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I want to

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    I want to

    I want to :

    Live next door to Saint Jude so I can play on the river and laugh at people who are scared of the dogs,

    Eat with Ducky, ( of course she must do ALL the cooking)

    Sit and chat with Mary ( preferably in nice relaxing armchairs)

    Boogie on down with BB

    Work with Memarcie in lovely well-paid jobs.

    gamble with cowgal ( or should that be gambol ? )

    and share a quiet moment with everyone else In Tawny's garden cos it will have magically transported itself here.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend. It's snowing here.

    Love to you all as always.

    Enough is enough

    I want to

    Waves that sounds lovely ...........

    What a nice thought .......


      I want to

      That is so sweet!!!!!!

      You sound happy, Waves. Good for you...

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I want to

        What a nice post Waves. Just let me know what you would like to have. If it's snowing maybe a nice slow roasted 6 spice brisket, some mashed taters with lots of heavy cream, roasted carrots and bread pudding for dessert?


          I want to

          Yum! Sounds great Ducky.
          Waves, :h what a wonderful post.:thanks:

          I wish you ALL lived next door too! I'd let ya answer my phone for me too! Actually maybe she's finally taking the hint....hasn't called since yesterday.

          Tonight will be my last night @ work for a few weeks, as we're closing for a small re-model & new carpeting till the 14th. It'll be nice to have some time off, but I'll miss the cash. I can draw unemployment for the time we're closed, but it isn't much.
          Will be a good time for me to get some woodburning done to get the gift shop @ Mom & Dad's stocked up for the summer months. More junk to sell the tourists(as my Dad says... LOL)

          Had to give Hubby a ride home when i got off work last night. it seems he stayed in town after he closed the store & drank his dinner. He's such a lightweight! Glad he didn't try to drive.

          Hope everybody's having a great weekend.
          love ya bunches,
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            I want to

            Snowing here again. The paper said we've had 53 inches of snow this month. Normal is 35 and last year we had only 15 inches in January. No wonder it seems like its snowing so much! This should be great for the plants and grass and everything some Spring when it melts. I hope it doesn't all melt in a couple days which is what happens often. Then much of it runs off into the sewers and is wasted.

            Waves- that was sweet!

            BB - You must be getting very excited for your trip!

            Judie, Enjoy the time off.

            Hope everyone has a great day!

