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February 1st

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    February 1st

    Good morning all, hope I got the date right today!!!!!

    PP, hope you enjoyed Hannah Montana .......

    Mary Anne, hope that you aren't gambling too much .......

    Ducky, hope that the family didn't stress you too much ..........

    Trixie, 3 weeks on an island!!!!! wow ........

    Kat, nice to see you in mods ...........

    Memarcie, don't study too hard .........

    I'm busy today getting ready for leaving for Florida on sunday and I've woke up with a thimping headache, sore throat and blocked nose !!!!!

    Love & Hugs to everyone ...........

    February 1st

    Good morning everyone!

    Betty, have a great time in Florida. The weather should be pretty nice, it usually is in Florida unless it is Summer! I hope you aren't getting sick!

    It is supposed to warm up here a bit, at least close to 30F, much better than the below zero crap we've had lately.

    PP - How was the concert?

    I'm at work and have an hour before anyone else gets here, so I'm going to study for a bit!

    Have a great day all!


      February 1st

      Good morning all,

      BB, hope you feel better in time for your trip. I hate flying with a cold.

      Marcie, great job on the studying. What are you studying for? I must have missed it.

      My brother called and cancelled. He blamed in on my hubbie having a cold but I think he didn't feel like driving 40 mins each way from where he was staying. That was fine but I had picked up food two nights in a row. I cannot stand when people cannot make a plan. Oh well.

      More quarterly cleaning here today. Hope everyone is well.


        February 1st


        Just jumping in to say, Please enjoy your vacation.

        Now for some "mama" advice. If you have a head cold, please take some decongestant. If you don't, you could end up with an ear infection (been there done that more times than I can count..) or even worse ( did this once ) you could get pneumonia/bronchitis, so, take some decongestant 30 minutes PRIOR to flight and since the flight lasts longer than the drug, take them again during flight.

        Take them with WATER!! (Couldn't resist that!!)

        Enjoy Orlando. My teenage stomping grounds. That is where I met hubby.

        AF April 9, 2016


          February 1st

          good luck on your trip to florida BB. and yes take cindi's advice, also take tons of vit C. flying with congestion is not a good thing.
          went to a dinner with boss and some colleagues. sipped on a cosmo for like 2 hours while the boys threw back their scotch.
          it is so amazing to not wake up with a headache and the runs.
          you guys take good care and have a nice weekend.
          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


            February 1st

            Thanks Cindi and Trixie, will definitely be taking your advice ..........:l


              February 1st

              Boop have a great time in florida, and everyone else I say HI. PP hope you had a blast at Hannah M. Concert bet there was lots of screaming!!!!!!



                February 1st

                BB, have a great trip. Hope ya feel better.

                Happy studying Marcie. Better you than me!

                Ducky sorry your Bro cancelled. At least you have plenty to eat!

                Cindy always good to see you.:h

                Trixie good job on sipping slow...It does feel nice to wake up refreshed, as opposed to the other option...

                PP Hope the concert was fun. I posted a little youtube on yesterdays thread for ya.

                Feel like I'm fighting a bit of a cold myself still.
                Not my usual energetic self lately.
                I have a friend who's going thru a rough time right now, who keeps calling me. I wish there was something I could do. But she's been calling at ALL hours (this happened about a year ago also)
                She's called me 31 times since midnight on Wednesday! I have to work, and so does Hubby...sometimes she calls @ 3:AM, 4: AM. 5Am...I've been turning my phone off lately. It's like I'm being stalked.
                It would be one thing if it were something new, that she wanted to discuss,... but it's the same things she keeps repeating... stuff that's happened back in April... or last week , etc... I feel bad, but I'm not a therapist, and I can't talk to her 24/7.
                I've aready told her I have limited time on my cell(which is my only phone) but she just keeps calling.
                I've just quit answering since yesterday. I feel bad, but I don't know what else to do. She wanted me to drive her to the Dr today, but I have to work @ 4:00. Her Dr is in another town, & we wouldn't have been back in time for me to make it to work.
                I feel like I'm being mean, but I don't want her to rely on me anymore than she already is.
                I feel drained...
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  February 1st

                  Wow Judie, that is a tough situation with your friend. Maybe you need to tell her what you can do, in terms of talking and help, and give her options to get other assistance. Does she have family or friends who can help? If she is calling at all hours it sounds like she needs some counseling?

                  It is so dreary here today. Funny how that affects your mood. At least mine...


                    February 1st

                    Holy, Judie. Is this the same gal from not too long ago? I don't think you are being mean at all. You have to live your life.


                      February 1st

                      BB, try Zicam
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        February 1st

                        AFM, yes she's the same one from about a year ago. It's happened before. I backed off and haven't kept in very close contact with her for quite some time since then...

                        She does see a therapist, not sure how often. But she's married and has a teenage daughter. She also works. It seems I can't be her only friend she's lived here forever. She also works. Maybe she's chased everyone else away with her clinging behavior. It's definately way overboard...

                        It's really wearing on me though. I feel guilty for not doing more. But I don't want her to rely on me more than she does.
                        As a friend all I can really do is listen, but I can't do that 24/7.
                        But it seems she doesnt her me anyway.
                        I really feel like she's drinking a lot & in denial. She's on zanax too.
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          February 1st

                          Jude, she has gone way over board. Really, like calling you all hours of the night? What in her life is so bad that she has to completely disrupt yours? I see you mention she is drinking a lot. Is this why she has these phases? Goes on a binge and then all H$ll breaks loose?

                          You must be so patient. I would have a meltdown if someone phoned me for days on end all through the day and night. Especially since I LOVE my sleep.

                          I think you need to be up front with her. But that is easy for me to say. I think that I even suggested this last year - you have to set some boundaries in place. (HOLY SHEIGHT - HAS IT BEEN A YEAR? Where does the time go?).

                          It is a tough one. I feel for you. I could use a 'needy' friend right now. Send her my way. LOL.


                            February 1st

                            I've asked her not to call after midnight, but she called @ 12:22 last night.(this AM) Also @ 5;30, 6:00, 7:15, 8:00, 8:13...
                            A bunch of the calls I deleted from my phone, so they don't even show. It's ridiculous!

                            Hubby just called me from work & said he had her there, wanting to talk to me! (he was kidding... NOT funny!) He said "Hold on, I'll put her on the line".

                            I really don't know what to do right now. I haven't talked to her since yesterday. I don't want to encourage her to keep calling me. But on the other hand if she's really that desperate for a friend I don't want to completly cut her off. I feel like I'm not equiped to handle her situation. I was thinking of calling her on my way to work, just to let her know I'm thinking of her, but I'm busy.
                            Hubby says I shouldn't encourage even that.
                            I would hate to think I'm her only lifeline.
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              February 1st

                              :H Sorry, but I couldn't help but LMAO about the hubby thing. No wonder you love him so much; what a great sense of humour!

                              That would really suck. I have known a lot of troubled people in my life and only had one who use to bang on my apartment door or phone me as early as 7am (lived in the same building). I was pretty harsh about it though. This was after several months. As soon as I would roll in from work, there, she would be. This was in the beginning of my drinking career, and she started to impede on my drinking time, and started to drink my wine or voddy. So kind of different.

                              Our friendship - if you can even call it that, ended. I don't miss her. She actually made me feel even more unstable than I was at the time... with all of her problems and being an alcoholic too. Sometimes you just have to say it as it is, or else it will go on forever. We can only help so much, as you say.

                              Anyway, you know that this is affecting you. I know you will figure it out.

