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Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

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    Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

    Sorry.... BB et al... I've done my best....

    my best....
    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

      You're a little ripper, Wattle!!!!


        Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

        Betty, Betty, Betty....Such an impenchous lady ! We are all here. Though we may go away for awhile, our heart is still hear ! IAD.....
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

          may i join you all? i'm new here and still trying to figure this out. Every time I think I have it, I loose it. The system of conversing, that is. {among other things} I want to be a mod. drinker and hope i'm not just kidding myself. the deal about the cigs rings true for me too. My hubby smokes, so if i drink and smoke, i drink more. so no cigs means less drinks. i'm a wine drinker, and as you know, it goes down like like lemonade.

          TDBiker, are you still out there? Thanks for your responses earlier. I still don't know ,with any consistancy, how to do this. Im computer challenged (and old, as my teen son would tell you)


            Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

            p.s. i think i did it!!!!!!!


              Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

              The beauty of this site is that no matter who is on this site....someone will answer you ! Like a left leg , we all have one ! We are ready to give our leg to answer your question ! That sounds kind of dumb....That's me.....IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

                IAD, lovely to see you back ..........:l

                Babs welcome to mods, shout if you need any help or advice ........

                BB xx


                  Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

                  BB, you cracked me up when I got online this morning!! You are such a lady to be shouting around here! It obviously worked!

                  Yes, Welcome, Babs, IAD been awhile, Wattle very funny!


                    Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

                    Hi Everyone....

                    Sounds like everyone is doing well!

                    I've been super busy, so my "check ins' here are very sporadic, but I do love to come and read and post when I can. I started some volunteer work a few months ago, and its turning into a lot more, which is good and bad at the same time. I love the work, am meeting new people (which is an answer to prayer after being in a new city with no friends for two years), but they have discovered that I did transcription for years and are now constantly sending me (or trying) to send me home with "projects" that will literally eat every spare second I have up. Today they asked me to re-type a training manual that is 312 pgs long.... as if I have nothing else to do! I just took on an old client again that has given me a project that is at least a month long, not to mention going to school. So I'm getting some good experience in setting boundries, and the responsibilities piling up are giving me lots of AF incentive. I've been doing better in that regard than I have in a long time. Not perfect, but really good!

                    Life is always a balance beam.

                    Great to see all of you and thanks for the shout Betty!
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

                      Hi all,
                      Mary, I agree about the decisions to love. Am so glad that tea is your habit now. But getting up at 3.30 to rest????

                      BB the nails look fun. Hope the party is good. We too have lots of birthdays this week.

                      PP you have made me smile lots this week. Enjoy the concert.

                      Ducky, hope the test results are good. You know that you are doing waaay better than previously so fingers crossed. We might not be able to undo the past but we can affect our future. You?ve done well so far this week.

                      Beaches, thanks for the lovely comments. Glad things are going well for you and yours.

                      MA Hope Las Vegas doesn?t ply you with too many freebies.

                      Trix, Hope you have better luck with your next non-al tea experiments.

                      Sammys, Hope life is being kind.

                      Marcie, good look with the job decision- nothing ventured; nothing gained. You are showing enthusiasm and commitment in taking these qualifications.

                      Lori, nice to see you on here.

                      P4T Don?t overdo it. But make time to see us on here.

                      Eustacia, Hope you are okay. Come back and say hello.

                      Cindi, Keep hating al.

                      Gumby, good luck with the mods.

                      Rosalind, glad work helps you keep off the al- just don?t become a workaholic.

                      FMS One glass or no glass sounds like a good mods rule to me.

                      Wattle, I like your caption. And modsters, mobsters, or monsters ---we rule.

                      Babs, nice to have you on board.

                      IAD Id prefer to keep my legs but don?t mind lending one out now again, particularly if it is to give someone a kick in the right direction.
                      Tawny hi,

                      If I missed you please don?t be sore,
                      Looked on the Shout thread and no more,
                      If you feel left out then please be aware
                      I give love to all, always to show that I care.

                      Love to all as always
                      Enough is enough


                        Where the *%$^*^ is everyone????

                        Still here .... humming and grinning .....

