry about questions, presumptions, 'making a mistake' in drinking something I thought was 'soft' and finding it had alcohol in it (AA terrified the **** out of me on that one!), worry about questions if I could never even take a sip of a magnificent red in Italy (if I ever get there!!) etc etc.....

                    I 'faked' toasting my daughter at her wedding - putting the glass to my lips but not sipping....and at the Top Table in view, I was 'worried' as to who saw....etc. Now, I know I could have had half to all that one glass put at everyone's place....and stopped. And that is a nice place to be! I just find it easier to say, Thank you when poured the first glass, make it last (or even leave it untouched!) and decline when an offer of a refill is made. So easy!

                    But easy for me as I am very blessed; one glass does not make me want more. For some it would be 'the end'.... We are all different - and must
                    find our Own Way Out. Just because the way we want works for some, I am afraid it just might not work for ourselves and we just have to be straight with ourselves then....but I di think that for some of us that determination and discipline works....If we can see a way and direct ourselves firmly in that direction all will be ok.

                    BUT more than the one glass for me....well, I am not so sure that I wouldn't lose that 'discipline' (a word I have loathed all my life - fancy!!!) and, of course, being a bit tipsy by then, say, Sod, I don't and it's just fine. (But I hope never to reach complacency!)

                    For me, I follow an an aging but energetic aunt's ways....high class manners! A small apperatif (wine and soda for me) before supper (I know that is different to some here! Sorry!) but never drunk at the cooker (any more!). Always dinking it sitting in the sitting room, nice glass and using the table so as not to hold it continually! And it feels rather classy and not at all restricive and certainly not tacky! Then I don't want any more after finishing it with food - tastes ugh! And if at a party, have one glass and keep putting it down on a table or somewhere...if it 'walks' then so be it! Very good way to 'stop' or lose a drink that is far too strong! (I 'lost' an, "Everyone must have one of my homemade limoncelos" I really didn't want to drink at Christmas that way! Perfect! I just left it on the side and someone else drank it! No one noticed a thing!)

                    And my determination to stay there I think helps...I feel so, so lucky and don't want to wreck that. (I am sure life will put its challenges in place though....!)

                    But only you can find your way....and I really wish you all the luck in the world; it so so good to be away from all that poo around good!

                    (I have to say though - remember the 90 day suggestion.....sorry, but feel I must say it!)

                    Love FMS xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Can you taper off of addiction

                      Thanks FMS (and everyone else who took the time to respond to my post!!!... sooo appreciate it)
                      I "hear" the 90 day warning. There's a program here with a Naltrexon doctor. You get detoxed at home on Lib and then get a monthly shot of the stuff. He swears that you have to be clean for 90 days before you can consider mod. I started drinking less-than-mod two weeks into it but that's in the past. Topomax, for whatever reason, seems to be a better fit for me. That said, what was your exact elixir for detox other than determination? if that was solely it... more power to you! I definitely feel the need to get the help of this MWO program. I also find it interesting that you were in 12 steps and choose to remain here. It's as if this community forum has take the "support" place for you, and many others as the therapy of choice. That's pretty interesting.

                      Anyway, I lost my original CD's and ordered more (waiting for them to come in)... I just upped my topo script to 75 mg's and have been being pretty good in the interim. Really, much much better than I have been. I'm not getting drunk but do use a sleeping pill to go to sleep so I figure that's cheating.

                      thank you again for your time and any feedback is always appreciated.
                      "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
                      Betty Ford


                        Can you taper off of addiction

                        Hi Fran......

                        I have to say I was/am just genetics or something (no one else in my family etc...) and possibly the fact that the meds are really hard here in the UK.... Yep, determination! But actualy a coward's way out too; I never, never wanted to feel that bad again....I am 'emetophibic' (terrified of vomiting) and I had begun to reach that point....and my fear won over the booze!

                        I did use L-glut and noticed it helped - break one open under your tongue if you get a crazy crave.... And we can get Kudzu - and the really good MWO one comes free if you subscribe! ANd laods and loads of Vit B and adrenal glandular tablets - anything that boosts the adrenals which can get knackered to 'cause cravings' or get knackered through drinking. The latter you can get from the web - Nutri or probably over the counter in health food shops in the US.

                        We all 'reach that point' ('rock bottom') with different reasons....and in a way it is easier after that point...but please don't go there. This is one thing I implore you to just believe from others here!! It is truly Hell on earth.

                        The 12 steps have a great deal to them....but the rigidity and negativity of AA wasn't for me....I drank because I thought I was powerless over anything in my life and AA reaffirming it was pushing me towards drink, not away! MWO said I was powerful and lovely and wonderful and...and... and I still struggle with that but I know beleiving it (as I do beleive we are ALL those things - it;s just me I struggle with hence my name!) But knowing that = no 'need' to drink to blot out that terror or powerlessness.

                        And I still sometimes take Benedryl for sleep and a valium for my phobia....but I feel OK about that now (but careful)....we are all human and they are there to help us. It was the Booze Route that had sinister stuff around it.... Your sleep will improve after a few weeks AF....and go up and down; we are humans and ever's ok!

                        Good Luck, Fran! Go get those 90 days just one day at a time...the more into them you get, the faster they build!

                        Love FMS xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          Can you taper off of addiction

                          I love the hight class rules -- I know they will stick with me. Thank you so much!
                          "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
                          Betty Ford


                            Can you taper off of addiction

                            Million dollar question. Addiction? Behavior? Genetic Predisposition? Upbringing? Etc. I'm right here along with you trying to answer that question. So far, with the help of this program, (topo, hypno tapes, supps, and this website, I am succeeding). Good Luck & Good Will to you. Keke


                              Can you taper off of addiction


                              I don't worry about disease, not a disease, if there is or is not a genetic predisposition and all that. I do take everything that someone who has difficultly in converting LA into GLA just in case that is the problem, but I don't worry about what that means as far as something being a disease or not. I just know that taking GLA and eating a diet with the right protein, carb, fat ratio help in the production of good eicosanoids. It works and that is all I need to know.

                              Same with the psychological model, I don't worry about whether I was self medicating or not and I don't worry about why I was drinking too much in the first place- Digging in to all that stuff just made me want to drink more.

                              I figure as long as I am successfully moderating and stick to it none of that other stuff matters.

