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another Tuesday in January

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    another Tuesday in January

    Hi, Mods,

    I hope that the day is bright and shiny for as many people as possible. It isn't for me but I always enjoy the happiness of others.

    I'm not too terribly ok. No, I'm not going to jump off of a roof, or even try hang gliding, for that matter. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    A lot of the people who have encouraged me are not around anymore. Are there a lot of people who just post in the subscriber section? When that option became available, it seemed that droves of mods disappeared. Populist that I am, I haven't subscribed. Would I find my old friends again if I were to subscribe? I could use their help.

    Love, Eustacia (grump of the day)

    another Tuesday in January

    Morning E, big hugs to you

    Yes this place did go quieter when suscriber started and yes some people don't post here anymore and you will probably find them in subs ......... I will post that you are looking for help over there and see what happens ........

    Love & Hugs to everyone, BB xx


      another Tuesday in January

      Hi Eustacia

      I've pasted this from BB's thread - are you slipping on mods - as in mods are becoming m-o-d-s (bigger!)? Edit - or is it the feeling ughy-January thing? Lack of light and all that? Wish I could send a smile - well, I am, but that you'll get it!

      How can we help?

      I'll paste this onto your post as well in case it helps....

      Thinking of you.

      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        another Tuesday in January

        Hi E,
        I am one that hasn't done a good job at posting here since I became a subscriber.

        I hope that you are ok and that your day gets better. Hugs.

        Hello to all that come as well.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          another Tuesday in January

          Good morning E, BB, Beaches, FMS and other Modsters,

          Yes, it did get a bit quiet around here once the subscriber thing came about. There are still a few of us nonsubs around though. Hope things are ok E.

          AF last night for the first time in a bit and of course the night sweats (periM, not al) kept me awake anyway. So I am tired but not HO anyhow!

          What's everyone up to today?


            another Tuesday in January

            Hey E

            Hey E, I am still here for what it is worth, I remember you from the "old days" before I quit and changed my name..............You are always an inspiration, whether you be dealing w/ a tough time or doing well, I love the strength you have to deal w/ whatever life dishes out to you..........

            I am not doing too well, keep trying to get a few AF days, and can't seem to for the life of me :upset: Knee rehabilititation has taken, and still taking alot longer, and harder than I ever imagined.......but enough of me, I hope and pray you feel better, hang in there...............we hopefully will be able to do this together...............I am DYING for a few AF days.............the ever evasive AF status!?

            Love you, hang in there.....................:h

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              another Tuesday in January

              Good Morning Mods!

              E, I am sorry you are sad. I am one who is a subscriber but have been working so many hours I have hardly found the time to get on. I post in Mods and read here first and foremost. Of course, I may be the exception to the rule. Do you have your supps and CD's? Remember how much they helped at the start of going into mods along with coming on board. I think the face of the board changes but you can always get loving support here.

              BB, friends are priceless! YOU are Very special. Happy 11 to Kerrie and what fun to celebrate your 40th with a party!

              FMS, Hope all is well for you. I like your signature, it rings true with me for anything I really want to accomplish. It always takes longer than I expect and finally over the years I see that being gentle with myself is the only way to be.

              Beaches, it is great to see you here! Hope all is going well for you and your family.

              Ducky, YEAH for AF nights!! I know the night sweats are miserable. They did a number in Menopause the musical about satin sheets and towels that you go and get and boiling then freezing. I could totally relate to it! It DOES make you tired when you can not sleep well.

              MA, read about your knee, I am sorry to hear that. It IS rather frustrating when your recoup is slower than planned. I am still on one crutch and limited driving. They have my knee cap taped over into position and I pulled out my old brace specific to PCL tears takes up most of my leg, but . .. I get some good support with it. I hope you can find some time to rest your knee and ice so the pain level may be better. I am hearing that the doctors do NOT exactly come clean on what the timeframe for total recoup really looks like.

              Thank you to all who have added Annette to their prayer lists. Waves, so very, very sweet of you to start a prayer chain! WOW! I really appreciate each and every one of you! I am shocked how much it threw me. I guess I have always thought she would need the guardian to help her negotiate financial and mental health issues not physical health. I think the calmer she is over this the better it will be for her.

              Back to work, it is awesome getting this level of work but I am going to need some time off soon. I am meeting two girlfriends for dinner tonight, so I will have one drink with them. They are quite fun so it will be a great evening!

              Hugs and Love to all,


                another Tuesday in January

                E, glad to see you around and posting and yes alot of us seem to have drifted over to the subscriber board....hopefully we, will see more of you on both boards! Sorry, you are not doing well. I know you have been very successful in the past with mods and it is your personal life that seems to bring you down. I can have Lushy come over and slap your hubby if that will do the trick. Anyway, hope your day improves!

                Mary, I read about Annette and will pray for her as well as your family as a whole.

                Cowgal, hope your knee is not getting the best of you and you start to feel better soon. Pain sucks!

                Great to see all you other modsters as well!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  another Tuesday in January

                  Modsters, (I love that )

                  Eustacia, I truly hope things start turning around for you personally. I have followed your posts since I joined and know you went away for a time because of personal problems and all I can say is "this, too, shall pass." and I hope things get much better for you. Anytime you need a new friend, I will be there.

                  Ducky, BB, Waves, and Judie in absentia while she travels... "HELLO!!" You "guys" are such a huge part of my life every day. Okay... I need to get a real life... but all of you are so full of fun, kindness and hope, I read everything you post. I truly wish I could be a "modster" but I can't. However, the great thing about this site is there is a place for all of us. Thank God!!

                  Mary. I love reading your posts, too. Have fun with your friends and I am so happy you can have one drink with them and be grateful. Hmmm. Maybe you have the key.. The FRIENDS are more important than the drink. Damn, what a concept!!

                  To all, thank you for being in my life. It is enriched for it.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    another Tuesday in January


                    I had to delete my previous post due to such negativity.......E, I hope you can find solace and peace in us few who still post here! Good to see you here, like seeing your familiar avatar Always comforting!!

                    Hey to all who have posted, hangin in there w/ my knee, too much regret at this point, hope the progress starts soon, cuz I don't like what I see so far................I am trying to stay positive though, thanks for all the support, have physical therapy tonight, so maybe that helps...............

                    MA:h :l
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      another Tuesday in January

                      Hi girls, thought that this winter I would slow down and have sometime but it just seems as busy as summer. I am glad cause winter usually can tend to drag on here in WI.

                      Love you,

