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Can you taper off of addiction

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    Can you taper off of addiction

    Just to answer your question... I think I had it all against me: genetic predisposition. My upbringing was extremely dysfunctional but not in an alcoholic setting. Ironically, from outside appearances, I'm very successful with exception of a health issue I can no longer hide. I think if anyone (predisposition or not) exposes themselves to a drug/drink long enough they are going to get hooked. Only a person with a specific gene tendency would do something that stupid. Just my theory.
    So, I sent the family away... and I'm on my own. I was going completely AF but low and behold a very rare and lovely case of wine showed up as a surprise today from a very good friend. I've had one glass and will be very careful. I asked Dr. for anti-anxiety and will move towards AF as I think it's a better path for a while anyway.
    Listened to first phase of tapes and thought they were worthwhile. I don't know if I'm "hypnotizable" exactly but some of the stuff seems like it's stayed with me any positive reinforcement right now is good. Also, anything that keeps you away from drinking is good. I do remember saying to mayself "this would be really nice with a glass of.... " and almost smacking myself. Oh well.
    "You never know what you can do until you have to do it."
    Betty Ford


      Can you taper off of addiction

      Joanne,I have been eating percocets for the past 10 years and needless to say am horribly addicted. I decided I can't go on like this anymore, they are not getting me high like they used to , so I tried to taper down from 20 a day, then 8, then 6, now I find I can get through the whole day if I just eat 2 in the morning. That is when I find I need them the most. My "morning percs" with my coffee get me out of bed, I'm real sick if I dont have them. I hope someday to be able to get through the day with NO morning percs, but the urge, temptation and availability are always with me. I can't believe the damage these pills can do, I am an emotional and physical wreck. Re-hab is not an option for me, once they clean me up at re-hab, staying clean will be my problem. I wish I could turn back time, I would never have started eating them. (By the way, I don't have any pain, I just eat them because I LOVE them!)
      Drug Rehab


        Can you taper off of addiction

        hi fran 15,to just stop drinking would be foolish unless you see a doctor,normally they ll give you valium to help your dt s,then try getting off of tht stuff,you think coming off Al is hard,have fun on the drugs,ive tried tapering,it can work.if you work at it,but normally you ll go over board and shit hits the fan again,there is only one way to stop,just stop,and remember what you put your body thro,tht should be enough to quit,by the way it sounds like your a good candidate for a 30 day program,quite easy when you set your mind to it,when u finish the 30 days maybe you wont want to drink ever again,forever is a long time to a drunk,my old saying is to most tht come is easy for me to stop,just stop,its staying stopped ,and wanting to,forever is a long time, hope it helps gyco


          Can you taper off of addiction

          I feel the same way Fran: excited by Betty's story and that of others here. I'm not sleeping since I came upon Roberta Jewell and her alternative ideas: it's only been a day or two but I'm suddenly energetic with the promise of my own bespoke way out of a rotten trough. I walked (fairly) easily past the corner shop tonight and got round Tesco's without buying a bottle of wine. I intend to read her book cover to cover when it arrives and can hardly wait to see what its pages offer...
          'Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure' F Scott Fitzgerald


            Can you taper off of addiction


            I was drinking 8-10 beers a day sometimes 11 or 12 sometimes less. Anyway, last week I made a decision to taper down. I am at five and a half beers now and just feel tired from not sleeping right. I am doing this also because I tried going cold turkey many times and it is just too much of a jolt to my system. I literally feel exhausted for months so I am slowly tapering. The only problem I seem to be having is I constantly think about tapering off the beer. I keep charts and times that I drink and it is becoming a complete obsession. In a perfect world I would just stop but coorrect me if I am wrong, their is no easy way around getting sober. It is a very painful process.

