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Tues. Jan.15th

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    Tues. Jan.15th

    Morning to all the modsters! Hope everyone is having a lovely day. I was AF last night for the first time in a while so I had a hard time getting to sleep but, then slept like a baby. I am back on a healthy diet and cutting out soda and coffee. They have now been replaced by tea and water. I am going to be AF for the next few days to completely clean out the system of all toxins...caffine and otherwise.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

    Tues. Jan.15th

    Good work, PreciousPinot!:goodjob:

    I am approaching another go at Moderation. I can just feel it in my bones. It worked quite nicely last time, until I got lazy.

    A joyous day to everyone yet to post.

    :nutso: E


      Tues. Jan.15th

      Hi PP and Eustacia!

      PP -- that sounds like a great plan. I am planning to be AF through the rest of the work week as I've slacked off while travelling. I get to sit by my mother-in-law for four hours on a plane today..... yee ha!!

      Its good to see you E.... I've missed you.

      Have a great day everyone!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Tues. Jan.15th

        Hi to Prest, PP, E and the rest of the Modsters,

        E, mods is a great thing but I find I have to be very focused to keep it going. I can totally understand why some say AF is easier.

        I was mods last night with hubbie away and plan the same tonight. Maybe he should travel more, lol.

        Prest, don't let those in flight cocktails tempt you with MIL next to you. Just kidding!


          Tues. Jan.15th

          Good morning Modsers!

          I kept my drinking down to 3 standard drinks last night, so I feel pretty good about that. That 39 days AF really helped me drink moderately now that I do drink, plus I think taking the right kind of supps helps. I drank with and after dinner not before dinner and that is crucial for me, though everyone is different ofcourse.

          This is my 3rd attempt at moderation (even though I am new to MWO) but something feels different this time. I really do believe I have it figured out this time. I know that one really has to stick to it and not let things get out of hand.

          PP- Good going! Oh, yeah, that reminds me time to put out some green sun tea so I have something else to drink besides diet soda. My husband is diabetic so we have tons of diet soda pop around which makes me feel like I am being poisoned if I drink too much of it.

          E, I understand you are taking another crack at moderation too. Good luck, I hope we both do well this time around. You are right one really has to be viligent as to keeping control. Like set a weekly limit and then sticking to it come hell or high water. And sticking to having atleast 3-4 af days per week.

          Ducky, good to know that you are doing well, keep up the good work!

          P4T- you are a brave soul, going af with MIL. You are milaf! Or is that afmil!? Awesome!


            Tues. Jan.15th

            Hi everybody, just checking in.
            Was suppossed to be myday off, but got called in to work & I have to take one of the dogs in for booster shot before work... GRRR
            Not even my dog....didn't even want to keep the monster... seems I'm the one that feeds him & does the vet BS etc... kinda getting under my skin @ this point...:damn: (not to mention the drive in to the emergency room @ midnight the other night for Hubby's dog bite...)

            I'd like to take the dog to the shelter... we were supposed to have him temporarily, when hubby's folks moved to Florida 2 years ago...He is a sweet dog usually. But needs to be in a place he can run more. He's just too big for me to handle, @ over 100 lbs, too much on a leash for my knee. Hubby doesn't spend the time he needs to with him.
            It's frustrating.
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

