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Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

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    Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

    Hello all- I just have to share my experience taking chantix. I have read some horror stories so I wanted to make sure people know that there are some amazing benefits (at least in my experience) The results from taking the Rx for 3 weeks has had a life-changing impact on virtually every aspect of my life. Addittedly, I had a serious smoking problem 20 years pack and a half and 2-3 packs when heavily drinking. I have also struggled with alcoholism for many years. It was only in the last few years that I would admit that. I tried to moderate without any success. I would be ?good? for a few days and just have a couple, then it would be back to the same drunk/hung-over cycle.
    Anyway, after losing my job as a VP of a large national retailer (unrelated to drinking ? I think : ) , I now have the time to work on reinventing myself without the cigs and the booze.
    Here is my experience- After a week I cut down to less than 10 cigs a day and strangely enough did not crave any alcohol. Out of habit, I would pour myself a glass of wine or make a cocktail, only to find that I had much less interest. I would have a maximum of 2 glasses if any win at all. After the second and third week, I started to feel completely in control of the alcohol thing. I would stop after 2 not because I had to, but because I felt I had enough (like normal people). Anyway, I am just blown away that someone as dedicated to drinking 1-2 bottles of wine is now a successful moderator. I will update everyone on my progress! PS. There have been other areas that chantix has helped improve- Slight weight loss (always helps), more energy (maybe from not smoking 2 packs a day- but who cares), a resounding positivity for life (despite losing my job and all my other worries, it has acted as an anti depressant even though it is not classified as one!). Anyway- God bless and I am anxious to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences!

    Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

    Thanks for the information. I've been meaning to try it. Keep us posted.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!


      PLEASE keep us posted.

      I was talking to my doctor today about Chantix. She has some concerns about it because it can be a danger to some folks with other issues, but I do think for those of us who are not schizophrenic (whew, at least I don't have that issue!!), bipolar or psychotic.

      I would dearly love to quit smoking. DEARLY. If it helped with my drinking. OMG!!!!!

      Dougle Whammy!!!

      Thank you for posting,
      AF April 9, 2016


        Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

        Chantix has helped me stop smoking and moderate my drinking as well.

        I've been on Chantix for about 6 weeks now and quit smoking Jan 1st. I have only had one night of going out and drinking too much. I've had about half a dozen days this month where I've had one or two drinks(yep, one or two, that's it). The majority of the month has been AF.

        I have had an open bottle of wine in my fridge for 2 weeks now. I don't think that has ever happened before!

        I never had any side effects from the drug except some pretty vivid dreams the first couple weeks. I'm very very happy with the results.


          Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

          Intersting - I've heard of chantrix, and over xmas, my sis who's a doc and knows my medical history, said I should try it.

          Funny thing, I had reduced my smoking to 2 or 3 cigs a day, but being on MWO, I love to smoke while I read and write here - which is alot.! And I would really like this to be the year the cigs get tossed altogether. I am very sensitive to meds, especially anything that has a potential "upper" type effect. I go over the line into panic attack/insomnia mode very easily with pharmaceuticals and it's awful. Do you think this could happen?



            Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

            I really don't know wonder. Did you ask your sis? She would probably be a better one to ask. It really worked for me, but there have been stories about some people having bad mental/emotional side effects from the drug.


              Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

              RJ posted a link a while ago to a forum where people had very, very negative consequences from taking this drug so please make sure you do your research. I have no doubt it can work for some, and I am happy that it has, but I have heard of people commiting suicide from getting horribly depressed taking it, even if they did not neccesarily have a history of depression. Just something to think about.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

                Thanks memarcie, lushy and all - more research is clearly in order for me.


                  Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

                  This is my second round with Chantix, the first round I wasn't AF, and it didn't work....(gee, imagine that) I've been taking it now for 2 weeks and it really quells the craving for both AL and Nick. I've been AF for 30 days and plan on giving up the butts on Ground Hogs Day. To be honest, I could quit smoking right now and not have a problem and hardly even think of it anymore... to make a long story works much better if you're AF....and the vivid dreams, slight weight loss.....experiencing both
                  Chef Robaire
                  Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
                  Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

                  "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                    Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

                    Chef. I am so glad that you have experienced the same result. I admit that whenever I do have a glass or two of wine, the smoking urge increases. I am OK with moderating alcohol, but the reason I started chantix is to be nicotine FREE. Your approach seems to be the only one if you want to totally quit smoking.


                      Chantix-Not just for smoking cessation!!!

                      This is my second try with Chantix. I took it about 9 months ago and did quit for 2 months. However I quit taking the Chantix a couple weeks after I quit smoking, so I only took it for 5 weeks. You are supposed to take Chantix for 3 - 6 months. After a couple months I was smoking again. I also hadn't decided for sure that I was ready to quit the first time and I think that made a big difference.

                      I also feel the desire to smoke increase when I have a couple drinks. The two kinda go hand in hand. I'm taking Chantix to quit smoking and I do like the side effects that it reduces my desire to drink excessively as well.

                      I know that there have been some reports of serious side effects though, so definitely wouldn't suggest anyone taking this without having their doctor involved.

